The film starts with the Navy SEALs

Chapter 1429 Regional Security Officer Receives Box Lunch

"Are you ready?"

The regional security officer, who was already at the door, wanted to talk to the people behind him.


Following him were the military attache of the embassy and two members of the Marine Corps. They were very nervous, but none of them was cowardly.

"OK, open the door, GOGOGO!"

As the electronic door clicked open, the regional security officer took the lead and rushed out with a gun.

When I came out, I just ran into a terrorist, who had already pushed away the car frame that was twisted and blocked the door, and rushed in yelling.

There were two hooded runners who ran the fastest, seven or eight meters ahead of the main force behind.

When the regional security officer met, the military attache and the marines behind him also fired one after another, knocking down the terrorists who were rushing ahead.

Immediately, the crowd dispersed immediately, using the concrete piers and wall pillars of Juma as shelters, and opened fire on the terrorists.

The terrorists were already in a state of excitement at this time, and the boss was completely occupied by dopamine, and they didn't even know what danger and fear were.

The three terrorists who rushed in in front were killed, and another 10 terrorists rushed in behind.

Just pile forward desperately.

Every terrorist who rushed forward was not a fool, but ran while holding an automatic rifle in his hand, and shot out the bullets if he died.

There are also some terrorists who are a little more rational, and know how to use the cars and giant horses on the road.

Put the gun on it, aim and shoot with precision.

The regional security officers who came out to defend were only 6 people in total.

The number of terrorists who rushed in was counted by ten, and within a few seconds there were twenty or thirty of them, blocking the entire entrance area.

If there is a high-explosive rpg at this time, at least 10 or more will be killed in one round.

Too bad the District Security Officer didn't have one!
Under the concentrated fire of dozens of enemy guns, even if only a little bit of grandson was exposed to shoot, he could not escape this airtight attack.

"call out--"

A bullet is coming.

The heroic and unlucky regional security officer was shot in the head and took the lead to receive the lunch box.

The Marine Corps next to him was also pierced through the neck by a bullet. The unique cavity effect of the AK tore off half of the neck.

Arterial blood spurts wildly!

The two military officers did not get any better. In the next less than 10 seconds, they were shot one after another and fell to the ground as corpses.

Seeing that something was wrong, the remaining marines dragged a wounded man back to the first sentry post.


The wounded was so seriously injured that he died within a few seconds of being dragged in.

The terrorists absolutely rushed up, ran around like mad dogs, separated in small groups, and searched every corner of the embassy.

Don't let go of any living person!
Among them, a group of people set their sights on the first sentry post. The tempered glass gate outside was smashed by several shots, and pieces of Huawei fell all over the place.

The terrorists rushed into the first sentry post and saw the marines inside.

Immediately, it was a shot.

Fortunately, the second door inside was made of bulletproof glass. The bullet hit it and only left a circle of cracks, but it couldn't shatter the glass doors and windows.

The marines in the house knew that they couldn't stand it anymore, so they immediately gave up and continued to retreat.

The terrorists spent a long time sweeping the doors and windows without destroying them. Even if some places were pierced, the bulletproof glass did not shatter.

was pierced.

Just a hole the size of a finger.

It was okay for Segan to get in with his fingers, but it was impossible for people to get in.

It is also very difficult to widen the hole. The toughness of the bulletproof glass is very strong. Even if you stare at the bullet hole with a hammer and knock it out, you can't knock out a hole that can enter people in 10 minutes.

But terrorists are prepared, and bulletproof doors and windows cannot stop them.

Soon a terrorist carrying a bag ran in from the outside, opened the bag, and found a bunch of handmade bombs inside.

Although the materials used are rough, they are functional.

Two terrorists took out the bomb from inside, stuck it to the sides of the glass door with suction cups, and pressed a button to activate the bomb.

"Get out, all out."

The leading bald man in black roared, and the dozen or so terrorists who poured in all ran outside the door.

The bomb expert among the terrorists made a quick operation, set the timing of the bomb to the countdown of 10 seconds, and then ran outside the door.


The countdown to the bomb is over.


The first outpost was shaken by bombing.

"Is that an explosion? They are coming in, so hurry up."

The ambassador who was evacuating from the back door suddenly became more panicked when he heard the explosion, and urged: "Olivia, hurry up and follow me."

Winston pushed a cart full of hard drives on a trolley and walked at the end of the line.

Ambassador Cahill reminded him in front, but he didn't have the usual gentlemanly demeanor. A big man ran in front empty-handed.

"Oops, Oops, it's dead."

The guy holding the video camera is also a talent, shouting in his mouth, but he still doesn't forget to keep shooting.

They ran all the way to the innermost incineration room. After Ambassador Cahill let everyone in, he closed the door before finally stopping.

At this moment, the first sentry post that passed the explosion has become a mess and is full of smoke and dust.

The bulletproof glass, which could not be broken with a gun, was completely shattered in the explosion, and the metal frame was also broken, and it fell to the ground crookedly.

The terrorists came in again in a swarm as if it was the New Year.

Some searched along the stairs to the second floor.

Some chased along the passage behind the first floor in the direction the marines were retreating, and ran into the marines who had just run away before running very far.

"Da da da da, da da da da..."

The marines raised their guns and fired, then turned around and ran to the innermost part of the passage.

"Clap clap clap clap..."

Several terrorists chased and opened fire.

The two sides chased and fled to the innermost part. The marines who could not escape entered the office, hid behind the desk and pointed their guns at the door.

A terrorist rushed over unprepared and was killed by his bullets.

The terrorists chasing after were very ferocious. They knew that there were people in the room, and they didn't foolishly push their bodies into it.

Instead, they used the method of pulling the gun and shooting, only extending the gun to the door and shooting inside.

"Da da da da da..."

The upper and lower guns fired together, and the bullets hit the office with only crumbs flying.

The ceiling was knocked down.

The marines were so crushed that they couldn't lift their heads at all, they could only huddle behind the desk, curled up as much as possible.

Reduce the probability of being hit by stray bullets and ensure your own safety as much as possible.

However, hiding all the time was not an option. The terrorists relied on two people to suppress them with guns, and the remaining one walked in with a gun.

The muzzle of the gun was tightly locked behind the desk, and any exposure would be exploded on the spot.

(End of this chapter)

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