The film starts with the Navy SEALs

Chapter 1013 Someone Came to Play

Chapter 1013 Someone Came to Play
"Elvira Cabibalina."

Long Zhan reported the detailed name, and Ogrizko immediately responded.

"Elvira? I know her."

Ogrizko crossed his chest with his left hand, propped his chin with his right hand and pondered for a moment: "Elvira is a very cautious woman, she usually switches randomly between several strongholds from time to time.

I don't know where she is exactly, and it is very difficult for strangers to meet her.

However, I have a way to contact her and tell you your wish to see her. As for whether she is willing to see you, it is not within the scope of our transaction. "

Ogrizko's words were a little cryptic, but the meaning was very clear.

Those things that Long Zhan brought out were only enough for him to help spread the word and set up a line. He didn't care if he could meet people or not, and it was up to Long Zhan to operate the rest.

"make a deal!"

Long Zhan stretched out his right hand readily.

Ogrizko is a standard businessman. It is the principle of a businessman to do as much as he pays. No matter how long-winded bargaining is, it is meaningless.

Moreover, according to Long Zhan's personal guess, the relationship between Ogrizko and the doctor is not close, and it may be the limit to be able to contact him.

"In three days, you come to get the news."

Ogrizko held Long Zhan's hand, and liked Long Zhan's neat and straightforward work.

"Three days?"

Long Zhan frowned, dissatisfied, and said firmly, "Three days is too long, I can't wait that long, two days at most."

"Okay, then I'll hurry up and follow up, and the two days should be about the same."

Ogrizko agreed too happily, and Long Zhan couldn't help complaining in his heart: "What a shrewd fox, he actually predicted my words in advance."

Long Zhan was sure that he could have done it in two days, and said that the three days were all to leave room for "bargaining".

Leave room for everything, standard business.

have nothing to say.

After talking about the matter, the next step is to chat and wait. Ogrizko's men moved very quickly, and the goods for the transaction were ready in less than 5 minutes.

Seeing that Ogrizko's men brought all the goods they needed without leaving the gate, Long Zhan confirmed his previous guess.

There must be a large basement underneath this Pingding house.

Dennis had more than 900 rounds of various bullets, and the weight reached more than 31 kilograms. Adding the two guns and what was carried in the bag, the total weight exceeded 50 kilograms.

This is really not a small weight for the thin Dennis.

You can pick it up, but you can't go too far.

Long Zhan had to wait two days to hear from the doctor, thinking that he had nowhere to go and urgently needed a place to stay, so he decided to go up and be a good person.

With his left hand he raised his own 500 rounds of 7.62, and with his right hand he easily raised Dennis's more than 900 rounds of ammunition, and enthusiastically said that he would help Dennis send it back.

Dennis has always been a cautious person, and he has lived to this day only by being cautious.

The safe house where you sleep is a very important secret. In order to ensure that you can sleep safely, Dennis has not brought anyone home so far.

Therefore, he had some concerns about Long Zhan's enthusiasm, and hesitated for a while before deciding to take a gamble.

Dennis needs the combat power ceiling of Dragon War, and it is the kind that is just needed. In order to survive better in the future, the price-performance ratio of this bet is very high.

In order to consolidate the relationship with Long Zhan, he couldn't refuse Long Zhan's enthusiasm.

put it bluntly

There are still feelings, but not many, and the main thing is "each takes what he needs".

Dennis has many personal secret safe houses, which are spread in almost every large area of ​​Takov, among which the safe houses in the neighborhood are the most.

Among them, the safe house closest to the exchange is less than 500 meters away.

Safe house.

The environment is nothing to shout about.

A few simple wooden boards and cardboards, covered with a few blankets that have discolored and smelled, are the core beds of the safe house.

Cabinets of miscellaneous things, stacked with canned, compressed food and drinking water, are all the interior decoration.

The only thing that surprised Long Zhan was that there was a high-power radio that was connected to a battery and could stand by for a long time.

But then again.

Although the "decoration" of the safe house is shabby, there is no problem with the safety.

To get in, you need to climb through a half-collapsed corridor, then pass through a ventilation duct with several traps, and then walk down a section of stairs leading to the basement, and finally reach this safe house located underground.

Long Zhan was very curious about how Dennis found out such a secret place.

This old sixth ability is really awesome!

Living in a safe house where even mice can't be found, Long Zhan thought that these two days would be easy, and passed away after sleeping and chatting.

Unexpectedly, the facts and imagination are completely contrary to each other, and Takov's life is not peaceful every day.

Waking up the next morning was not pleasant at all.

Long Zhan was woken up by the standby radio call, someone was calling Dennis through the radio, and the tone sounded very urgent.

By listening to the conversation between Dennis and the person at the other end, Long Zhan probably knew what was going on.

It turned out to be a man named Gavrish, who hoped to meet Dennis immediately, saying that there was something urgent that needed to be discussed face to face.

Gavrish's name Long Zhan has an impression. Dennis mentioned yesterday that he is the current boss of the Bandit Gang.

Dennis has a very special relationship with Gavrish. In order to continue to maintain contact with the robber gang, he cannot ignore Gavrish's urgent meeting request.

Long Zhan is now living at Dennis's house, anyway, we just went to help out together.

Dennis had exactly this intention and did not refuse Long Zhan to go with him.

The meeting place was near the old lair of the bandit squad, and the safe house was less than 800 meters away from it in a straight line, and it took at most 10 minutes to walk there.

Dennis, the sixth child, pretended habitually and deliberately waited at home for half an hour before leaving.

Coupled with the elapsed time of more than 40 minutes, Gavrish will definitely make a misjudgment of the distance, thinking that the safe house is far away.

This is a very useful little trick!
The Bandit Gang is just an unknown small and medium-sized gang among the many SCAV gangs. Now it relies on trading posts and predators to survive, and there is not enough lair.

Therefore, the two parties did not choose to meet in the old nest, but in an abandoned factory near the old nest.

There were bandit-like younger brothers guarding the outside of the factory. Obviously, the boss Gavrish had already arrived first, and Dennis walked in without hindrance.

It could be seen that Gavrish was really in a hurry, he didn't even say hello to Dennis when they met, and he only took a second look at the dragon war who came with him.

Then he got straight to the point and said eagerly: "They want to talk to you."

(End of this chapter)

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