"It's gone, keep looking, it's not him who made friends with us just now, where are those bastards, find out where they are."

The captain returned to his colleagues in the warehouse and gave orders to the team members outside.

The captain had already planned to lead the team to set off to find the missing former team.

But now a group of enemies suddenly appeared, and he must not rashly lead the team out before finding out the enemies outside.

Because once you go out, you have no cover, and you are completely exposed to the enemy.

In the distant factory!
Long Zhan witnessed BEAR's tactical coordination and the emergency response after the preview, and said pleasantly: "This BEAR team is very powerful, not an ordinary team, even if it is placed in the PMC, it is still an elite team.

If we can lure them to the factory area, we should be able to cause them a lot of trouble, and there is a great possibility that we will lose both, and then..."

Long Zhan didn't finish the rest of the sentence, but the old fox's smile already represented the answer.

"So to say……"

Andre is also a smart person, he understood Long Zhan's meaning in an instant, and said with a smile: "Then we have to help them a bit, we can't let them disappear here, otherwise we will lose."

"It won't happen without it."

Long Zhan shook his head and analyzed: "Judging from the current strength of both sides, it is very difficult for this group of USEC to swallow this team of BEAR as a whole.

If it weren't for the large number of USEC, nearly twice as many people, there is a high probability that they will not be able to beat BEAR.

But you're right, we have to help these BEARs, and if the BEAR team suffers serious losses, then we won't be able to help us. "

Both Long Zhan and Andre are aware of the problem, and this team of BEAR must be kept.

But how to protect it?

This is a problem!
Because in the end, this team of BEAR will be used to drive away the wolves to kill the USEC who robbed the Terra box, and BEAR must not be allowed to know that there is a third party.

Otherwise, this team of BEAR will feel apprehensive and unwilling to use all their strength to fight.

So Long Zhan and Andre must not show up, let them know that someone is helping them, and everything must be done quietly in secret.

At the same time, in the process of helping BEAR, I had to bury the line that would lead them to the factory area.

It is very difficult to achieve these two points.


Long Zhan believes that he can find a way, and Andre also believes that there will be a chance.

Therefore, the two of them were not in a hurry, and watched the play at the side with peace of mind, paying close attention to the situation between the two sides, waiting for an opportunity to appear.

After a while in the warehouse, the situation suddenly became complicated.

Originally thought it was just a shot in the buttocks, Sherb who just replied to the boss took the initiative to say that the situation did not improve after the buttock injury stopped bleeding, but his complexion became worse and worse.

People are starting to get confused!

The medics sensed that something was wrong, and immediately began to check Scherb's body, and found that there was a hole in his tactical vest, which penetrated into the body armor inside.

Because he was wearing body armor, carrying a backpack, and still wearing clothes, there was no way to check, so he could only call the captain.

"Boss, I need you here."

Hearing the medical soldier's call, the captain closed his gun and ran over to glance at Sherb, and found that something was wrong, he frowned and asked: "Suka, what happened, wasn't Sherb just fine? "

"He was shot not only in his butt, but also in his body. The bullet went under the body armor. I need help to untie it to see your situation."

As soon as the medical soldier finished speaking, a communication came from everyone's headsets.

"Comrades, there is a situation outside. I saw them in the direction of the store at two o'clock. There were a lot of people. Our old friends from the West came."

The caller was the machine gunner who was watching outside, and a clear change could be heard in his tone.

Facing the SCAV coming over for food, the BEARs can smile and face it, and don't take it seriously at all, but the old USEC friends are different.

This is an old opponent who is evenly matched with them, and if they slack off, they will pay the price of their lives.


The captain was also very upset when he heard that it was USEC, and couldn't help but burst into foul language. The covert mission turned into an exposed battle, which was very passive.

Realizing that time was running out of time, the captain squatted down and asked, "Hey, Sherb, can you still stand up? We have to go."

The enemy's store in the direction of two o'clock, if BEAR immediately withdraw from the opposite direction.

There is still a high chance of escaping.

However, Scherb seemed to be seriously injured, his eyesight had been lost for a while, and he didn't respond to questions.

"He has lost consciousness. The situation is urgent. I must find the wound immediately."

The medical soldier couldn't care about anything else, and before the captain could speak, he began to untie Sherb's backpack, ready to take off his equipment and give first aid on the spot.

The captain also realized that if he left now, Sherb would definitely die on the way to evacuate.

Is it to take Sherb to evacuate immediately, and use the life of an adult to exchange everyone out of danger?Or stay and buy time for the medical soldiers to save people?

Facing the two difficult choices, the captain hesitated.

"I have seen 8 enemies, outflanking from both sides. There must be more than this number. We seem to be in trouble."

Another call came from the headset, more urgent than before.

As soon as the machine gunner finished speaking, the sniper's words followed immediately: "Comrades, what should I say, hurry up, or fuck it."

The constant sound of reports coming from the headset made the captain's mood even more tangled.


The captain cursed, gritted his teeth and made a decision.

He couldn't give up the life of any team member, so he decided to defend on the spot in the warehouse to buy time for the medical soldiers to treat Scherb.

"Shelb couldn't move, so he had to do it."

"skif, you help Sherb."

"Mouse, ground skif position, watch the back door to the railroad."


The captain issued several orders in a row, and the BEAR team members just adjusted their positions according to the orders, and the brief calm ended again.

Seeing the change of personnel in the warehouse, USEC officially launched a full-scale attack.

"Papa, papa..."


"Bang bang bang bang bang..."

Short bursts, long bursts, and light machine gun suppression, the bullets rushed towards the warehouse like a torrential rain.

USEC occupies a two-story red brick factory building, which just covers the entire left side of the warehouse. The word shop is written on the gate of the factory building.

In terms of location.

USEC occupies a considerable advantage.

Because although the red brick wall is not as strong as concrete, and the interior space is not as large as the warehouse, it is much stronger than the thin iron sheet of the warehouse.

This allows USEC to lean against the wall and shoot with its head exposed, and just retract its head when encountering barrage suppression.

The shooting range is large and more flexible.

Moreover, attacking the direction of the warehouse from the second floor also occupies the height advantage of attacking from top to bottom.

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