The film starts with the Navy SEALs

Chapter 1094 Firefight!Intense firefight!

Long Zhan and Andre are in a good position and have a wide field of vision. They can have a panoramic view of hundreds of meters around them. The USEC that they touched is right under their noses.

The BEAR team located in the warehouse had a bunker to hide in, but at the same time lost their external vision.

Like a frog in a well!

Completely unaware of their deadly enemy, BEAR, which USEC has enlisted from this southeast direction, is still annoyed looking for the SCAV that slipped away.

Even the fact that there was no response to calling the whistle outside did not take it as a very important matter.

It wasn't that the BEAR team was too slack and didn't realize the danger was coming, but that they didn't expect to be exposed so quickly.

Normal people say.

Relying on their relationship with the Russian government, they successfully passed through the blockade wall and entered Takov through the back door. They sneaked all the way so covertly that it was impossible for them to be discovered by USEC.

Except for the USEC, which is coming in large groups, the full BEAR is not afraid of anyone at all.

But I don't know which link went wrong. The news and route of this fully-made BEAR's entry into Tarkov were secretly leaked out.

This led to the current scene where the other party outflanked the opponent before he even started to act.

After about 2 minutes.

I don't know that the warehouse has been surrounded, the outside is full of the enemy USEC's BEAR team, still looking for SCAV through various windows and holes.

As a result, a BEAR member walked by the window, stepped on the upturned steel bar and tripped to the ground.

"Da da da da..."

"Clap clap clap..."

The firepower of light machine guns and rifles tilted and poured down like a storm.

The windows covered by the iron sheets were riddled with bullets in an instant, the dust was flying, and the warheads were flying around in the warehouse like headless chickens.

Fortunately, this BEAR tripped over the steel bars and avoided the rain of bullets coming towards him, preventing him from being beaten into a sieve on the spot.

Unfortunately he didn't dodge all the bullets, some of them landed on his body.

Luckily, the upper body was covered by the bulletproof vest. Although the pain was so painful that he almost stopped breathing, the bullet did not enter the body, and it was not enough to cause a fatal injury.

However, the bullet that hit his leg went deep into his hip bone, and the pain caused the bear to scream uncontrollably.

The scene turned into a mess in an instant!

Fortunately, this team of BEAR is a carefully selected elite, most of them are veterans who have experienced many battles, and the youngest has also fought one or two actual battles.

In the face of this unsuspecting attack, it didn't just collapse into a mess.

"Enemy attack! Enemy attack! Suck low at 1 o'clock."

The black-faced BEAR has a burly figure and a fierce appearance. He doesn't seem to be easy to provoke. He also has rich combat experience, and he found the enemy's position almost instantly.

While yelling loudly to remind others, he raised the modified tactical AK12 and swiped.

"Da da da da da..."

The 7.62㎜ bullet roared out, passed through the thin iron plate at the window from the inside, and predicted to shoot the enemy outside.

All but one of the other team members ran over, grabbed the injured and screaming BEAR body armor shoulder straps, and dragged him to the back of the box for first aid.

The rest of the people were reminded by the black face BEAR, and followed him to fight back.

They can't see where the enemy is, so they can only blindly penetrate the window like the black-faced BEAR, and shoot at the enemy in the direction of 1:00.

The USEC outside can't see the inside, and can only sweep at the window.

There was an iron wall between the two sides, and the ammunition of the weapons in their respective hands was poured crazily. The bullets shuttled back and forth and hit the iron plate, like frying beans in a fire.

Crackling non-stop!
Although it was a bit rusty and had holes, the metal wall was still intact on the whole. In just a few seconds, hundreds of holes were punched out.

At first glance, it looks like a sieve.

The sound of gunshots, bullet holes, the sound of shell ejection, and the trampling sound of gunshots hitting the inside of the gun chamber after the automatic shooting magazine was emptied, revealed fierceness and madness everywhere.

It's so exciting!
"The magazine is empty, stop firing and reload."

After frenzied strafing at any cost, the magazines between the two sides were exhausted, and they stopped at the same time almost as if they had made an appointment.

One second it was ringing like a busy city, and the next second it was as quiet as late at night.

Only the fast-paced click-for-mono sound remains.

The middle-aged BEAR, the captain, finished changing the magazine and shouted to BEAR who was hiding behind the box: "Shelb, how are you? Are you okay?"

"Alive, Brett, shot in the ass, it hurts so much." Sherb answered through clenched teeth.

The captain pressed the headset and said, "Sherb is injured. The bullet came in from the outside. Did you find anything outside?"

"Damn it, where did he come from?"

The medical soldier who treated Sherb cursed in a low voice, but the movements in his hands did not fall, and he skillfully stopped the bleeding and bandaged him.

It is definitely too late to get the warhead now.

The captain waited for a few seconds, but still didn't hear any reply from anyone outside, and said to the black-faced BEAR, "Mouse, go and control the situation."

The complexion is very dark, the face is full of beards, and the tough-looking burly man has a code name of mouse.

It's really strange!

"Okay, boss."

The mouse had already changed the magazine, nodded and the cat ran to the hole in the wall on the left.

The sight came to the machine gunner and the sniper outside. The two of them were guarding the left side of the warehouse. It wasn't that they didn't want to answer the boss's call, but that they couldn't respond.

They have seen the enemy, and the position is very bad, there is no obstacle between them and the enemy.

If you talk on the radio at this time, even if the voice is small, there is a risk of exposure, and it will be very troublesome if you are discovered.

Therefore, neither of them responded, but communicated with each other through eyes and gestures.

After confirming it, let's start changing positions together.

While changing positions, he did not forget to observe. After moving to a new place, a familiar figure appeared in the machine gunner's peripheral vision——

The SCAV that just sneaked away!

"I found the target at two o'clock. It's the bastard who slipped away just now." The machine gunner called.

"Got it, I'll get him done."

After replying by radio, the captain gave a young, fair-faced BEAR a look, and motioned him to get that guy out.

The young BEAR understood what the captain meant, took out a grenade and touched the door.

Swing sideways to the 2 o'clock direction.


The explosion was very loud.

The wooden box next to the wall was blown to pieces, and the SCAV hiding behind the wall was frightened by the grenade, and ran out from the front and rear with its hands up.

He thought he would be fine if he surrendered, as he had in previous situations.

However, what greeted him was a shuttle of bullets.

The captain, who came out behind the young BEAR, shot over with a precise short shot, and two balls of blood hugged the SCAV.

One on the chest and one on the head.

No luck this time...

It must be chilling!

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