The film starts with the Navy SEALs

Chapter 1483 Extreme Escape

Long Zhan hid in the crevice of the stone and fired two consecutive bursts from his probe.

"Clap clap."

Two accurate shots killed another militant.

The remaining militants were used to it. Long Zhan immediately started looking for bunkers in the surrounding area, and then wanted to advance through the bunkers.

It turned out that the terrain was a bit strange and it was impossible to advance as before.

Fortunately, there were all kinds of strange-shaped rocks all around, which gave them enough hiding places and also gave them enough hiding space.

The two militants running in front hid behind the bunker and started to suppress them.

The militant on the left was timid. He did not dare to show his head to aim and shoot accurately. He chose the more conservative method of raising his hands to lift the gun and shoot.

This kind of shooting method that doesn't even show the eyes and relies purely on feeling to shoot, whether you can hit or not depends entirely on fate.

It is a pity.

The militants on the left were unlucky, and all their shots were missed. The stone where Long Zhan was hiding was not hit by a single shot.

The militant on the right fought more actively, using the legendary "ghost probe" shooting.

Suddenly pop up and shoot twice, then pull back.

His bullets were somewhat effective. Among the seven or eight bullets fired at one time, two hit the stone where Long Zhan was hiding.

There were a few white marks left on it.

Long Zhan also took the time to shoot, but when he went out, he didn't see anything. He didn't expect that the two militants were so bad at shooting.

He could only fire two suppressive shots, hitting the militants' bunker.

"Papa, papa..."

"Da da da da da..."

The two sides went back and forth, firing at each other several times.

No one can be hurt, and bullets are wasted.

As time went on, more and more militants caught up from behind, and more and more guns were fired at them.

The "click-click" sound of AK gunfire became more and more frequent, and it was so loud that I could hardly lift my head.

You can only use grenades to assist, predict the location of the militants who fired by listening to the sound, and then throw a grenade out in a parabola.


Lei Chuan was very accurate.

One of the militants was hit by the explosion. He let out a scream and was blown out from behind the bunker. He fell to the ground and twitched in pain.

While the bomb blew up the enemy, he went out with his gun and quickly locked onto the target, then fired two more shots.

"Clap clap."

Both shots hit.

The militants who wanted to crawl over the rocks were no longer in the bunker. They had no way to hide from Long Zhan's attack and were killed on the spot.

Seeing how fierce Long Zhan's attack was, the militants were killed one after another.

Someone among the militants shouted something. It should be the small leader of the vanguard. He spoke in Afghani, and Long Zhan heard it clearly.

"With rockets? These bastards are really rich."

After hearing the conversation between the militants, I looked at the position in front of me. Facing the rocket attack, there was no place to hide.

Even if the rocket hits only the side, the fragments of gravel exploded can turn him into a mess.

In order to save his own life, even if he now has a huge advantage and blocked an army by himself, he did not fall behind.

He also had to give up this treasure, replaced it with a brand new magazine, and reinserted the magazine with a few bullets remaining into the ballistic bag.

In case there is not enough time to change the magazine during the subsequent escape.

After making all preparations, he bent down and ran out of the stone pit, and continued to run back to lengthen the front line.

When the militants saw Long Zhan, they started running again and pursued him from behind.

It resumed the chasing and running just now.

Because there were too many rocks in this place, the dragon battle could not be seen at all. Both sides were not shooting, but were running forward with all their strength.

After running forward for more than 100 meters, I came to a huge stone.

On the left and right sides of the huge stone, there is a path branching off.

He didn't know which way was right, he was completely unfamiliar with the place.

I could only choose one at random and ran down the left side.

Less than 20 seconds later, the militants also ran to the boulder. Seeing the two roads in front of them, they determined which one they were going to.

If you are not sure, you can only separate it and divide it into two parts, one on the left and one on the right.

The vanguard of nearly 40 people who originally pursued them, now more than a dozen of them have died due to the chasing and beating by Long Zhan.

The remaining twenty armed men came, and there were about ten people on each side.

Long Zhan grabbed the left side and ran for a while. After running for a while, he found that it was all downhill. He thought he was running the right way down the mountain, and he felt relieved.

"Call War Horse, can you receive it? Over." The call from the command center suddenly rang.

"I'm War Horse. I can receive it, but it's not convenient for me to call now. Over."

Press PTT and run while talking. The path down is getting steeper and steeper. If an enemy comes later, you won't be able to press PTT at all.

Because the road is too steep, I run faster and faster down.

As a result, I kept running forward for a while, then slipped on the rotten leaves, fell to the ground and sat on the slide, and almost rushed into the stone ditch.

Fortunately, at the last moment, Shenlong reached out and grabbed the gap in the big stone next to it.


He cursed and got up. Worried that an enemy would catch up at this time, he hurriedly hid on the big rock next to him and put his gun on the rock to aim at the way he came.

The fall took a lot of time, and there was a flat road ahead. If I continued running, I might get shot.

We can only start with a wave of negative news, and then talk about the negative news.

After looking at it for about five seconds, I saw an armed man rushing out from the corner. Because the road was too steep, he was running too fast and he and he were unable to stop the car.


Long Zhan had already locked onto this place and shot him in the head with one shot.

As a result, when Long Zhan wanted to fire a second shot to kill this guy, he found that the flight button could no longer be deducted. When he turned around, he found that the bullet was jammed.

The bullet must have been deformed when he fell down just now.

Not knowing when the next enemy would rush out, he quickly hid his body behind the rocks and cleared the gun as quickly as possible.

Quickly troubleshooting gun malfunctions during combat is also a basic ability for special operations.

Fortunately, it was just a minor malfunction. Long Zhan opened the bullet cap and put the bullet chain in again, then pulled the gun and loaded it again, and there was no problem.

"Clap clap clap."

The first thing that happened when Long Zhan showed up again was to fire three shots at the dissident on the ground to make sure that he was [-]% dead.

Then he sniped and waited for three seconds.

I found that no one continued to rush out, only the body was there.

It's probably because this location is too tricky, the slope is too steep and it's impossible to stop the car when you rush out, and it happens to be at a corner.

If you rush out from this position, it is actually no different from sending away.

No enemies came out again. Although this position was perfect, it was directly under a steep slope and was not an invulnerable point.

If the militants throw grenades from above, Long Zhan will be blown into pieces by them.So Long Zhan did not continue to squat here, but chose to leave this place first, continue running forward, and find a better spot.

It's a pity that the dragon battle idea is too memorized.

When he ran here before, he encountered a big rock blocking his way. If he took the right path, he could indeed run forward.

Because there is a road along the river there, you can run along the river non-stop.

But the road on the left is very bumpy. It is equivalent to a landscape road. Go forward to the end and there is a huge rock protruding out.

The scenery from this place is very beautiful, but the disadvantage is that there is a cliff in front of it.

Beneath the cliffs tens of meters away, the torrential river flowed.

"Fuck grandma, are you so unlucky?"

Long Zhan looked at this road and was so angry that he was smoking. Looking at the 40-meter-high water, he didn't know what there was, but he couldn't see through it at all.

What if the river is only one or two meters high, what if there is a raised stone below.

If you jump from such a height, you will definitely fall into a fool.

Long Zhan didn't want to risk his life. This kind of unknown and uncontrollable situation was not what he wanted. He decided to turn back and see if he could kill again.

After turning around and running a few meters, he came to where he was just now, which was the corner.

No militants have come down from here yet, and the turning point is still a perfect spot. Long Zhan can only camp at this location again.

Waited another ten seconds or so.

Not seeing the militants coming down from above, Long Zhan waited for the militants to fire. They fired through the rocks and dense bushes.

"Da da da da..."

Bullets were fired from above, but they all flew randomly.
You can't see anyone at all in Long Zhan. You can't see where the bullets are. You can only hear gunfire from above, and you probably know where the militants are.

The distance between the two sides is too far, and there are too many obstacles in between.

There was no way Long Zhan could hit them.

The militants also discovered this problem. They fought suddenly from above for a long time, but found that it had no effect. Someone else tried to come out from the corner.

This time I did not choose to run out, but slowly walked out.

However, the speed makes no difference at all.

This position is really good for the bottom. As long as you show your toes, you can see clearly. It's the same whether you come out quickly or slowly.

The militants had just exposed half of their heads when they were discovered by Long Zhan in time.

"Clap clap clap."

Three shots in a row.

The first shot hit the militant on the head, knocking him to the ground on the spot. The other two shots were additional shots to his body.

As soon as they showed up, another one was killed. The militants were so frightened that they never dared to show their faces again.


They were already simmering with anger. Long Zhan had killed so many people. Nearly twenty of them had died. They had to kill Long Zhan.

After being forced to think blindly, the militants were at their wits' end and finally a wise man appeared.

Some people have discovered the advantage of being condescending, and the distance between the two sides is not very far, which is only about 30 to [-] meters.

The militant was so imaginative that he decided to blow it up with a grenade.

And using hands to explode was what Long Zhan was most afraid of. What he was most worried about now was throwing grenades, but he didn't expect that what he was most afraid of would happen to happen.

When the militants dropped the first mine, Long Zhan didn't react at all.

until there was a bang.

Less than three meters away from him, a grenade exploded and splashed a large cloud of mud. The sound made his ears buzz before he reacted.

Fortunately, there was a stone blocking it. Without this stone, Long Zhan would have suffered.

Less than three meters away, it was within the explosion range.

say nothing else,

Even if Long Zhan won't be killed, he will be injured.

When being chased by more than twenty enemies and with more armed groups, being injured will be very fatal.

Long Zhan raised his head and glanced above, only to find that another black lump had fallen out.


This black lump is very close, and Dragon War predicts that it will definitely fall within two meters.

He quickly shrank his head.


Another explosion.

This time the explosion was closer. Even if Long Zhan picked up his head in time, he was still blown away by the explosion.

Realizing that if you continue to stay here, you will definitely be killed by a grenade.

Long Zhan took advantage of the gap between the explosion of the grenade and rushed out of the bunker in one swift step. He came to the edge of the cliff again and turned to look at the hillside.

The militants did not know that he had come out or was still throwing grenades on the top of the mountain.

"If you go to tmd, you can only take a gamble."

Rather than continue to hide here and wait for death, it is better to risk it all. Long Zhan decided to jump into the river and escape through this river.

In order to reduce the weight of jumping and the impact on the body.

Long Zhan took off his backpack first and threw it under the water. When the backpack fell, he touched his face and jumped in.

Falling at an extremely fast speed, dizziness at an extremely fast speed, blood gushing crazily in my head.

Long Zhan tried to keep his body vertical as much as possible, and used his feet mixed with combat boots to break the water first to prevent his body or other parts from hitting the water first and causing a huge impact.

After two seconds.

"Boom, boom~"

Long Zhan's [-]-pound body was like a bomb, blowing up the water more than ten meters high.

The body was also like an iron mass, sinking directly under the water under the impact. It was completely out of control, and it rushed directly under the water.

The moment it hits the water.

The huge impact of falling from the water surface, which was more than 30 meters high, was like stepping on soil, numbing Long Zhan's feet.

Fortunately, Dragon War was very lucky.

There were no raised rocks three meters under the water, so he kept his anus, and the raised rocks did not fill the sky with his anus.

With the obstruction after the water surface went down, Long Zhan's body quickly stopped sinking.

As one of the strongest naval soldiers in the world, Long Zhan flexibly uses his water properties to control his body in the water in a timely manner.

He stabilized his body under the influence of the rushing river water.

First lift your head and take a breath.

After having enough oxygen, Long Zhan began to look for the backpack he had dropped.

I don't know how long the next battle will be. There are extremely important combat supplies in the backpack, which is equivalent to half of Long Zhan's life.

There must be no mistakes!

(End of this chapter)

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