The sniper's position is already relatively safe, and he can take pictures with his teammates in the warehouse. Now only the machine gunner covering him is still in danger.

The bolt-action sniper rifle had no way to suppress the firepower, so the sniper could only shout for help in the warehouse: "Barmaley needs help, you all come out to help."

The people in the warehouse responded very positively, and immediately two people ran to the door with guns.

Half of his body was hidden behind the solid iron gate, only his head and the gun were exposed, facing the direction from 1 o'clock to 2 o'clock diagonally, and shot at the USEC above the store building.

"Da-da-da, da-da-da..."


The two assault rifles fired continuously for a long time, coupled with the sniper rifle's single-shot burst firing at the right time, the effect received can be said to be immediate.

The USEC in the store building was all focused on the machine gunner, and suddenly they were hit by the BEAR in the warehouse, and two people were injured immediately.

However, USEC's large number of people has enough advantages, and the firepower has not stopped there, and they are still looking for opportunities to counterattack.

"Let's go, let's go!"

Seeing that the enemy's firepower had weakened slightly, the sniper immediately shouted at the machine gunner.


The machine gunner glanced at the enemy, gritted his teeth and rushed out holding the gun.

No matter what.

Gathering up all his strength, he ran forward vigorously.

Seeing that the machine gun pistol wanted to go back, the USEC certainly couldn't let him slip away so smoothly, and immediately regrouped and launched a hunt for the machine gunner.

The bullets whized through the air, almost chasing the machine gunner's heels.

Fortunately, there were teammates from the warehouse supporting them with firepower, which diverted most of the enemy's attention and firepower, and there were only one or two chasing machine gunners.

Otherwise it would not be this scene!

However, even though there were not many chasing and killing, the machine gunner was still in trouble when he sprinted a long way ahead and only had the last three or four meters left.

"Bang, ding~"

The machine gun he was holding in his arms was hit by a bullet. The huge force made it impossible for the machine gunner to grab it, and the light machine gun flew out directly.

The machine gunner didn't bother to pick it up, his life was at stake, so he threw himself forward and fell behind the container.

"Pick up your secondary weapon, take charge of the left side, and leave the right side to me."

The sniper patted the short spike on the machine gunner's back, and ran to the right side of the container. Card observed for two seconds, stepped sideways and took a shot.


The charm of a sniper lies in this moment.

There is no need to aim at this step, and the gun is thrown immediately, not only the action is handsome, but also the aim is full.

The USEC at the third window on the left of the store building fell down, and another USEC next to it was also scared and hid.

But soon he popped up again.

Not only did he point his gun at the right side of the container, but another USEC also pointed his gun at the right side, and the two rifles fired at the same time.

One of them was even firing a penetrating gun, trying to kill the snipers hiding behind.

Unexpectedly, it really made him succeed.

A bullet pierced through the outer layer of the container, and was very lucky to avoid the inner lining of the container, passing through a rusted hole.

The sniper hiding behind was shot in the back, as if being pushed from behind.

In the posture of a dog chewing shit, he fell headfirst to the ground.

"How is it? Dude, how are you?"

The machine gunner immediately ran over, lifted it up and asked anxiously, "What's wrong with you, buddy, you were shot? Can you hold on?"

"I...I'm fine...leave me alone, fuck...fuck these sons of bitches."

The sniper wearing a body armor saved his life, knowing that he was only short of breath caused by being hit by a bullet, and urged the machine gunner to fire quickly.

He himself didn't sit idle for a second, he scrambled and turned around with severe pain and discomfort.

Even if you can't stand up, you still want to fire when you lie down.

As expected of Maozi.

It's Ulla!

It's a pity that the sniper was shot back as soon as he showed his head. The bullets flew over and hit the ground, and the splashed stones and mud covered his face.

If he dared to forcefully go out and shoot, his brains would definitely be blown.

The sniper who didn't want to die could only dodge aggrieved.

The firepower of the two rifles has no outage period, and the sniper is suppressed and has no way to shoot from the front. Fortunately, the position is relatively safe.

The other positions of BEAR are similar, and they are all fighting against the opposite USEC.

However, the overall situation seems to be a mutual shooting of passion. It seems that BEAR and the opposite USEC are split [-]-[-].

But in fact, BEAR is much worse. The defensive pressure is very high, so they can only fight with all their strength.

"Change bombs!"

"Ready to move!"

"Suppression on the left!"


Following the professional tactical orders one by one, BEAR defended step by step in a hurry but not chaotically, trying to block the enemy in the store building as much as possible.

The USEC on the other side is also very professional, and they are very proficient in cooperating with various tactics.

The bullets on both sides were consumed at a rate of dozens of rounds per second, and people were constantly injured from each other. Some people kept screaming and fell down, while others kept standing up.

If it weren't for the fact that both sides were almost full of armor, bulletproof helmets and body armor saved many lives.

After fighting for a few minutes, at least 10 people will fall on both sides.

"Okabright, I'm out of ammo, the magazine is empty, I have to go back, cover me, I need to go back and refill."

The machine gunner dropped his machine gun, the subgun had the wrong caliber bullet, and it didn't last a few minutes.

After notifying the sniper at the top of his voice, the machine gunner flung his arms and ran towards the gate, yelling shortly and quickly while running: "Twenty-nine, twenty-nine, twenty-nine..."

Hearing the tactical code name of "friendly army" in the warehouse, the machine gunners rushed in from the corner.

It wasn't because of nervousness during the battle, seeing someone running in from the outside, raising a gun to the person who rushed in was a shuttle.

The machine gunner ran out of bullets and withdrew to the warehouse, and the sniper had only one sniper rifle with limited firepower.

USEC, which was suppressed and unable to move forward before, took advantage of the sharp drop in firepower on BEAR's side, and once again launched a surprise attack.

And changed the tactics of the assault!

Instead of forming a tactical team like last time and using bulletproof shields to open the way and move forward steadily, they chose to disperse and infiltrate to advance.

The six USECs each searched for route bunkers, leaped forward from one bunker to the next bunker, and moved forward step by step.

The other USECs remained in the store building, providing fire support to the six USECs.

The sniper who stayed outside alone faced the enemies rushing towards him with two fists and four hands, and was suddenly stretched.

He was at the forefront of the front line alone, giving him the feeling that there were enemies everywhere.

The gun body is too long, which is very inconvenient and cannot be rotated. You have to pull the high-precision sniper rifle that is bolted and loaded, and it will not work at all.

It has even become a burden!

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