Chapter 1157

In an underground garage surrounded by police.

Sean didn't shoot and kill the strong man's subordinates. With an intriguing smile, he put the gun in his waist, picked up the black backpack next to him and threw it over.

"what is this?"

The brawny men caught the backpack tremblingly, not knowing what Sean meant.

"This is the reward for working in Moscow last time. You are also a part of it, Oakes. Of course you will be paid for the work, and I will give you an additional reward."

While talking, Sean stepped on the front of the car that was almost touching the ground, and got into the cab of the Flip Car from the roof.

Out of the corner of the eye, he glanced to the right.

Inside the security door of the basement less than 10 meters away over there, a pair of special police elites had already groped down the stairs, posing for a surprise attack.

They thought their actions were hidden, but they didn't know that it was all in the other party's plan.

"What extra reward?" Oakes asked puzzled.

"Advance the reward for the next mission in advance."

Sean put the steering wheel on the steering column and began to fasten the four-point seat belt specially designed for racing.

"Mission? Why didn't I know?" Oakes was even more confused.

"What we're doing now is..."


Before Sean could finish his sentence, he was interrupted by a loud noise from the right, and the fire door, which was originally locked, was blown out of shape and opened.

Sean, who started the rolling car a long time ago, seemed to have known this would happen.

No surprises, no tension.

It's just a calm kick of sole oil.


The special police officers rushed into the basement one by one, and the rolling car rushed out like an arrow from the string.

The special police saw the rolling car rushing out, but did not shoot at the car, because there were more policemen outside, and they were sure that Sean could not escape.

Instead, he turned his attention to Oakes and yelled at him warningly at gunpoint: "Put the bag down!"

Oakes had already been persuaded to cooperate with the police. The soldiers would not resist the calls of the special police, and obediently threw their bags on the ground.

Sean, who drove out on the other side, came out of the underground parking lot and rushed onto the revolving bridge.

The British police who surrounded the top floor of the overpass and parked two police cars at the exit all pointed their guns at Sean's car.

As long as Sean's car was blocked at the exit, they would rush to arrest people.

Sean glanced up, revealing a sly smile.

Driving at high speed with one hand on the steering wheel, he took out the remote detonator from his pocket with one free hand, and pressed it decisively while the floor was oily.


The basement was the first to explode.

The special reward Sean gave Oakes was a remote-control bomb filled with hundreds of grams of TNT, which swallowed up all the nearby SWAT and Oakes the moment it was detonated.

And this is just the beginning of the good show, followed by a series of big bangs.

Sean had already installed remote-controlled bombs on each of the pillars under the overpass in the underground garage in advance, and they would detonate in sequence as long as they were activated.

The sequence of explosions was from the basement all the way to the exit of the flyover.

Sean stepped on the floor oil and went all the way, and the explosion followed him all the way. Every time a pair of pillars were blown off, a section of the overpass would collapse.

The police on the top floor of the flyover have suffered!

A large number of police officers and police cars were implicated and fell down with the collapse of the overpass, all of which were buried in the rubble and dust.

Seeing that the situation was not good, the remaining policemen immediately opened fire, but it was already too late.

The rolling car equipped with bulletproof glass and steel plates avoided most of the bullets at high speed, and a small number of bullets could not penetrate it.

It successfully rushed out of the explosion, and continued to rush towards the exit at high speed.


A loud bang.

The two police cars blocked at the exit of the overpass were easily overturned by the rolling car.

The front of the car is made of steel plate at an oblique angle, which can be easily inserted into the bottom of any vehicle to lift the car from the ground.

Coupled with the high-speed impact, it is easy to overturn two police cars.

The speed of the rolling car that successfully punched the card slowed down slightly, and then the engine roared, and the speed picked up again, rushing up the sparsely trafficked street and heading away.

Only the disaster scene that has completely collapsed behind it, and most of the police cars were buried alive.

"Target shows up, it's time for us to play, GO."

Hobbs, who has been watching the scene through the monitoring screen, confirmed that the person who rushed out was Sean, and he had already rushed out when he spoke.

"Give me the key, quick."

After the battle, Long ran to Hobbs first, with rare excitement and anticipation on his face.

Road chasing battles are not new to Dragon War, but drag racing on the same stage with the world's top team is an experience that Dragon War has never had.

"Take it!"

Hobbs marveled at the sprint speed of Long Zhan, raised his hand and threw the key over.

Long Zhan, who received the key, accelerated again. Instead of taking the elevator up and turning to the open-air parking lot at the gate, he went straight to the vehicle exit of the underground parking lot.

People who are good at fast running and have good physical strength can run out from there faster than the elevator.

"This guy is a monster."

Watching Long Zhan leave them behind, the big man ran out at the sprint speed of a sprinter, and Hobbs, who is also a big man, couldn't accept it.

Boss Tang, who ran to the side and took the BMW M5, also stared at Long Zhan for several seconds.

Every time Long Zhan displayed his abilities, he would completely subvert Boss Tang's perception of a muscular man. It turns out that being big does not mean being clumsy and inflexible.

After a minute or so.

Hobbs, who came up by the elevator, just ran to the side of the road and found that Long Zhan had already driven his car out of the parking lot and parked on the side of the road waiting for him.

"You are too fat, so slow, Hobbs, I suggest you lose weight." Long Zhan joked.

"Sometimes, it's not good to go too fast."

Hobbs pointed out something, drove fast, opened the door and sat in the co-pilot.


Long Zhan stepped down on the accelerator, and the 756N torque diesel engine exploded, driving the tires to spin wildly, and a puff of black smoke rose into the sky.

With the most violent burning tires started, the military off-road vehicle several tons in size rushed out.

When running more than 100 meters away from the excuse, the rollover car driven by Sean whized past, followed by two police cars.

"He's coming, hurry up."

Long Zhan reminded Hobbs that the accelerator continued to be welded dead, rushed to the intersection at a speed of more than 80 kilometers, and made a 90-degree turn by slamming the direction.

Ordinary cars would definitely overturn when driven like this, and the MXT-MVA armored vehicle, which weighs several tons, just carried it.

The rear of the car swung around on the road, two black marks were worn out on the tires on the ground, the car body was seriously tilted to the left, and stabilized after shaking a few times.

Don't let go of the accelerator, continue to upshift.

The MXT-MVA's engine roared and blasted the street, driving the heavy armored vehicle to continue to accelerate, and the chaser dodged left and right in front, causing the Flip Car to fly.


A black shadow overtook the car instantly from behind.

(End of this chapter)

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