The film starts with the Navy SEALs

Chapter 1428 The embassy was breached

"Albright, I'm going to the safe room and we'll find you."

Ganny gave Albright the order, put the walkie-talkie on the table and yelled, "Marines, get your gear on now and get ready to go, GO."

Realizing the seriousness of the situation, the Marines rushed to the armory to receive weapons and weapons.

The battle at the gate has become day in and day out.

Muhammad's subordinates were killed one by one, but more and more militants gathered outside the gate, and they pressed towards the gate step by step.

The Afghan National Defense Forces, who had no escape, could only stand firm and guard the gate.

In addition to the Marine Corps on the guard tower of the inner safe house, a Marine Corps machine gunner is firing, suppressing the silent terrorists who are heading towards the gate.

The other Marines withdrew and began the process of sealing off the embassy.


The sniper rifle went off.

A terrorist using a svd sniper rifle perfectly demonstrated what a machine gunner's nemesis is, and shot the machine gunner's head in one shot.

Without the Marine Corps' light machine gun suppression, the terrorists' attacks became more violent.

The defensive pressure on the Afghan National Defense Force guards more than doubled.

Even Muhammad, the leader, was shot during the design of the gun, and his arm was pierced by the bullet, leaving only his left hand to use.

Seeing that there are only a few of his men left, the number of terrorists is approaching a hundred people.

Mohammed made the wisest choice.

Even his subordinates didn't have time to inform them, so they gave up defending the gate of the embassy, ​​chose to keep it secret, and slipped directly behind the house on the left.

As Muhammad slipped away, the remaining National Defense Forces simply dispersed.

Without the resistance of the Afghan National Defense Forces, all the marines inside the gate have retreated to the safe house, which is the two-story building where Olivia works.

The other main players of the Marine Corps are currently equipping the armory with equipment.

"This time it's not a drill."

"Everyone is ready to fight."

"Get ready, quickly."


Sergeant Ganni kept urging, and the marine teammates put on the equipment as quickly as possible.

Body armor, bulletproof plates, bulletproof helmets, tactical vests and girdles, wireless communication equipment, rifle magazines, grenades, and more.

All combat equipment has to be put on and fully armed to deal with the crisis.

Long Zhan also ran over at this time, and opened his mouth to give me a set of equipment.

Under normal conditions.

A person who was not from the Marine Corps ran up and wanted to grab a set of equipment and weapons, but Sergeant Gunney would not give it to him, and would scold him head and face.

But the current situation is very special, the terrorist has already hit the face.

One more gun, one more strength.

In addition, Long Zhan is a partner of the Ministry of National Defense, and Long Zhan's burly body and temperament can be felt by those who have been soldiers.

Therefore, Chief Ganni did not refuse and immediately agreed to Long Zhan's request.

Don't let him take it by himself!

The armory is stocked with equipment and weapons.

Long Zhan also used his actual actions to make Sergeant Ganni not regret his decision, and just a few actions showed extraordinary performance.

He is skilled in wearing body armor and tactical vests, so skilled that he is faster than the soldiers under him.

This has already told Sergeant Ganni that Long Zhan was also a proper soldier before, and a very good soldier at that.

Then there is no need to talk about the selection of equipment for Dragon War. It can be described in four words.

That is "flowing clouds and flowing water"!
The equipment configuration of the Marine Corps is not as rich and advanced as that of the Navy SEALs, and they all have the most basic styles.

No choice.

Pistol Dragon War is equipped with a Sig Sauer P226, two pistol magazines for emergency use, and then the waistband is fully loaded with grenades.

The Velcro module is very flexible, and a waist fan can hold more than 10 grenades.

Long Gun Long Zhan is still his favorite and the light machine gun he is best at. There is no mk46 and MK48, only the most basic M249 SAW, which is enough for Long Zhan.

The M249 SAW is equipped with a 100-round magazine, and it is barely adequate for Dragon War.

The Marine Corps has a variety of guns. In addition to assault rifles, some have spray guns, and some have submachine guns.

Not even one with a light machine gun! !
In the safe house on the other side, this meeting has also entered a high level of tension.

Evacuation procedures have already begun.

The marines, including Albright, ran to the computer room and took out all the access disks, and needed to take these materials away.

The regional security officer continued to command: "You know what to do, move all the materials into the car, everyone should move as fast as possible.

Olivia, all answers, all government communications must be removed.

Lahimi, shut down all computers and delete all irreplaceable files.


As the regional security officer continued to direct and make preparations for emergency evacuation, beeping sirens resounded throughout the security.

"The embassy is in full lockdown, please return to the designated area, this is not a drill.

Repeat, embassy in total lockdown.Please return all to the designated area. "

The Marines who had packed all the storage disks and learned that the gate had been breached gathered at the gate on the first floor with guns in hand.

All the guns are facing the direction of the door, and as long as there is an enemy, he will be killed.

However, when the marines announced the blockade, there were people on the second floor who didn't want to stay on the second floor.

"We have to leave quickly, everyone loads up the trolleys and follows me."

After the ambassador finished speaking, he ran back to his office and shouted like an Afghan sitting there with a dazed face: "Jamal, you also have to go with us."

The Afghan man named Jamal didn't respond, and sat on the chair blankly.

"Get up quickly and follow me."

The ambassador yelled anxiously, making Jamal jump up from his chair in fright.

"Hurry up, come with me, go this way."

The ambassador opened a side door and began to retreat with a group of office staff.

The regional security officer led a few people down from the second floor wearing body armor and holding a rifle, not wanting to hide in the house and wait for death.

"Open the door, we're getting out," shouted the Marine from the guard's room.

The regional security concept is the immediate superior of the Marine Corps, and the members of the guard room did not dare to make any rebuttals, so they opened the door in a hurry.

"The ambassador is up there, you go and protect him."

The area commander arranged the order and then led the men to file out through the open door.

"I'm going to protect the ambassador."

Albright volunteered and rushed to the second floor alone again.

"I'm with him."

Hansen was worried about the impulsive Albright, and followed him closely.

And at the moment outside the gate.

The black and white terrorists have officially stepped into the gate of the embassy. (end of this chapter)

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