The film starts with the Navy SEALs

Chapter 1485 1 person VS 1 army

"Okay, what is this?" the little girl looked at the directional landmine and said doubtfully.

"This is a very bad and dangerous thing. As soon as this thing is pulled out, it will explode with a bang, and then you will be in pain."

Long Zhan patiently demolished the mines and explained to the little girl in a child's way.

Then he warned seriously: "On the way back, no matter what you see or hear, don't say anything.

If I ask you to stay somewhere, you must obey me and stay there. Don't run around or make any noise. Do you understand? "

"Is it because the bad guys are coming to catch us?" the little girl asked, tilting her neck.

"Yes, because of bad people."

Long Zhan nodded, looked at the sky again, and then said: "Okay, this bad thing has been dismantled, we should go."

After that, he put the mines into his bag and continued on his way.


The militants were indeed still chasing and were not far behind the tail.

And because they had a car, they were much faster than walking. There was also a pair of people among them who had already gone around to block the road in advance.

"Call the lion, I am the crow. I will answer you immediately when you hear it. Over."

The call from his men came from the bearded leader's headset.

"I'm a lion. Got it. Have you arrived in area 3514?" the bearded leader replied.

"We have arrived at Area 3514, but we didn't see the American soldier or the Christian child." said the crow on the intercom.

"Maybe you missed it." The bearded leader Lion said.

"Definitely not. No one wants to kill this heretic more than us, so we must say it very carefully." Crow explained.

"Maybe they went directly to Araman. I'll go there right now. You guys come here quickly," the lion said.

"Got it, Lion, we'll get around to you as quickly as we can," the crow replied.

"Hurry and finish," the lion ordered.


The terrorists were in hot pursuit, and Long Zhan and the little girl were still traveling through the barren mountains and jungles.

Long Zhan led the way, and the little girl followed.

As they walked across the gravel-strewn road, the little girl was attracted by the small stones. She squatted on the ground naughtily, picked up a stone, and threw it into the grass.

Watching the stones fly out, the little girl smiled.

Picking up small stones and throwing them far away is a game that every child loves.

“Hey, Zoe, let’s go quickly.”

Long Zhan urged the little girl.

After hearing this, the little girl immediately took away the smile on her face, feeling that it was not funny at all.

At this time.

Long Zhan seemed to hear something.

He immediately picked up the little girl with one hand and lifted her under a hidden stone. He put his hand on his lips and told the little girl to be quiet.

Long Zhan squatted quietly and continued to observe.

Through the gap left on the stone, he found two men not far away. Long Zhan took out his knife and walked toward the two men who had just been discovered with murderous intent.

The little girl also saw Long Zhan's knife stabbing a man through the gap in the middle of the stone.

The little girl remained silent, not knowing what Long Zhan was doing.

But does she remember Long Zhan’s instructions?
So the little girl heard the sound of footsteps on stones.

She also remained motionless.

Obviously, the armed men of the Bearded Lion group have now found this place.

I saw him holding an AKM rifle in his hand, hunched over and patrolling everywhere.

Fortunately, the little girl was not found.

The little girl watched him go away, and then heard some strange noises.


Dragon War is back.

"You're bleeding."

The little girl saw the blood dripping from Long Zhan's neck and pointed with her finger.

Long Zhan touched the blood on his neck and said without caring, "This is not my blood, it's from an animal. Get up quickly, we have to go."

"Come here, hurry up!" Long Zhan urged the little girl again.

The two have been together for such a long time, and the little girl is already very familiar with Long Zhan. She quickly got up and ran to Long Zhan's side. She was only as tall as Long Zhan's knees.

This picture is quite funny!

Long Zhan was too tall and the little girl was too short. He couldn't reach her hand and couldn't lead her away. The little girl was tired after walking for a long time.

Long Zhan simply lifted him up, sat on his arms and quickly continued on his way.

At this time, the sun has reached the west mountain, and it will be dark soon, and then the moon will be bright and the stars will be sparse, and the dangerous night is coming.

The little girl was too tired from walking during the day and fell asleep sitting in Long Zhan's arms.

Long Zhan carried Zoe until midnight and found a relatively quiet and safe stone cave, where he rested for only a few hours.

the next day.

The sun had just risen and Long Zhan got up and went on his way.

I didn't meet any armed men or hear any strange noises along the way. I just walked and came to a stream.

Long Zhan walked in front without waiting for the little girl, forgetting that someone's legs couldn't be that wide.

The little girl was blocked in front of the stream. She didn't want her shoes to get wet, but her legs were too short and she couldn't cross. This became a big problem.

She shouted to Long Zhan in frustration: "Do you want to abandon me?"

When Long Zhan heard the little girl's voice, he stopped, turned around and looked around and realized the problem. He wanted to laugh, but felt that it was immoral to laugh, so he could only hold it in.

Then he turned back again, looking at the little girl's aggrieved eyes, feeling helpless.

I don’t know how to coax him at the moment!
After all, he is an old man who has never taken care of children. Let Long Zhan coax his children. For Long Zhan, it is more difficult than fighting an army.

"You want to leave me," the little girl repeated.

"I'm sorry, kid, please forgive me, there won't be another time." Long Zhan really had no choice but to tell the little girl realistically.

"You have to promise." The little girl said aggrievedly.

"I promise."

Long Zhan promised with a smile.

Then he held one end of the blue headscarf that he had taken off yesterday and stretched it out, placing it in front of the little girl and gesturing for her to grab it.

The height difference between the two was so big that a scarf had to be connected in the middle so that Long Zhan could hold the little girl.

The little girl received Long Zhan's guarantee and was very happy to grab the scarf handed over by Long Zhan and let Long Zhan pull her forward.

The two of them walked step by step along the mountain road, crossed the stream and walked through the single-plank bridge in the forest.

Heading towards the border of Baji Deathtank!At this time.

Because the militants already knew their destination, an entire army stayed on the road and monitored it from various mountain tops with good views.

Long Zhan took the little girl forward and soon encountered armed men blocking the road.

The militants did not notice Long Zhan at all. One of them called on the walkie-talkie: "Report to the lion, the crow is heading to area 34327, over."

"Lion received it, over."

Crow ended the call with his boss, and an armed man beside him asked: "We have waited for so long and haven't seen them coming. Will they really leave from here?"

"They will definitely pass by here. They may have already arrived here, but they haven't arrived yet. Tell them to go down and let them open their eyes." Crow said.

"Understood, I will arrange it." The militant said.

"We will definitely find the infidels, and God will protect us." Another bearded militant prayed devoutly.

"Yes, God willing."

Crow nodded and said also piously.

I don't know.

The people they were looking for were right in front of them, and their every move was watched, but this group of militants was completely unknown.

After discussing there for a while, we continued to patrol elsewhere.

Long Zhan kept his gun aimed at them throughout the whole process. If they dared to make any movement, he would not hesitate to shoot them all.

Fortunately, these militants were unaware that Long Zhan was already right in front of their eyes.

After the watching militants left, Long Zhan put down his gun and said, "Okay, Zoe, it's okay, they have left."

Zoe imitated Long Zhan's tactical moves and lay on the ground with one hand in front of her, but did not get up immediately.

"What's wrong?" Long Zhan asked.

The little girl turned her head to look at Long Zhan and said to him very seriously: "I know these people. They killed Billy. There was the one with the hat and the one with the scar on his left eye."

The little girl was talking and drawing with her hand what a hat and a bus looked like.


The little girl was not what Long Zhan thought at first. She had no idea about the washing machine, and she didn't know that his parents were dead.

In fact, the little girl knew it in her heart, and she also knew what death meant.

It's just that because he was too young, he didn't know what the sadness of death was, maybe he thought it was just a temporary thing.

Maybe after a while, the dead will come back.

That's why he wasn't angry or crying.

Just talking seriously.

"I will remember them, don't worry."

Long Zhan touched the little girl's hair and promised calmly and seriously: "Let's go, it's time for us to leave. I will come to them when I get you to a safe place."

The little girl believed in the dragon war so much that she got up from the ground and continued walking.

have to say.

The little girl's physical strength is really good.

She looks like she is only four or five years old. In some countries, she is held in her hand every day and has to be carried on her back when walking for fear of breaking her leg if she takes one more step.

Zoe, however, has basically been walking alone from yesterday to today.

Only when he was really tired and couldn't walk anymore, Shenlong would lead him for a while or hold him for a while, and the total proportion would never exceed one tenth.

Fortunately, Zoe is such a good boy, strong enough even if she doesn't drink or make trouble.

Otherwise, it would really be a disaster for Long Zhan.

Going from the mountains of Afghanistan to Baji Deathtan, Long Zhan could only take the little girl through the mountains when the road was blocked by militants.

The road in the mountains is really difficult.

Although the terrain of Afghanistan is very barren and there are no dense forests like tropical rainforests, the large number of fragmented stones and dead ends are also very troublesome.

This caused Long Zhan and the little girl to advance much slower than expected.

The top speed is only [-] kilometers per hour!
And it doesn’t matter that the road is so difficult, you still have to be careful at all times.

Who knows if you will run into a group of armed men when you climb over the hillside ahead or walk over a big rock.

You must know that the militants who chased Long Zhan were not a squad or a squad.

He's an entire army! !
There were 50 to [-] people in the vanguard, and there were hundreds of people in his large army. They were fighting all the way from Japan, and even the US military did not dare to take care of them.

In this context of a major troop withdrawal, no one wants to risk their own soldiers to die.

Because even if you win, there will be no reward, because the president has issued an order to retreat, and it is already the cooling-off period for the retreat.

It would be bad if we lose the fight. We might have to go to court-martial when we go back.

It is precisely because of the various concerns of the US military that each unit basically sweeps the snow in front of its own house and ignores the frost on other people's houses unless necessary.

The entire Afghanistan has become the world of the Taliban, and all kinds of evil and evil militants have emerged.

after all.

In the war zone in the Middle East, the Taliban is only the most powerful armed organization, not the only armed organization.

Various large and small armed organizations, as well as various terrorists and al-Qaeda organizations.

It’s probably too many to count in total!
Long Zhan was alone with a little girl. The radio in his hand was soaked in water and was now unusable, so he could not contact the headquarters for support.

Being pursued and intercepted by an entire army, caution was his only asset for survival.

Avoiding Crow's group of armed men, Long Zhan and the little girl walked forward for more than an hour and came to a place with complex terrain.

A few hundred meters ahead is a new ridge. What will happen on the other side is completely unknown.

There are probably a lot of armed men waiting in their cars on the other side of the mountain.

In order to ensure that Zoe was safe enough and that he could completely let go of his hands and feet during the battle, Long Zhan started to search everywhere while walking forward.

He soon found a suitable place and took the little girl over.

“Zoe, go hide here. I will be back soon.”

Long Zhan pointed to the stone cave in front of him, which was about three meters deep and about 1.5 meters high. It was formed due to differentiation under a three- to four-meter-high stone, and motioned to the little girl to hide inside.

The little girl walked in obediently and stood in the stone cave looking outside.

"Stay here and don't run around."

Long Zhan gave last instructions and turned around to leave.

"Hey, wait."

But the little girl stopped Long Zhan, with fear and reluctance on her face.

Long Zhan became the little girl's only support. After all, the little girl was only a few years old. Faced with the departure of her only support, he would naturally be afraid.

"I'm just going to look at the ridge ahead. I'll be back in a few minutes. I promised I won't leave you, and I will keep my word. You go inside, don't move, and don't make any noise. I'm very worried. Be back soon."

After saying that, Long Zhan didn't linger, turned around and strode away.

The little girl looked at Long Zhan aggrievedly, wanting to cry but not crying.

Very strong!
(End of this chapter)

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