The film starts with the Navy SEALs

Chapter 1096 The Failed Assault Team

On the other hand, BEAR is more troublesome.

BEAR hadn't planned to do a big job here, but just wanted to hide and rectify here, and then set off to find the missing team.

So the priority is concealment, not value in combat.

Now being attacked by USEC, he was immediately locked in the warehouse and couldn't get out.

Fortunately, as an elite PMC team, the basic tactical deployment will never be forgotten, even if it is just for a short nap.

The machine gunners and snipers deployed outside in advance played a very important role in containment.

Even if USEC has a huge advantage, they dare not rely on firepower to suppress it rashly, and pour mines into the warehouse at close range.

If the USEC is really asked to come over to fill mines, a dozen high-explosive mines will go in.

Even though the warehouse has a large space, it is a semi-enclosed space after all. Even if the continuous explosion of the grenade can't kill the BEARs, the shock will stun them.

BEARs are well aware of this drawback.

However, in order to buy time for Scherb, the boss has made a decision to stick to the warehouse, which makes the team members have to go all out.

The USECs are obviously prepared, and their firepower is very fierce.

There are four USECs with guns on the second floor, each occupying a window sill, and the muzzles of the guns are condescending to fire, and the firepower is very sufficient.

Especially the M4 without a silencer, the sound of shooting is extremely loud.

Every shot was like thunder.

The remaining USECs also entered the battle, each finding a place to hide in various places in the shop, and tilting towards the direction of the warehouse.

Then the teammates frantically suppressed the firepower, and four USECs appeared at the gate of the store.

The USEC in front was holding a bulletproof shield, and the remaining three were lined up behind him, with their guns crossed left and right facing forward.

The three of them formed up and pushed forward, preparing to approach the outside of the warehouse.

From their waist pockets stuffed with grenades, it can be seen that their assault team is going to do bad things close to the warehouse.

The BEARs in the warehouse were all suppressed and could only shrink inside and shoot out through the wall.

External vision is very limited.

While hiding behind all kinds of boxes and sundries, he could only glimpse the faintly visible enemy in the opposite store building through the damaged hole in the iron wall of the warehouse.

The USEC assault team is ready to do bad things, and the BEAR inside can't find it at all.

The other side started to suppress the fire one step earlier, pinning down the enemy's machine gunner. Now it is difficult to protect himself, and he can't move at all after being pressed by the enemy on the abandoned truck.

If no one stands up to stop the USEC team, BEAR will soon be defeated.

The sniper, who had been hiding in the dark to observe without shooting and providing information to his teammates in the warehouse, couldn't bear it any longer.


With a shot, he immediately retracted it.

The action is crisp and neat, the technique is exquisite and in place, and the bullet hits the target accurately.

The .5000 Lapu Magnum ammunition of the Orsi Т-338 high-precision sniper penetrated the bulletproof shield with one shot and knocked the shield-bearing USEC behind it to the ground.

Bulletproof shields can only protect against submachine guns and rifles, but not armor-piercing sniper bullets.

The USEC with the shield was wearing body armor and a splinter, and the bullets that penetrated the shield did not kill him with a single shot.

But the impact of the bullet hitting the body armor made his chest feel like a hammer, and his breathing was so painful that his body became weak.

If you fall to the ground for a while, you will not be able to get up at all.

Seeing this situation, the other three USECs in the back did not continue to charge forward, but decisively chose to grab the shoulder strap of the shield holder and drag him back behind the inner wall of the gate.

Without a shield in front of him, trying to cross the open space between two buildings, there is no point lighting a lamp in the toilet to seek death.

After solving the power of the USEC assault team, the snipers did not breathe a sigh of relief, but became a little more nervous than before.

Because he has been exposed now, the enemy's firepower has already covered his head and face.

He was just half lying on his back hiding behind an abandoned car. The small body of the car was less than two meters wide, and bullets could hit him at any time.

BEAR snipers are really insecure!
Sniper rifles are not suitable for fire suppression. Two or three USEC rifles have less continuous firepower, and they can no longer raise their heads when they are suppressed.

The particularly uncomfortable sniper could only yell over the radio: "Comrades, our situation is very bad, can we get out of this damn place quickly."

The machine gunner immediately echoed: "Call Ford, call Ford, we've been crushed into fools, think of a way."

Machine gunners and snipers held off the USEC, at the cost of facing a torrential rain of bullets.

As the captain, Ford knew how big the trouble was, and he knew that leaving immediately was the best way, but he couldn't just leave the injured players like this.

If you don't go outside, the two team members will die, and if you go inside immediately, the injured team members will definitely die.

How to choose?

Ford hesitated!
"Retreat, retreat quickly, our car goes to the other side of the railway." A team member who looked 40 years old but had a gray beard shouted.

"This method is so fucking stupid, you are an idiot."

The mouse guarding the gate was irritable and foul-mouthed. He hid behind the box and shouted loudly while changing the magazine: "They must have been ready to wait for us on the other side. Now the past is equivalent to being sent to the muzzle."

"Fuck a B, let me tell you, there must be a reason for them to press and fight like this. I know these old Bs, and it will be fine to withdraw." The white beard team member retorted.

"Shut up, both of you, and do your job well."

Seeing that the situation was not waiting for anyone, Ford stopped struggling and reprimanded Wang's two quarreling teammates.The order was issued: "Sherb still needs some time, you two retreat and go to the direction of 10 o'clock."

The machine gunner and sniper who received the order breathed a sigh of relief.

"You go first, I will cover you."

The machine gunner started to act while speaking, taking advantage of the brief gap of enemy firepower, he raised his head and placed the light machine gun on the car.

"Da da da da da..."

The RPK light machine gun with powerful firepower, combined with the long battery life of 50 rounds of drums, has excellent suppressing ability.

The fully automatic fire swept across the windows, and the bullets left a string of bullet holes in the wall, and the debris and dust kicked up blocked the windows.

The USECs on the second floor were caught off guard, so they could only temporarily hide behind the wall and dare not show their heads.

The machine gunner created a short safe space, and the sniper, who was positioned relatively forward, was not polite, and began to move back with his sniper rifle in his hand.

Finally, he managed to hide in front of the warehouse side, behind a half-collapsed container.

At this moment, the position of the sniper and the gate of the warehouse is less than 10 meters away. Instead of running into the warehouse as a turtle and completely losing all the positions outside, staying here is obviously the best choice.

Compared with the car in front, it is much safer to use the container as a shelter.

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