Daming Crazy Emperor

Chapter 840 The Supreme Ruler of the World

Chapter 840 The Supreme Ruler of the World

This group of Asan really has a problem with their brains, they pretend to be grandsons and uncles at one time.

Can't you figure out what's going on now?

Taichang said impatiently: "I don't know what's going on in your mind, I just want to remind you.

Now, you are captives, if I let you live you will live, if I let you die you will die.

I repeat again, those of you who are willing to cooperate will be able to live, and live well, and those of you who are not willing to cooperate will die!

This is also the last time to repeat, now, answer my questions one by one.

If you want to think about some other messy things in your mind, and pretend to be a grandson in front of me for a while, and an uncle for a while, then go to hell! "

When the six officers heard the words, they seemed to wake up from their sleep in an instant, and they began to kowtow again and again, and the bag was endless.

What they said probably meant "Da Tianzi, we are willing to cooperate."

Alas, it gave psychiatrists a headache when they met these mentally ill Asan.

Taichang said rather helplessly: "Cooperation is not just talking about it, I won't repeat the questions I just asked.

If you have any suggestions, tell me quickly, if you don’t say anything and pretend to be a master, I will immediately order people to drag you all out and chop them up! "

Well, these Asan's brains can still be normal when they are directly threatened with death.

An officer quickly started chattering.

What is this guy talking nonsense about?

Taichang couldn't help but look to the general translator at the side.

The competent translator quickly explained: "He said, this is actually not difficult.

As long as the emperor gives himself an honorary title, Assalam Bagh, and then catch more people of high caste and spread it around, saying that you are sent by God to save them, it's almost the same. "

Assalam Bagh!

What do you mean?
Don't translate it to Persian!

Taichang asked helplessly: "What does Assalam Bagh mean?"

The officer quickly translated: "Assalam Bagh roughly means, the son of heaven. The supreme ruler of the world."

Well, the name is really awesome, and this method is really good.

Hearing this, Taichang couldn't help but nodded slightly and said, "That's right, what's your name."

After hearing Tong Shi's translation, the officer immediately flattered and said, "My son, my name is Abu Hassan Assaf Ahara."

My God, how can people remember your long list.

Taichang thought for a while, then solemnly said: "Ahara, I will give you another chance to prove your ability.

Tell me, how can these 20 captives treat me as the supreme ruler of the world and obey me obediently.

If you can do it, I will promote you as a minister.

Daming India has been appointed as the assistant minister of the Minister of Political Envoys. In the future, your status will be at least equivalent to the governor of your state. "

Oops, so good!

Originally, he was just an ordinary Kshatriya, who could only be an officer who led troops to fight, and was not qualified to be a governor at all.

Well now, I have a chance to be the governor.

This opportunity cannot be missed!
He thought about it excitedly for a while, and then asked cautiously: "Assalam, can you give them some meat? Fish, chicken, etc. are fine."

This is of course no problem.

Taichang nodded without hesitation and said: "Yes, I can let them eat fish every day, beef, mutton, chicken and so on. As long as they are obedient, they will have it."

Since Da Mingzi is so generous, there is no problem.

On this day, the food for the 20 captives suddenly improved. At noon, in addition to beef bones stewed with potatoes, there was also deliciously cooked fish. In the evening, in addition to lamb bones stewed with potatoes, there was also deliciously cooked chicken. !
In fact, they already thought the original meals were pretty good. Every meal included stewed potatoes with meat and bones, plus bread and rice.

Because when they were in the camp of the Mughal Empire opposite, every meal was stewed with potatoes, onions, etc., and there was still one pancake per person, and it took a few days for rice to be eaten, and each person still had a little, which was simply not enough. Can't eat enough.

Not only did the Ming Empire have enough bread and rice, but there was even a lot of meat left on the meaty bones, which was a good meal for them.

According to rumors in later generations, it is said that Ah San likes to eat vegetarian food and does not like to eat meat. It is because people of high caste control public opinion and fool others.

It's not that Ah San's commoners don't like to eat meat, but they can't afford it. Only people of high caste can feast on meat.

It is rare for ordinary people to eat meat a few times throughout the year, but whenever there is meat, they eat it more happily than anyone else.

This is the power of public opinion. When ordinary people can't afford meat, if it is in the hands of high-caste propaganda tools, it will directly become ordinary people who don't like meat!
The fact is that they like to eat meat very much, and whenever they can eat meat, they are as happy as a festival.

After these two meals of fish and meat, they were so happy that they ate it directly, it was like celebrating a new year's festival.

Early the next morning, when Taichang came to the prison camp, Ahara and five other high-caste officers bowed down as soon as they bowed. He is the son of heaven, the supreme ruler of the world, sent by heaven to save you, as long as you follow Assalam Bagh, you can live a good life.

You untouchables, hurry up and kneel down to meet the supreme Assalam Bagh! "

Well, when these high-caste officers were lying on the ground, the other prisoners actually knew that the identity of the person who entered the prison camp was not simple.

When they heard people say that this respected person is the son of heaven, the supreme ruler of the world, sent by heaven to save them, everyone immediately got down on the ground and kowtowed reverently.

Since they were prisoners during this period, they have indeed eaten better every day than before. The fish and meat yesterday were even more delicious. In addition, several high-caste officers have said so in front of them. They really believe it. The Supreme Assharam Bagh is here to save them.

When Taichang saw the pious appearance of these people, he knew that these people really believed.

Well, Persians, Mongols, and even the British can make you docile, and I can make you docile too!
Taichang nodded slightly, then raised his hand and said, "You should know that this is the territory of the Great Ming Dynasty.

I think you are pitiful, I never thought of bullying you, and the Ming Dynasty never used troops against the Mughal Empire.

It was Shah Jahan who was bewitched by the evil Europeans and attacked the Great Ming Dynasty inexplicably.

He has been bewitched by demons, and he will bring you only disaster and death.

I decided to send troops to fight back, to accept Shah Jahan, who was bewitched by the demons, and save you from the fire and water.

From now on, as long as you listen to me and farm and work honestly, I guarantee that you will have no worries about food and clothing, and you will have meat to eat every day.

Moreover, you will never be forced to die on the battlefield again, I guarantee that you can live your life in peace. "

Ahara repeated it in the dialect of the Mughal Empire without hesitation, and then muttered: "You all quickly thank Assalam Bagh for his gift!"

Well, ordinary people like Ah San are actually blindly obeying the ruling class of the high caste.

Now they were out of Shah Jahan's control, and these high-caste officers said so, and they naturally followed the new ruler blindly.

That is, the supreme ruler of the world, Assalam Bagh!

There was a buzzing sound, and 20 captives kowtowed reverently.

Well, if you are obedient, I will naturally let you live a good life.

Anyone of you who dares to be disobedient is looking for death, and you can't blame me.

Taichang nodded slightly, then raised his hand and said: "Okay, get up, I will let you go back after defeating Shah Jahan, I hope you can tell others that if you listen to me, you will be saved and live a better life." Good day.

If you don't listen to me, then die with Shah Jahan who was bewitched by the demons! "

The 20 captives seemed tamed.

Taichang also pretended not to send soldiers from the southeast battalion to take turns guarding them. Every day they just followed a few officers under Ahara to the wharf to carry food and supplies, and they came in rotation. They were not tired at all, and their daily food improved. , every meal has fish or meat.

Of course, it's just an illusion that no one is guarding them. There are more than 170 million people in Xinwuwei City. If they dare to be dishonest, tens of 10 people will surround them every minute.

Moreover, the 20 captives are just experiments, and the real highlight is yet to come.

On this day, Taichang specially recruited Ahara to the city wall, and let him scan the Mughal Empire camp with a large telescope.

It wasn't until the guy couldn't close his mouth in shock that he said earnestly: "Ahara, I believe you have seen in the past few days how many troops we have assembled and what about our weapons and equipment.

Do you think Shah Jahan and the Mughal Empire have a chance of winning? "

Just kidding, there is still a chance of winning, it is not bad if the whole army is not wiped out.

In the past few days, no one has guarded him. In the barracks and on the pier, he can walk around at will, but he hasn't climbed up the city wall yet.

At this moment, he fully understood how powerful the Ming Empire was.

Shah Jahan is really courting death!
He hurriedly said: "Son of the Great Ming Dynasty, we actually don't know why Shah Jahan listened to the British and suddenly led an army to attack the Great Ming Dynasty.

He is looking for death! "

Taichang listened to Tongshi's translation, and sighed slightly: "He is looking for death, but the people who died were ordinary people and you ordinary high-caste officers.

You may not know that when you were captured, he also sent more than [-] troops to attack the city frontally.

Moreover, later he organized more than 80 people to attack the city wall once more. In these two times alone, the casualties of ordinary people and ordinary high-caste officers like you were more than one million. "

Hearing this, Ahara couldn't help being dumbfounded.

He really didn't know how the battle was going on on the other side of the city wall. He just led people to sneak attack, and was taken prisoner for no reason.

Millions of casualties!

If he hadn't been captured, he would have become cannon fodder by now.

He was stunned for a while, and then sighed slightly: "Perhaps, we are cannon fodder in the eyes of Shah Jahan, and he doesn't care about our life or death at all."

Taichang nodded slightly, and continued: "This time he has organized a total of 140 million people, and he wants to play big with me.

I believe that in the next wave of siege, he will send at least 120 million horses to attack the city wall.

At that time, how much cannon fodder is that?

I really don't want all these people to become cannon fodder.

Therefore, you have to prepare well, choose at least a thousand loud voices, and teach them how to shout to persuade them to surrender.

The next time Shah Jahan sends an army to attack the walls, you take them up the walls and shout, hoping to turn some people around. "

Is shouting helpful?
This is indeed worth a try.

Anyway, he has already decided to close the net. At that time, these ordinary civilians and ordinary high-caste officers who attacked the city wall will die if they do not surrender.

These ordinary civilians are laborers for farming, and ordinary high-caste military officers are his propaganda tools. Naturally, he hopes to capture more prisoners instead of killing them all.

(End of this chapter)

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