The film starts with the Navy SEALs

Chapter 1269 Put traps in the traps, let's see who can play well

Chapter 1269 Put traps in the traps, let's see who can play well
There are plenty of weapons and ammunition in the ordnance warehouse, piled on the shelves row after row, with no end in sight at a glance.

Marcus and Memphis are not polite at all, anyway, Long Zhan is the boss here.

After more than half an hour of "purchasing", the two each carried a full equipment bag, and left the warehouse with Long Zhan, who also chose a set.

Time is tight.

No time for small talk.

Long Zhan and Lake briefly explained a few words, then took Marcus and Memphis downstairs by special elevator, returned to the underground garage, got on the car, and started the return trip.

Day 2.

7 am.

Along the way, the three Long Zhan, who took turns driving and resting, returned to the farm in Beechburg, Virginia, and officially started the raid.

There are a few security personnel in the farm, which is not enough to threaten the three of Long Zhan.

The main threat comes from assuming that this is a trap, not knowing where to hide nearby, as long as Long Zhan and they show up on the farm, they will surround the large army.

Therefore, in the process of raiding into the farm, countermeasures against large forces must be completed.

Long Zhan and Marx had discussed the plan long ago, and had already obtained the supplies at the Jushen Comprehensive Training Center, and now they just need to deploy them.

"Marcus, you are on the left, and I am on the right. Memphis stays in place to observe, and make a good disguise, OK?"

Armed with a rifle, wearing a tactical bulletproof vest, and only wearing a helmet, he is fully armed with a dragon warrior, holding a final confirmation with Marcus and Memphis.


Memphis, who had already put on the auspicious suit, gestured nervously with three points of anticipation and seven points of nervousness.

"No problem, let's get started."

As soon as Marcus finished speaking, he set off, with a bag and a gun in his hand, and felt like the house in the middle, stuffing things in various places along the way.

Long Zhan's movements are similar to those of Marx, deploying bombs and anti-personnel mines while walking.

In the necessary place between the two bushes, insert a knife into it to raise a piece of turf, and put an anti-army mine underneath.

At the gap in the middle of the farm fence, use a transparent fishing line to pull a booby trap.

It is easier to place the remote control bomb. Just find a path that looks like someone will pass by, throw it on the ground and cover it with a few leaves.

The two started from one direction each, constantly taking things out of their bags along the way.

Soon the entire outer area of ​​the farm became an invisible minefield, and people who didn't know it would definitely suffer a big loss if they suddenly entered.

After the perimeter is deployed, continue to approach the house, and continue to arrange corresponding traps along the way.

The main thing is that an enemy uses a farm as a trap, then I will make a trap based on the trap, and become you in me and you in me.

You trap me, I trap you.

very fair!
Long Zhan was less than 10 meters away from the villa, and a security guard with a gun appeared in front of him.

The security guard didn't know the danger and proximity, let alone that his employer had been abandoned by his superiors and turned into a bait for fishing.

Without anyone's prior notice and without any precautions, his end was already doomed.

Long Zhan hid behind the utility room outside the villa, and when An Bao walked over, smoking a cigarette and shaking his gun, he broke his neck suddenly.

After finishing the peripheral security and continuing to go deeper, the movements of the hands still did not stop.

All kinds of bombs and landmines are deployed wherever they go, as if they don’t need money.

Anyway, Long Zhan's memory is very strong, all the mine points are clearly remembered in his mind, and he doesn't worry about blowing himself up when he comes out later.

"Dragon, one appeared on the balcony above you."

Memphis, who was in charge of observing from a distance, promptly fed back the observed information to Long Zhan,
After receiving the message, Long Zhan took out a silencer pistol, quietly touched under the balcony, and tapped the wooden stomach with the butt of the gun.

Then immediately took a step back and raised his hand, aiming the muzzle at the edge of the balcony.

The security upstairs was also not vigilant enough. Hearing the noise downstairs, he didn't think it was an enemy, but he instinctively wanted to come over to see what was going on.

As a result, I poked my head out of the balcony and looked down, but I couldn't see anything clearly, and there was a small hole between my eyebrows.

The security guard, who was shot between the eyebrows and died suddenly on the spot, fell forward and the whole body turned over from the balcony and fell straight down.

Ordinary people see a strong man fall, they must have to dodge quickly to avoid being smashed into a concussion.

The result was that the corpse fell to the ground and made a loud noise, which alarmed everyone and caused the battle to break out early.

However, Long Zhan stood on his own unique advantage, opened his hand and caught a corpse weighing more than 150 kilograms.

His hands were not broken, and his head was not concussed.

Very easy.

This is the advantage of being big and powerful!

The corpse was placed against the wall, and a booby trap was pulled under his body. As long as someone checked the corpse, the booby trap would be triggered and detonated.

Long Zhan touched the front door against the wall, and met Marcus who also cleared all the way.

The two looked at each other in the air, and the raid plan was reached silently.

Long Zhan was responsible for rushing in front, and Marcus was responsible for covering in the back.

The front of the farm villa was closed, so Long Zhan couldn't get it. He observed the living room from the side window to make sure that there was no one in the living room.

Long Zhan took out his universal unlocking key again, and opened the door from the outside with a lot of fiddling.

Putting away the master key, Long Zhan held the gun with one hand, and carefully opened all the valves. Once again, he made sure that there was no target in the living room, and then walked in quietly with the gun.

Marcus kept in sync the whole time, and followed to protect the safety of Long Zhan's rear.

Living room safe, move on.

Search inside along the passage on the left, and the kitchen is on the left after entering the living room.

Still seeing no one, keep going.

Long Zhan and Marcus groped their way in and killed 5 security personnel, which seemed to be all the security personnel here.

There was no sound in the room, and there were no signs of security personnel.

They went on and searched two more houses, but still did not find Michael Szczerbiak, as if it were an empty house.


Shanlong Zhan turned a corner and finally found his target in the study.

It looked like he was over 50 years old, and his legs were broken and he was sitting on a wheelchair. At this time, he was sitting in front of the desk, quietly looking at a thick book.

Long Zhan was not sure if he was Solotov, so he beckoned for Marcus to come up to confirm.

Marcus came up to take a look, and hatred appeared in his eyes. The scene of his brother Downey's tragic death appeared in front of his eyes.

If it weren't for the need to get the truth from him, Marx would have liked to shoot him now.

Blast his head like a watermelon!
(End of this chapter)

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