When the three of Sean got into the truck, the remaining big black guy drove alone. He slightly released the accelerator and backed up. At the same time, he turned the steering wheel slightly to the right, and then refueled to hit the right rear of the military vehicle.

The military vehicle without the driver is very unstable, and the right buttock is pushed up and immediately loses balance.

The car body swayed twice, then rolled over to one side, and became a rolling gourd under the high-speed inertia, and exploded with a bang after rolling a few times.

The black boy overturned the military vehicle and oiled the floor again, overtaking from the right to the front of the heavy truck.

The military vehicle that passed the lead did not stop, and continued to accelerate to the front to lead the way.

The drag racing team is already in place at this time, and has adopted a two-way model, chasing one side on the highway and taking charge of commanding the other side.

Taiji was in charge of commanding and observing on the bridge deck, and saw the whole process of the transport vehicle being hijacked.

He immediately notified Boss Tang on the other side.

"We should go."

Han, who drove a motorcycle with Taiji, greeted Giselle who was next to him.

The two of them drove a heavy machine street car, rushed down the bridge directly from the stairs, and chased the transport convoy in front along the highway.

Long Zhan, Boss Tang, Brian, and Roman, each with a luxury car, had long been on standby at the entrance of the expressway, and set off immediately when they received the signal of Sean's appearance.

I thought that Sean had already fallen into the plan, and this trip would definitely be easy.

Unexpectedly, in less than a minute after Taiji sent the message, the unexpected situation that everyone in Long Zhan and his party never expected, just happened.

The heavy truck just passed under the bridge where Teji was, when the front of the carriage was suddenly smashed into pieces.

An armored tank suddenly appeared!
Looking at the model, it is a specially modified M152 tank with a 70mm gun, a top speed of more than 15 kilometers per hour, and a weight of more than 551 tons.

The tank rushed out from the inside of the cargo box, easily flattened and crushed the cab of the heavy truck, and ran off the heavy truck.

Entering the highway, he continued to accelerate and ran wildly along the highway.

Taj was stunned by the scene in front of him, picked up the walkie-talkie and said tremblingly: "Uh, guys, I have a big problem here, I'm afraid we have to choose another plan."

"What's the situation? Tell me quickly."

Long Zhan drove the armored car 130 yards, barely hanging at the end of the sports car team.

"They... they built a big guy, a tank with a gun barrel."

"Sorry to interrupt."

Roman asked loudly in surprise: "Did someone say something about tanks just now? Or... I just misheard."

"You heard that right, it's a tank. Sean got a tank and is racing on the road." Taiji yelled loudly.


Roman had no choice but to swear.

"I saw it. It's just a light tank. It's not like we don't have any options. Let's find a way to follow up and move up." Long Zhan cheered.

Dragon War is not aimless.

The reinforced armored vehicle he drives is also big, and its weight has reached an exaggerated 9 tons, which is basically the same as a light tank.

The biggest weakness is nothing more than firepower, there is no main gun that can bluff people.


The maximum speed of 150 kilometers per hour after modifying an armored vehicle is not what the M551 light tank possesses. It is impossible to get rid of the armored vehicle.

If he could give Long Zhan a few armor-piercing RPGs, he would even dare to have a head-on 551V1 duel with M1.

It's a pity that Long Zhan doesn't have an RPG on hand, but the M551 driven by Sean on the opposite side actually has a cannon, and it has already aimed it through the fire control system.

When Long Zhan and Boss Tang, four people and four cars, rushed over from the opposite highway to intercept them.

The speed has increased to more than 80 kilometers per hour, and the M551 running on the expressway sparked with lightning, and the muzzle locked on the red Super Bird sports car in front.


The cannons were like thunder.

The 152mm explosive bomb roared away, blowing up two cars on the road, one of which was hit directly, and the whole car was shattered.

The red super bird running in the front, and Brian following behind, were not hit by the shells.

It is clear.

Although Hobbs is an elite special forces soldier of the SAS, he is certainly not an excellent tank gunner, and he can shoot crookedly at a distance of less than 300 meters.

Brian and Roman crossed the sea and showed their skills, avoiding the two cars that were blown up.

Long Zhan's car is too big to turn so flexibly. Fortunately, the armored car is thick and firm enough, and the accelerator will hit it directly and it will be over.

Although the M551 that Sean robbed has been modified, the automatic loading machine is responsible for loading the ammunition, and it does not require manual operation.

But reloading also takes time, and it will take more than ten or 20 seconds at the fastest.

The gap between the two sides was less than 300 meters, and Sean had no chance to make a second run after one shot. He could only watch Boss Tang and his party pass by the next lane.

Fortunately, Sean's purpose was to snatch this tank, not to kill Boss Tang and others.

Therefore, Sean did not turn around and chase after him, but continued to speed up and run along the highway, trying to get rid of the pursuers as soon as possible.

Sean doesn't want to be in love with the battle and just wants to get out as soon as possible. Long Zhan and Boss Tang will not give up easily.

Continue to step on the accelerator and drive forward, find a place with no partition in the middle as soon as possible, and cut from the highway on the right to the left.

M551 is a chained tank that can't run fast, even after modification, it can only run at a speed of nearly 100 per hour.

Han and Giselle, who started the car to chase, could easily speed up to more than 200 on the highway, and at this time they had already chased behind the tank.

The Land Rover Defender 110, which was in charge of protecting the tank, immediately blocked the only way when seeing this situation.

We all know the weaknesses of tanks.

It would be a nightmare if the enemy climbed up to the top of the turret and happened to bring a bottle of gasoline and alcohol.

The big black man drives the Land Rover Defender to prevent this from happening.

Han and Giselle had to ignore the tank for the time being, and turn all their attention to the Land Rover Defender 110, and get rid of this guy who got in the way first.

Niangniang Motorcycle and a Land Rover Defender started a game on the highway.

Boss Tang seemed to mark less than a kilometer ahead, and found a place where he could switch lanes, and he swung past it with a sharp turn and drift.

Brian and Roman did the same thing, and the handsome drift easily flung them away.

"Damn it, it's good that the car is light."

Watching the three sports cars in front of him flick their tails handsomely, Long Zhan is envious but helpless.

I could only let go of the accelerator to slow down slightly, and tried my best to shake it 90 degrees. The front of the car got stuck in the crossing, and then the steering wheel was killed, and the accelerator was pressed to the bottom to accelerate.

Rely on the super torque of the diesel engine to bring the speed back up as soon as possible.

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