The film starts with the Navy SEALs

Chapter 1268 Are you going to start a war?

Chapter 1268 Are you going to start a war?



Outside the private farm on the outskirts of the city, Long Zhan, Marcus, and Memphis, who rushed over overnight, hid in the woods outside the fence to observe.

The farm covers a very large area, roughly looking at least a dozen acres of land.

The care is also very good, with nearly 10 acres of green grass surrounded by fences, and more than a dozen horses roam leisurely around the farm.

In the innermost position at the foot of the mountain, there is a small farm courtyard with a blue roof.

It really is the best place for retirement!

"The information seems a little easy, and the farm seems defenseless. What if it's a trap?" Memphis worried.

"This is a trap, can't you see it?" Long Zhan said.

"It seems that they already knew that I would come early, and specially made me a big dish waiting for me. If they go in rashly, there is a high probability that they will be killed. We have a long-term plan." Marcus said with a frown.

"Or, I'll bring dozens of people here to level this place."

"Dozens of people?"

The boldness of Long Zhan made Marcus look sideways, and asked in surprise: "I heard that you retired a long time ago. Could it be that you have become a mercenary?"


Memphis was still a rookie who had just graduated from school. When he heard about this legendary profession, he immediately regained his energy and listened with pricked ears.

"NONONO! That stuff is illegal, I don't want to go to court martial."

Long Zhan shook his head again and again, and then said seriously: "I opened a PMC company in Utah, and it's doing pretty well so far. It has recruited more than 1500 employees, including more than 1000 contractors."

"Holy shit, 1000+ contractors?"

When Marcus heard that Long Zhan had opened a company, he thought it would be a big deal with just a few dozen people, but he didn't expect it to be such an exaggeration, and he was really surprised.

Veterans of Marcus' level were startled by Long Zhan's words.

Not to mention the new FBI agent Memphis, who was stunned on the spot, his mouth that couldn't help opening could fit a duck egg.

"And they're not made up, they're all carefully selected experts, starting with veterans and retired special forces from actual combat units." Long Zhan said proudly.

A person who started from scratch alone can achieve such an achievement in just two or three years.

Dragon War is indeed qualified to be proud!
After listening to Long Zhan's description, Memphis escalated from the shock just now to admiration. In fact, he was afraid and envious, and he didn't even dare to speak.

Standing beside such a big shot, Memphis really didn't know what to say, what else to say.

"Dragon, you really elude me. You have created too many miracles. I can't even imagine how you did it."

Marcus is really convinced, but he also has his backbone.

Then he said: "I am already very happy that you can come to help, but I can't drag your company down, it will be very troublesome if it is found out.

We are very strong against the enemy this time, and we may not be able to succeed in the end.

And this is my own business. I don't want too many people to get involved. It's enough to have you and Memphis join in. "


When Marcus said it, his expression was very firm, and Long Zhan couldn't say anything more.

The main thing is indeed not the optimal solution!

If you pull a few cars and bulldoze them, you can easily solve the farm in front of you and capture Michel Szczerbiak.

But this is tantamount to exposing the trump card and arousing the high vigilance of the mastermind behind the scenes.

If it is not done well, it will make things more complicated, and it will be more troublesome to leave afterward.

And continuing to maintain a small team of three people will not arouse the fear and vigilance of the mastermind behind the scenes, and it will be easier to find out the reason for framing Marcus.

"Now that the trap is right in front of you, how do you want to deal with it?" Long Zhan asked.

"The clues are inside, we must go in. Since it is a trap, then we will dismantle the trap. It is not difficult for us, is it?"

Marcus looked at Long Zhan and raised the corners of his mouth, smiling confidently: "Compared to the battle we cooperated with at the beginning, this small farm is nothing at all."

Recalling that battle, a few of them took the initiative to besiege hundreds of militants, and they might win a big victory in the end. The farm in front of them is really nothing.


Long Zhan nodded in agreement, and said in words that they could only understand: "Then...continue to the old school?"

"Yes, just use the same old formula, it doesn't matter if he is a trap or not." Marcus replied.

"Then we have to prepare some things. You definitely don't have any on hand. How about this? I have a comprehensive training center nearby. You can go with me and get all the supplies before doing this job." Long Zhan suggested.

Marcus originally wanted to make IEDs by himself, and just purchase materials from large supermarkets.

It is very simple for him to make improvised explosives.

I can imagine that I have already been wanted by the whole country, and going to the supermarket to shop is likely to be exposed, which will affect the arrest of Michel Szczerbiak on the farm.

He is currently the only person who has a chance to catch him and learn the truth about the frame-up. There must be no mistakes in his actions, and Marcus changed his mind again.

"How far?" Marcus asked.

"If we take turns driving, we can definitely come back here at this time tomorrow." Long Zhan said.

"Okay, let's go then."

Marcus is also a decisive person. If he decides, there will be no friction. He takes the lead and quietly exits the woods, looking in the direction of the hidden car.

After driving for eight or nine hours, the three of Long Zhan arrived at the Jushen Comprehensive Training Center.

Lake, who received Long Zhan's call in advance, personally greeted Long Zhan and his party at the gate.

Seeing Marcus sitting in the car, Lake was stunned for a second. He recognized Marcus, but he realized it in the next second.

He raised his hand and gestured to the doorman, who immediately opened the door.

The domineering gate with a width of more than ten meters, an area that cannot be seen at a glance after entering, and a variety of buildings are full of strong military culture.

Marcus has learned a lot, and he has to admire Long Zhan from the bottom of his heart.

Memphis is even more like a grandma entering the Grand View Garden. Along the way, she looks like a mountain leopard who has never seen the world, and she is full of surprises.

The only regret is that it has not officially opened yet, and there are no customers in the training venues.

You can only occasionally see staff in twos and threes carrying various things in and out of various venues occasionally, showing a little bit of popularity.

Long Zhan drove the car directly into the underground garage, and accompanied by Lake, took the special elevator to the top floor of the main building.

This is the core of the Jushen Comprehensive Training Center, a place where only high-level management can enter, and it is also a place to receive VIPs.

Arranging Marcus and Memphis to the reception room, Long Zhan told Lake about the purpose of his trip.

They are all family members, there is nothing to hide.

Lake also did things neatly, telling the Dragon War Training Center that the preparations were almost complete, and all kinds of materials had been purchased and shipped in.

Among them are all kinds of weapons needed for training, all of which are now stored in the armory.

Thinking that he would have to go back in a racing car later, Long Zhan didn't talk too much about the company with Lake, and directly took Marcus and the two into the armory.

Looking at the huge basement covering an area of ​​thousands of square meters, it is full of various weapons and ammunition.

Marcus couldn't bear it any longer, and exclaimed: "As far as this is in front of you, you told me that you are going to fight a war, and I have no doubts."


PS: Push the book, push the book.

A new book recommended by a friend is also a military-themed film synthesis.

The only difference is that this book I wrote is all about foreign movies and TV shows.

My friend, this belongs to another section, which is a "domestic military theme" article that has no overlap with mine.

The title of the book is "Soldier Assault: Old Special Recruit".

I have read it, it is very well written, and the entry point is very distinctive.

My favorite is the protagonist in it, because the protagonists in him are the same as my book, they are all muscular and tough guys.

I suspect that this kid is copying me, haha! !
Brothers who like it go to support Yiboha, and those who have recommended votes will vote for him, thank you! ! !
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