Daming Crazy Emperor

Chapter 839 How to Make People Kneel and Sing Conquest

Chapter 839 How to Make People Kneel and Sing Conquest

In the study room in the front hall of the Emperor, Taichang looked at the confession recorded by Jin Yiwei, and suddenly noticed a word.

High-ranking officer?
The soldiers drawn from the Southeast Camp to temporarily act as translators may not understand what this high rank means, but he is quite clear about it.

In fact, this high-ranking officer should not be translated into high-ranking, but should be translated into high-caste.

Ah San's caste system is well known in later generations. People of high caste or the ruling class are the king of heaven in front of ordinary people or untouchables!

He has also seen related articles on the origin of this caste system.

In fact, the South Asian subcontinent was not unified by Ah San's own people, or the ruling class on the South Asian subcontinent was not locals, but foreign invaders.

At the beginning, it was the Persians who invaded or unified the South Asian subcontinent, and Sanskrit is actually a kind of ancient Persian language.

Moreover, the caste system created by the Persians listed themselves as the ruling class or high-caste people, while the natives of the South Asian subcontinent were listed as untouchables by them, and they would accept their slavery forever!

Ah San's mind is really different from that of ordinary people. They have actually accepted the caste system and are willing to be untouchables and be enslaved forever!
In other words, the leaders in Asan are the ruling class of these high castes, they do what they say, and these untouchables dare not resist at all.

It has to be said that this is the most successful invasion.

After the invaders occupied this place, they became the ruling class, directly making the people here kneel down and singing conquest!

Ah San knelt and sang Conquer, I don't know how long they sang, maybe it was hundreds of years, or maybe thousands of years. In short, they got used to kneeling and kneeling, and they really regarded themselves as pariahs.

The Mughal Empire was not founded by the Persians, but by the Mongols.

This history has been traced back for a long time. Simply put, Babur, who founded the Mughal Empire, is the sixth grandson of Timur, and Timur was born in the Barulasi tribe of the Western Chagatai Khanate in the Mongolian Yuan Dynasty. .

It is said that the Baru Lasi tribe is the descendant of Genghis Khan Temujin, Timur and Genghis Khan Temujin are of the same family, and his original name was Timur.

In short, the Mughal Empire was founded by the Mongols, or in other words, the Mongols defeated the Persians and became the rulers of the South Asian subcontinent.

This may be the reason why the Mughal Empire has been fighting the Persian Empire endlessly.

However, after the Mongols defeated the Persians, they felt that this surname system was good and beneficial to their rule, so they continued this caste system and included themselves in the ruling class.

Even, for the sake of the so-called pure blood, they did not intermarry with the locals, but only intermarried with the people of the Mongolian and Yuan Khanates and even the Persians.

Just like Taj Mahalla, she is a Persian, her original name is Ajman Banu, and Taj Mahalla is her title in Persian, which means the leader of the harem.

This title is the same as that of Shah Jahan. Shah Jahan is actually called Kuram, and Shah Jahan means ruler of the world in Persian.

In other words, at this moment, Persian is still commonly used among the top officials of the Mughal Empire, not the local dialect.

In short, no matter if they are Persians or Mongols, Ah San's ruling class is not local, and they have nothing to do with the locals of the South Asian subcontinent.

Why Taichang paid attention to this is also considering the issue of ruling the South Asian subcontinent.

You know, the population of the Mughal Empire is comparable to the population of the two capitals and thirteen provinces of the original Ming Dynasty, with hundreds of millions of people.

If he wanted to garrison troops here to suppress them, he would need at least a million troops.

To put it bluntly, the Southeast Camp and Nanyang Camp were used by him to guard after he took down the Mughal Empire.

This was a helpless move, because these Ah Sans have brain problems!

If he doesn't send enough troops to guard here after he takes down the Mughal Empire, they will be full of confidence after they get up, and they will go against Daming again.

There are hundreds of millions of people, so how can the Ming Empire bear it if they continue to work like this?
Therefore, he mobilized millions of troops from the Southeast Camp and the Nanyang Camp to guard the Mughal Empire after it was taken.

In fact, this method is not good. The annual food and salary of a million-strong army is 6000 to [-] million taels!
Moreover, an army of one million might not be able to hold down these troubled Ah Sans.

To be honest, the method used by the Persians is the best, directly making people kneel down, sing about conquering, and willing to be slaves forever!

The Mongols can follow the methods of the Persians, so why can't the Ming Dynasty follow the methods of the Persians?

The so-called soldiers who subdue others without fighting are those who are good and good. It is better to integrate into the ruling class here or transform into the ruling class here, and let them kneel down and sing conquest!
What about this?

Taichang frowned and pondered for a while, then said loudly: "A general who understands Persian will translate it."

The communication between Persia and the Central Plains dynasty is relatively frequent, so there are still many general translators who understand Persian in the Ministry of Rites of the Ming Dynasty.

As soon as he mentioned translation, he thought of newspapers again. These young men called all of a sudden, which caused him to delay running the "Le Monde".

Perhaps, you can print some leaflets for Ah San to create a public opinion offensive.

As for what content to print on the leaflets, it has to be carefully considered.

While he was thinking, an official from the Ministry of Rituals had already rushed in.

After paying respects to the monarch and his ministers, he asked directly, "Is there a word for emperor in Persian?"

The competent translator said without hesitation: "Yes, Your Majesty."

very good!

Taichang continued to ask: "How do you say the word emperor in Persian?"

Uh, this.

The general interpreter couldn't help being taken aback when he heard the words.

Because he usually translates Persian into Ming Dynasty Mandarin, unexpectedly, the emperor asked him to translate Daming Mandarin into Persian.

He froze for a moment, and quickly explained: "In Persian, the emperor is pronounced as Bagh."


It can't be the Bagg who is pressing the road, right?
Taichang couldn't help asking curiously: "Is there any similarity between this Persian language and Dongying dialect? It seems that Bagzor is used to curse people?"

What is this all about!

The competent translator quickly explained: "Your Majesty, Persian and Dongying dialect have nothing in common.

In Persian, Bagh means Son of Heaven, Son of Heaven, and refers specifically to the emperor of our Central Plains dynasty.

It is rumored that Baghdad, the capital of the Persian Empire during the Tang Dynasty, was taken from this meaning. "

Is this even related to the Tang Dynasty?

The capital of the Persian Empire is actually related to the emperor of the Central Plains Dynasty!

What is going on here?
Taichang couldn't help being curious again and said: "What rumors, please tell me well."

The translator quickly introduced: "It is rumored that in the Tang Dynasty, many merchants went to Persia to do business, specializing in selling silk, porcelain, tea and other commodities.

The place where they traded with the Persians was a small town between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers.

That town had no name in the past, but the businessmen in Datang always kept saying that no matter what good things happened, they would say that it was a gift from His Majesty the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty.

In Persian, the gift of His Majesty the Emperor of the Tang Empire translates to Baghdad, so the town was named Baghdad.

Later, this small town was taken by an emperor of the Persian Empire, and it was directly expanded into the capital of the Persian Empire, and Baghdad was also changed to Baghdad, which means the city given by God. "

That's what happened!
I don't know if this rumor is true or not, but even if it is false, it should be regarded as true!

I am the Son of Heaven!
Taichang thought for a while, then got up and said, "Let's go, follow me to the prison camp."

Why are you going to a prison camp?

Seeing the confused look of the general manager, Taichang could only explain to him in detail.

What are they going to do?

Taichang actually wanted to see if he could get Ah San to kneel down and sing Conquer.

At this time, Luo Sigong was still interrogating those high-ranking officials of the Mughal Empire with the Jinyiwei scouts and the elites drawn from the Southeast Camp.

The map of the Mughal Empire has also gradually become richer under his hands. Where there are cities, where there are water and land passages, and where are important military towns, they are gradually marked out.

He was painting vigorously, when Taichang suddenly came in with a group of guards, and said with a slight smile: "Si Gong, you take a rest first, I have something to ask these officers."

Hearing this, Luo Sigong quickly got up and stood aside, and said respectfully: "Your Majesty, please."

Taichang sat down at the presiding judge's seat, looked at the map of the Mughal Empire on the table, and then said loudly: "Bring all the high-ranking officers here."

Soon, all six high-ranking officers were dragged over and obediently bowed down in front of him.

Taichang took a closer look and found that these people really looked different from Ah San's civilians.

The complexion of these people is white and yellow, and they are the mixed blood of Mongols and Persians.

Hey, do you think you guys would play this trick?

Taichang smiled slightly, and then winked at the translator.

The interpreter immediately said loudly in Persian: "Don't you know that His Majesty the Emperor of the Ming Empire is the Son of Heaven?"

When several high-level military officers heard this, their faces were full of surprise.

It's not that they don't know that His Majesty the Emperor of the Ming Empire is the Son of Heaven, they just didn't expect that someone would suddenly speak Persian to them.

Why is His Majesty the Emperor of the Ming Empire the Son of Heaven?
We even beat the Persian Empire, who cares if you are the emperor or not!
These guys didn't even show any awe.

You are afraid that you want to toast and not eat fine wine.

Seeing this, Taichang snorted coldly, and then said sharply: "What are you pretending to be? I am the Son of Heaven, and you dare to invade the territory of the Son of Heaven, you deserve death!"

The six officers finally knew how to be afraid after hearing the report from the general interpreter.

Because the next sentence is likely to be "drag it out and chop it up"!

They kowtowed and kowtowed endlessly.

Of course, they are not cursing, what they are saying is "Master, please forgive me!"

Hmph, pig nose with scallions, how about you pretending to be an elephant?
If you are so afraid of death, why are you pretending?

Taichang said straightforwardly: "I will give you a chance, as long as you do what I say, I will not only spare you from death, but you will still be of high caste in the future, and you can also help Daming manage the civilians of the Mughal Empire."

Is there such a good thing?

Several high-ranking officers of Ah San got up again.

What they said probably meant "Da Tianzi, what do you want us to do?"

Taichang listened to Tong Shi's translation, and said calmly: "You should know what you mean by the so-called high level.

How did you fool the civilians here, I believe you should also know it in your heart.

What I want you to do is very simple, think about it carefully, how to convince the people here that our Daming is also a high-level ruler like you, and they must always listen to us. "

Are you not stealing our jobs?
These high-caste military officers certainly know how to fool the civilians under their hands.

Question, we are the ruling class here, why do we let people from the Ming Empire participate in the rule here?

(End of this chapter)

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