The film starts with the Navy SEALs

Chapter 1012 Shopping spree, buy, buy, buy

Chapter 1012 Shopping spree, buy, buy, buy
After chatting with Dennis for a long time, Ogrizko finally ended the reminiscence between the two of them and took out a cardboard package.

"Here, I've got something new that I think you'll be interested in."

"What's in there?"

Dennis is very curious, and Long Zhan is also quite interested.

"Open it for yourself." Ogrizko continued to maintain a sense of mystery.


Dennis didn't say any more polite words, he pulled the cardboard package onto the table in front of him, and opened it with two clicks.

There were only a few dozen rounds of bullets inside, and the warheads were all painted blue.

When Dennis saw this blue-headed bullet, his reaction was exactly as Ogrizko said, and his eyes lit up.

"The subsonic purely manual reloading pistol bullet is indeed a rare item. When used with a silencer pistol, it can suppress the sound of the gun to below 50 decibels. For Lao Liu, it is simply a magic weapon."

Long Zhan's unique vision could tell it at a glance, revealing the characteristics of bullets like a few treasures.

In most industries, personal repairs and reworks are basically not as good as the original ones, but the opposite is true in the field of bullets.

The function and performance of the hand-reloaded bullets of the same type are mostly superior to those of the original production bullets.

of course.

There is a premise here.

That is, the reinstaller must be an expert in the industry. If it is a half-level person or a novice, then it will be another result.

"Yes, they are all handmade bullets. The guy who made these bullets is not easy. He is the best in all Takov. It took a lot of effort for me to get these bullets."

I don't know if it's the bragging of the businessman, or whether these bullets are really so good, what Ogrizko said is very mysterious.

"that's it?"

Dennis was completely attracted, he held the bullet in his hand and couldn't bear to let it go, and asked urgently, "I want more bullets like this, is there any more?"

"The hand-reassembled ones are gone, just dozens of rounds, but there are still galvanized blue heads." Ogrizko said.

(PS: The galvanizing mentioned here is not galvanized on the warhead, but the material of the shell is galvanized steel. Maozi’s civilian bullets use steel shells in order to reduce costs.)
"I want galvanized ones too, and I'll take ordinary ones too, but it's best to import them, not from Barnaul."

Hearing Dennis's special request, Long Zhan couldn't help but look at him with admiration again, and couldn't help but secretly said: "As expected of the sixth professional, he is so picky about bullets."

The Barnaul that Dennis mentioned is the Barnaul company located in southern Siberia. It is famous for manufacturing Russian military and civilian ammunition and is one of the most famous ammunition companies in the world.

Its product range is very complete, and its low price makes its products popular among folk shooting enthusiasts and some professionals.

When firing a normal handgun at close range, the difference between the different bullets is usually not that noticeable.

But for a submachine gun that pursues the rate of fire, if you want to accurately hit a target 100 meters away, it is best to find imported bullets.

Barnaul's cheap civilian subsonic bombs cannot be effectively guaranteed in this regard.

Dennis must have suffered from cheap bombs, which caused him to go wrong when he was in the dark, so he is so taboo and picky now.

"Understood, I will definitely import ammunition for you."

Ogrizko met the needs of customers, and by the way, he did not forget to promote a wave: "I also have bullets with expanded projectiles or bullets with steel cores. Do you want to think about it? The penetrating power is stronger. In special cases It will come in handy."

"Yes, yes, 4 rounds of everything, and I also need some TNT or C[-] explosives." Dennis started the big purchase mode.

Even if you want everything because of greed, you will not hesitate to go into poverty overnight.

As for why explosives...

The reason is that on the way from the coastline, Long Zhan taught Dennis a lot of blasting knowledge through dictation and fighting against cultists.

Now Dennis can't wait, he wants to experience the joy of "Zha Zha Zha" by himself.

As a businessman, Ogrizko naturally would not refuse a customer's request. The more customers bought, the happier he was. He immediately asked, "Do you want a lot?"

"How many do you have? Which ones?" Dennis asked.

"I still have some TNT here. I can probably gather half a box for you, about two kilograms. Is it enough for you?" Ogrizko said.

"Enough, this is what I need." Dennis said with satisfaction.

Two kilograms of TNT can do a lot!
"Then do you need anything else? As long as you bring enough money, as long as you need it, I can find a way to get it for you."

Ogrizko felt that Dennis still had potential and was determined to squeeze him out.

"I basically have enough. I can't carry any more. After all, I have to drag them home. I don't have that much strength."

Dennis controlled the desire to buy, and raised his chin to Long Zhan's side and said, "Don't catch me as a sheep, don't forget that there is another big customer here."

"Oh, sorry, forgive my omission."

Ogrizko had a disillusioned expression, and he manipulated the businessman's face to death, and asked enthusiastically to Long Zhan: "Dragon King, what do you need? I can provide anything you want in the store." something you want."

Long Zhan came here because he had a need. He immediately unloaded the tactical backpack on his back, opened the zipper and turned it upside down on the table.

After a bang, there was a lot of stuff on the table.

Hundreds of rounds of small-caliber rifle ammunition, red dots and holographic sights removed from the gun, dog tags scraped off from USEC and BEAR, an iron box with many mysterious keys, three bundles of rubles and a bundle of dollars etc.

Rubles and U.S. dollars were gifts from Charles to Long Zhan after he gave him the helmet when he left USEC, which is equivalent to the reward for saving Eugene and others by Long Zhan.

30 rubles and 1 US dollars are not much, so Long Zhan naturally wouldn't be polite to him.

Long Zhan picked up the iron box containing the key and put it back in the tactical backpack. The key inside was precious and probably hidden some kind of big secret. Long Zhan didn't want to just take it out and trade it now.

The remaining things are trading chips, Long Zhan put forward his request: "All the things here are for you, I just want to exchange two things."

"Which two?"

Ogrizko glanced at the things on the table, and all of them were worth a lot of money. If it wasn't something too rare, he could make a lot of money from this deal.

"I only need 500 rounds of 7.62 bullets, plus the specific location of the doctor." Long Zhan said.

"Which doctor?" Ogrizko asked.

(End of this chapter)

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