The film starts with the Navy SEALs

Chapter 1482: Horse and kill the enemy

Commander Alta said what he saw, not what Long Zhan saw.

"I don't mind, sir."

Maybe it was because he was a brave man of skill, or maybe he was really unwilling to let his brother die like this. Even if he knew that dozens of enemies were on the way, Long Zhan still didn't want to leave.

He wanted to continue fighting here and then get close to the helicopter to see for himself.

"Yes, you don't mind, but I don't want to, I don't want all of you to die. Evacuate, Master Chief, and gather back here. I will arrange for people to transport their bodies back. You are alive for them, do you understand?"

Commander-in-Chief Alta spoke very emotionally, but also very rationally.

It was Long Zhan's obsession that he wanted to test it for himself, but after hearing what Commander Alta said, Long Zhan's idea was shaken.

Plus, when he looked up, he realized something was wrong. A large group of people were walking towards him.

Even if he forced himself to stay, with so many armed men chasing after him, he would not have the time or space to conduct an on-site inspection.

After painful thinking and decision-making, rationality finally took over Long Zhan's obsession.

"Clap clap clap."

Long Zhan aimed four shots in the distance and knocked down two militants walking in front.

"I will retreat immediately, over."

After saying that, Long Zhan fired two shots again, killing a militant who tried to drag and wound the target, got up and ran in the opposite direction.

Long Zhan knocked down three militants in a row, like a hornet's nest filled with barrels.

The militants could not find Long Zhan before because Long Zhan used a silencer and the sound could not be accurately distinguished and could not find the target to fight back.

Now Long Zhanchong ran out after being conjoined, changing from static to dynamic, and was immediately discovered by the militants.

"Da da da da..."

Suddenly gunfire broke out and bullets rained down.

Dragon War is as strong as a Siberian brown bear, but as nimble and fast as a black panther, shuttling between rocks and trees to take cover.

Even if the bullets of the militants are intensive, they can never catch up with Long Zhan's pace.

"Captain Reese, call Vanzant and ask him to find a quick reaction force immediately. I want to rescue my frogmen."

"Go talk to the Air Force immediately and ask them to remove their manpower. We need aerial reconnaissance."

Commander-in-Chief Alta heard the gunshots and knew that Long Zhan was fighting with the militants, so he issued two orders in succession.

Aerial reconnaissance is particularly important.

The drones that previously provided aerial reconnaissance have now returned because they have reached the limit of their endurance and can no longer broadcast the view of Dragon War's location.

This made Alta extremely anxious because he couldn't see the dragon battle.

The command center is doing its best to help Long Zhan get out of the current predicament.

A year or two ago, powerful help could indeed be provided very quickly, at least calling for drone reconnaissance, which would be a matter of minutes.

Even calling in an aerial gunship or frying cows, pigs, and chickens wouldn't be a problem.

Able to fly over at the first opportunity and provide ferocious firepower to Long Zhan from the air, smashing the pursuing militants into pieces.

However, these are special times.

After the President of the United States announced the withdrawal order, military expenditures and supplies were drastically reduced, and the US military in Afghanistan suddenly became tight.

All units began to be seriously short of funds, and mobilizing troops became increasingly slow.

It's like a 90-year-old old lady, lingering on to clean up the last possessions of her hometown, ready to leave the country at any time.

This also destined that Commander-in-Chief Alta's request for help would not be as swift as he imagined.Fortunately, Long Zhan didn't have any extravagant hopes. There would be response forces to rescue him. He focused on himself and used his own abilities to survive.

Long Zhan knew that if he kept running forward, there would be no way to escape.

Because the enemy can pursue you at no cost, and without the need to find a path, you can run as hard as you can, much faster than the person running in front.

If you want to get rid of the person chasing you, the person running in front must use your own advantages.

For example, create obstacles for the latter!
Long Zhan didn't have many supplies in hand, and the things he could use on the road were also limited. His best way to create obstacles was to fight and run at the same time.

Stop suddenly by running for a while, and then attack the pursuing enemy behind you.

As long as you find an opportunity to kill the enemy who runs forward recklessly, the remaining enemies will be frightened and they will not dare to pursue so recklessly.

The enemy did not dare to pursue too aggressively, for fear of sudden bullets coming from the front, so they had to observe carefully while running.

The speed will naturally slow down!

This was a relatively basic combat plan, and it was no problem for a veteran like Long Zhan, so he quickly started to implement it.

Watching the armed men behind him getting closer and closer, they were only less than 50 meters away.

"Papa, papa."

Long Zhan suddenly stopped running forward, hid behind a big tree and fired two bursts.

The two militants who ran the fastest and at the front did not expect Long Zhan to use this move and were killed on the spot unprepared.

The remaining militants were so frightened that they hid behind trees and moved between bunkers.

Long Zhan then fired a few more shots, but the shots that failed to hit the target were considered deterrent shots.

Then he got up again and ran without looking back.

After Long Zhan accelerated and rushed out for 20 meters, other militants discovered that Long Zhan started running again, and quickly accelerated and chased after him.

Moreover, this group of armed men is very unusual. They actually know very formal tactics.

learn from mistakes.

After being stopped by Long Zhan and killing two people in one go, they changed their pursuit method.

From the initial pursuit of the group behind them, it became a pursuit with gun lines drawn to the left and right, and the formation of the team was spread out to avoid being focused on the fire.

Keeping a wide enough distance between everyone can effectively prevent multiple people from being killed at once.

During the follow-up pursuit of Long Zhan, when he was chased into a dangerous distance, he fired two more carbine shots, but the effect was not as good as the first time.

Each time the first militant was killed, and the rest hid.

Let Long Zhan have no better chance to take action.

last resort.

Long Zhan could only stop when the situation was good, kill one of them, hold back the large group of militants, and then suddenly speed up and widen the distance again.

Just running, chasing, and stopping all the way, we soon came to a pile of rocks.

This location is quite special.

Its left and right widths are very narrow, and there is only one path in the middle that can pass through.

Everything else about Long Zhan's physique is fine, but his ability to sustain high-speed running is not good enough. This position is just right for him to adjust.

So Long Zhan turned around again and hid in the depression of a strange rock.

(End of this chapter)

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