The film starts with the Navy SEALs

Chapter 1158 Semi-Automatic Barrett, Bombarding the Streets

Chapter 1158 Semi-Automatic Barrett, Bombarding the Streets

Long Zhen took a closer look.

It was none other than Boss Tang who was the last one to overtake.

As expected of the boss of the world's top drag racing team, the performance of the BMW m8 with V5 racing engine has been maximized by him, showing what is called speed and passion.

No matter how Sean drives the Flip Car, he can bite the back tightly.

Long Zhan couldn't get up to speed in the armored vehicle, the accelerator was almost kicked into the engine, and the highest speed was only around 130.

Fortunately, although the Flip Car and the BMW M5 are powerful, this is a street with a lot of traffic.

No matter how powerful the performance of the two cars is, the linear acceleration can reach more than 300 kilometers, but here they can only reach more than 100 kilometers.

Although Long Zhan couldn't catch up with the armored car, but with his special driving skills, he flexibly avoided the vehicles on the road.

Can barely smell the exhaust!

An armored vehicle that travels more than 100 kilometers, the car will go flying at random, and the speed will not slow down. It is simply not too exciting.

In line with the fact that the Interpol was responsible for the incident anyway, Long Zhan was not merciful at all.

Push hard and you're done.

Hobbs, who was sitting in the co-pilot, was also the type who was courageous and not afraid to make trouble, but he was also frowned by Long Zhan's madness.

I have already started to have a headache in advance, how to deal with these troublesome things in the future.

On the side of Long Zhan, chasing Sean on the streets, a wave of speed and passion was staged on the streets of London, England, and the adrenaline soared crazily.

On the other side, Bryan's first team, who set off first, stopped racing at this moment.

Because they're in big trouble.

Knowing that the big guy's subordinates were arrested and their hiding place was exposed, Sean not only didn't move in advance, he even took the opportunity to set up a big trap.

He and his men acted separately, using himself as bait to attract the London police to surround him.

Then the younger brothers took advantage of the fact that the London police force was empty and most of the Interpol headquarters staff were transferred away, and took the opportunity to attack the Interpol National Center in London.

That is, Interpol headquarters in the UK, collecting information on the last piece of the "puzzle".

Brian led his brothers all the way, but finally slowed down a bit. Sean's men had completed their mission and were just about to retreat.

By invading the British National Center information database, Sean's men knew that there was a gang of drag racing gangs.

When Bryan and his party of five all-black BMWs stepped on the accelerator and blasted the street all the way, they were immediately spotted by "eyes".

An organization formed by all retired special forces, external snipers are standard equipment.

The snipers arranged on the roof saw the convoy racing all the way, judged that it was a drag racing group, and immediately launched an attack.

"Bang bang bang bang..."

The gunshots are like thunder, and the shots are combos.

The sniper used a Barrett M82A3, a semi-automatic anti-material sniper rifle.

The magazine capacity of this gun is as high as 10 rounds, which is very rare in sniper rifles using 12.7×99 mm caliber ammunition.

With the superimposition of two high technologies, the muzzle brake and the butt buffer, the recoil is also greatly reduced.

This also allowed the proving snipers on the roof to have the capital to bomb indiscriminately, and to treat the anti-material sniper rifle as a continuous sniper.

At a fast pace of 0.5 seconds, continuously snipe and kill the racing team.

The sniper had a lot of experience in combat, and he knew that killing the driver was not the best way to prevent the convoy from going to the center of the country and hindering his brother's retreat.

First of all, it is very difficult to predict and hit the driver of a car with a speed of more than 100 kilometers per hour.

Secondly, even if the driver of the first car is killed, the subsequent vehicles will definitely turn to other surrounding streets immediately when they know that someone is ambushing and attacking.

Rather than being so difficult to achieve the highest efficiency, it is better to directly attack the car.

The volume of the car is much larger than that of a person, and the five cars are all speeding in line, with similar speeds and regular positions.

The most important thing is...

The sniper uses an anti-material sniper rifle. From the name, you can hear how lethal it is, and it is easy to penetrate the car.

Therefore, as long as the recoil of the sniper rifle is well controlled, it is absolutely possible to hit multiple vehicles in a short time.

I thought so, and I did.

The sniper fired 10 rounds of .50 bullets in a row, and three of the five vehicles smoked and were scrapped, all of which were shot in the hood and their engines exploded.

The three vehicles lost power, and the occupants were frightened by the loud bang, all of them lost control.

Three cars crashed and stopped on the road one after another, and the narrow street was immediately blocked.

Although the engines of the remaining two vehicles were not hit, only a few large holes appeared on the roof of one car, and the windshield of the other car was shattered.

But the people in the car were terrified, and the road ahead was blocked again.

It is too dangerous to turn around on the spot under the gun of a sniper and turn away from another street corner behind, and there is a high probability of being headshot.

So it doesn't matter whether the car is broken or the car is not broken.

Everyone got out of the car immediately, hunched over and ran in embarrassment, looking for a suitable bunker within a limited distance on the street to save their lives.

Among them, Brian has a more professional background in the police and has a more thorough understanding of guns.

He knew it was the M82A3 from the sound, and he knew that the other party had fired 10 shots in a row, and now it was time to run out of ammunition.

And on the way when the convoy was attacked just now, he had already found the opponent's position through the muzzle flame.

Therefore, when I got out of the car, I didn't look for cover. Instead, I chose to advance as a retreat, took out my pistol and aimed at the opposite roof, and made continuous single-shot precise shots.

By suppressing the position of the opponent's sniper, buy time for your own people to find cover.

After firing seven or eight shots, it was inferred that the opposite side must have changed the magazine, even if it changed position and re-aimed, there was enough time.

Brian decisively retracted his gun and fled, taking a few strides to hide in a shop on the side of the street.

At this time, a bunch of people rushed out from the right side. They were all Sean's subordinates, and their firepower was very strong.

"Beep beep..."

"Da da da da..."

Submachine guns and rifles fired at the same time, and the bullets rained on the drag racing group.

Fortunately, the drag racing group had already found a bunker in advance, and with their own bunkers as cover, they would not be too passive, and they took out their weapons and started to fight back.

Fortunately, the opponent only wanted to retreat as soon as possible, and didn't really want to kill the drag racing group.

It has a huge advantage in firepower. If it is true that the gun is used to suppress the whole line with firepower, coupled with the high firepower of the sniper.

The drag racing team confronted them on the road, and they all had to lie here if they didn't run.

After all, they are just drag racing masters, and they are still a bit weak in combat. They are not the opponents of all veterans and battlefield machines on the opposite side.

Unless Long Zhan is also on the scene, then there is still a little chance.

But Long Zhan is not here.

There is no such assumption.

Relying on the suppression of firepower, Xi'an's subordinates easily came out of the house, boarded the cars parked on the street, and began to transfer.

Seeing that the enemy was about to drive away, Giselle hurriedly ran out from behind the bunker, stood on the road and was ready to shoot.

He completely forgot that there was another sniper, who stopped firing just after emptying the magazine, and did not drive away like the person in front of him.

Giselle dared to stand on the road and shoot, she was like a live target.

(End of this chapter)

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