The film starts with the Navy SEALs

Chapter 1178 Unhooked? ? NO!This is car skills

Chapter 1178 Unhooked? ? NO!This is car skills
The cars of Boss Tang, Brian and Roman ran fast, racing furiously at a speed of more than 200 per hour, and soon after turning a corner, they saw the tank again.

Sean also saw the sports car team changing lanes and catching up through the external camera.

The heavy tank is still a sprocket wheel. It must not be able to run a muscle sports car on the highway, and it will not be long before it will be caught up by a sports car.

The guard's Land Rover Defender 110 was in full swing and had no time to care about tanks.

Knowing that the situation was not good for him, Sean immediately began to take advantage of the tank, turned the muzzle to the rear, and fired the second tank gun.


The shell flew by with a red superbird and hit a Toyota sedan behind.

Roman, who was running behind this Toyota, saw that if he hadn't blocked a shot for the dead ghost, he would have seen Hades himself, and was so frightened that the hairs all over his body stood on end.

He picked up the walkie-talkie and asked loudly: "Guys, plan A is bad, does anyone have a plan B?"

"Plan B?"

Taj complained furiously, "We still need Plan C, Plan D, and Plan E, and the alphabet is not fucking enough."

"Listen, we still have a chance. The speed of the tank can't get rid of us. As long as it runs out of fuel, it will be a turtle in an urn."

As soon as Long Zhan finished speaking, Roman complained: "I'm afraid that he didn't run out of fuel, and I was blown to pieces first."

"Dodge his shells, you can do that, Roman," Tej yelled.

"Fucking shit, you're not on the scene, so you don't have a back pain when you talk." Roman roared.

"Not quite there yet, man."

Bryan cut into the intercom channel and cheered his teammates on: "We will do our best, adapt to the situation, and it will be fine."

"If you continue to babble, you will be the next one to be blown to pieces."

Long Zhan's words were very "toxic". Roman, who always likes to chatter, was really frightened, and he didn't continue to answer the conversation.

Boss Tang kept silent all the time and didn't speak, and he had already soared up while speaking.

Almost parallel to the tank.

Sean saw that the situation was not good, and Boss Tang was likely to climb onto the tank if he dragged it down. He immediately ordered, "John, turn to the opposite lane, let's give him some excitement."

The Asian man John who was in charge of the car was unambiguous. He operated the tank to turn left and knocked over the green belt and rushed into the opposite lane.

Just like the super bird at the side and rear, there was no time to react at this distance. Following the road driven out by the tank, it also rushed to the opposite lane, and had no choice but to continue running along the lane to the front.

The speed is not enough to run fast, otherwise it will be meaningless to pull too far away from the tank.

The green belt blocked by the iron guardrail in the middle is a big trouble for the car, and it is almost impossible to hit it intact.

Roman, who was following closely behind Boss Tang, reacted and rushed to the opposite lane to continue chasing the tank.

The chassis of Brian's car in third place was too low, and he dared not follow him for fear of mopping the floor and damaging the car.

Just like Boss Tang who had no time to turn, he could only continue to run along this road, driving side by side with the tank across the green belt.

When the last dragon battle came, it was already 10 seconds later.

The off-road military vehicle has a solid body and a high chassis. As long as the tank can pass, it can basically pass, and it rushed into the opposite lane as soon as it turned.

No difficulty at all.

Looking at the tank nearly 1 km far ahead, Long Zhanya gritted his heart and began to squeeze the performance of the armored vehicle, constantly sacrificing courage and accelerating the whole process of floor oil.

With the rumbling roar of the engine, the speed rushed to the limit of more than 140 kilometers.

The chasing convoy was forcibly divided into two, and continued on the speed and passion on the highway.

Here, Han and Giselle are paired together, and they finally found the Land Rover Defender 110 by jumping off the motorcycle in parallel.

A pistol to the head of the big black person and all problems solved.

Everything is back to normal in the right lane, and the chaos in the left lane has just begun.

Sean was driving in the left lane of the tank runway, which was equivalent to driving in reverse on the highway. Both sides were traveling at 100 kilometers per hour, so it was difficult to brake to avoid it.

As soon as they rushed over, four or five cars collided with the tank and were crushed into a discus.

The people in the car became meatloaf together.

However, this was only the beginning of Sean's madness. He was driving in the opposite direction all the way, not only did not have to give way to oncoming cars, but he even voluntarily bumped into them.

One after another crashed and crushed, leaving behind crushed cars along the way.

Ratty just lost his memory and was tricked into joining the group. He didn't always follow Sean's team, and his style of doing things didn't change because of frustration.

Seeing that Sean regards human life as nothing, deliberately bumping and crushing innocent passers-by.

Ratty couldn't bear it any longer, and shouted angrily, "Are you sick? There's no need to do this, and it's not in our plan."

Sean did not speak, but responded with actions.

He hit a black car head-on again, crushing him into a car cake with its tracks.

Lettie was so angry that wrinkles appeared on his forehead, but he had nothing to do with Sean, he could only look away from the screen, out of sight, out of mind.

"The group of guys are catching up again."

Through the rear camera video, the Asian man spotted the white sports car and armored vehicle catching up.

Sean maneuvered the turret past the closer white sports car. I didn't regard this car as a threat at all, and aimed at the armored car hundreds of meters behind.

"Bang~ whoosh—"

The shell flew out of the muzzle at supersonic speed, making a tearing whistling sound.

"Depend on!!"

Although Long Zhan had already guessed that Sean would hit him, because his armored vehicle was the most threatening to light tanks, at least there was no way to crash into the bottom of the vehicle and be crushed into pancakes, but his heartbeat still accelerated when he saw the gun barrel aimed at him.

Armored vehicles have reinforced armor plates that are not afraid of bullets, and shells are not within the scope of defense.

It is also because of the psychological preparations made in advance, coupled with the fact that Long Zhan's reaction speed is beyond ordinary people, he can slam the direction when the shells are fired, and the strong stability of military vehicles.

The combination of various factors allowed Long Zhan to narrowly avoid this attack.


The armored vehicle made a strange turn to the right, avoiding the shells in a frightening and dangerous manner, and a squashed SUV behind it suffered a seedling, turning from a car cake into a car fragment.


Sean was very dissatisfied with the result that one shell failed to end the armored vehicle.

Keep reloading, keep aiming.

After ten seconds.


A shell flew out again, still aiming at the armored vehicle.

However, the armored vehicle seems to be on the hook, and it can always dodge synchronously at the moment of firing, causing the shells to always pass by the body.

"So weird? I don't believe it."

Sean missed the armored vehicle with two shots in a row. He felt uncomfortable all over, and in a state of desperation, he got into a fight with the armored vehicle.

(End of this chapter)

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