Long Zhan and the little girl separated and walked along the slope to a patch of grass on the ridge.

He looked around, half-crouched and moved forward with a gun, while confirming the surrounding situation. He walked all the way to the top of the mountain, but found no problems.

So I tried to use the radio again, pressed PTT and found that there was sound in the earphones.

"Is it ready?"

Long Zhan was not sure whether the equipment that had been wetted by water had recovered by itself after the water had evaporated after being dried for more than a day.

Press the PTT radio to call: "Headquarters, call the headquarters, I am War Horse [-], can you receive it? Please answer immediately after receiving it, over!"

It took about ten seconds!
Seeing that there was still no response, Long Zhan pressed ptt to make a second call: "Call headquarters, I am War Horse No. [-], can you receive it? Over!"

"War Horse, this is the headquarters! We can receive it, can you receive it? Over!"

Fortunately, there was finally a response. Although the rustling voice was not very clear, Long Zhan still recognized that it was Commander John who spoke.

"I can receive it, it's over!"

Finally able to contact the command center, Long Zhan's frown relaxed slightly.

But he only relaxed for less than two seconds.

The situation has changed again

There was noisy electric white noise coming from the communication. Long Zhan felt that it must be Commander John speaking, but he couldn't hear it clearly at all.

"Headquarters, the communication is not smooth. I didn't hear you clearly. Please repeat it. It's over!" Long Zhan said.

"Received, the command needs a report on your situation. How is your situation? Where are you now? Please tell me immediately. Over."

Commander John's voice was still vague, but he could barely hear it clearly.

"I have found the car escorting the target, but all the others are dead, only a little girl is left. I am taking her to the **** border. There are many people chasing me and us. I need to evacuate immediately ,complete!"

While Long Zhan was reporting, he still looked around cautiously.

"Received, I understand, but I also need to know your location. Where is your current location?" Commander John asked anxiously.

Long Zhan opened the Velcro strap on his chest, a GPS terminal that was similar to a mobile phone.

Checked the location.

"I was one kilometer away from the Raiders and I was with a man, I repeat, I was with a man."

Before Long Zhan could finish his words, Commander John's voice came through the communication.

"The mission target... needs to be evacuated immediately!"

"Can you receive it? Can you hear it? It's over." Long Zhan asked repeatedly.

"Received, OK, we don't have helicopters in the area and are mobilizing helicopters in your direction, but you can only wait. The specific time cannot be determined. We are currently severely short of manpower." Commander John said.


Long Zhan sighed and continued: "I will wait for instructions, over!"

Now is the final preparation period for the general withdrawal. No one has been transferred, and some US troops have begun to withdraw from Afghanistan.

Lack of manpower is not just a problem for special operations bases, but other forces are also facing this situation.

Long Zhan was helpless and had no choice.

"We know your situation is urgent, but you can only wait and maintain your position. We will try to arrive before six o'clock tomorrow morning. Can you receive it?" Commander John deployed.

"Tomorrow? Six o'clock in the morning?" Long Zhan confirmed.

"Yes, War Horse, this is already the fastest speed at present, the limit I can help you achieve." Commander John replied helplessly.

"Roger, headquarters!" Long Zhan's eyes were full of complex expressions, but he had to accept it.

"I hope it can be implemented as soon as possible to end the communication!"

"Received, end communication!"

Dragon War and Commander John ended their conversation.

"Reese, is there any news on Vanzant?"

In the command center, Commander Alta asked.

"Not yet, sir." A communications technician replied.

"Give me the phone and I'll call him personally." Commander Alta couldn't hold himself back anymore, stood up and walked over and said.


After the Dragon War ended his call with the command center, he found no targets on the mountain, but he did not feel that it was safe here.

Because the command center issued an order for him to wait here for the helicopter to arrive.

If nothing unexpected happens, a helicopter will be here to pick him up in less than twenty hours at the latest.

Instead of taking the risk and moving on, send the little girl to ****.

Dragon War prefers to wait here.

In order to spend today as safely as possible and usher in the moment of evacuation tomorrow, Long Zhan must make a little preparation in advance.

He went back to pick up the little girl from the cave, and then began to deploy booby traps at various strategic points.

The directional blasting mines that were demolished on the road were placed in a key position by Long Zhan as a secret weapon.

If you are really being chased by an enemy and have nowhere to run, just run in this direction.

The enemy would definitely not pay too much attention when they were chasing him. When the time came, Chen Long would be able to let them trigger the mines, causing a large wave of damage to the enemy.

The little girl Zoe is really obedient.

Very sensible.

He just followed Long Zhan obediently, quietly watching Long Zhan deploy booby traps everywhere, but he didn't come to cause trouble or make any noise.

It wasn't until Long Zhan deployed the mines that she tilted her neck and asked curiously, "What are you doing?"

"Surprise the bad guy, come on, we should go get some rest."

After Long Zhan completed all the arrangements, he took the little girl back to the cave just now, got into the cave and simply packed up, preparing to spend the night here.

There was still some time before dark.

Long Zhan took out the field rations from the bag, opened the bag, took out the biscuits and chocolates and put them in the little girl's hands.

Because there is no way to light a fire, if you open fire, it will definitely attract enemies.

Long Zhan didn't bother to heat it up and just ate it dry.

For special forces who have eaten all kinds of raw meat and all kinds of unpalatable food during special training, field dry food can be used with or without heating.

"Are we going to die here?"

The little girl was eating chocolate and looked up at Long Zhan curiously.

"No, we'll be fine. We just have to wait until tomorrow morning and get up on the ridge and we'll be able to get out of here."

Although the little girl didn't know the true meaning of death, Long Zhan still didn't want her to be afraid.

"How did you know I was here? Are you here specifically to save me?" Zoe asked again.

"Yes, we are here specifically to rescue you. I heard that you and your family are escaping here, so we are here specifically. Are you happy?" Long Zhan asked with a smile.

"I am very happy."

The little girl answered with a smile, and then asked curiously: "We?? Are there many of you? Why are you the only one now? Where are your friends?"

"We were flying in the sky, and we were attacked by bad guys, and then the helicopter fell down. Like your parents, they all went to heaven." Long Zhan said in as relaxed a tone as possible.

"What about you?" Zoe said. "I fell out before the crash. I was very lucky. I fell from the sky and fell into a puddle. Then I was lucky enough to survive." Long Zhan said.

"Wow, did you fall from the sky? Like an angel?" the little girl said with bright eyes.

"I'm not an angel, I'm just lucky." Long Zhan said sadly.

"No, you are my angel, you saved me, you protected me."

Zoe's childlike words made Long Zhan couldn't help but laugh, and there was a softness deep in his heart.

It felt like everything I had done for Zoe was worth it at this moment.

"I hope the bad guys don't catch us." Zoe prayed expectantly.

"No, don't worry."

Long Zhan answered confidently, patted the little girl's back and comforted her: "You must be tired from walking these past two days. Hurry up and lie down to rest and sleep."

"Can you tell me a story? My mother always tells me bedtime stories when I sleep." The little girl begged.

Children's bedtime stories are a characteristic of the United States and many European countries.


Long Zhan knows everything but not this. He was caught in a shortcoming, so he could only bite the bullet and said: "What kind of story do you want to hear?"

"I love hearing stories about heroes."

The little girl Zoe is quite interesting, and she likes something different from other girls.

I didn’t know what to talk about the dragon battle at first, but when I heard the little girl say that she likes to hear stories about heroes, I suddenly got an idea.

Long Zhan has lived for two lifetimes. He may be lacking in other things, but he is not lacking in heroes.

He has seen many heroes.

He is also a hero in his own right.

"Okay, I'll tell you a hero's story."

Long Zhan covered the little girl with a scarf, took a deep breath and spoke slowly.

Long Zhan used himself as a story template and wanted to tell the little girl a story that only he knew and that he had never told.

In this story, Long Zhan is the protagonist, but he is not the hero of the story.

"That's the bravest person I've ever seen..."

"The story should have started a long time ago." The little girl interrupted and corrected.


Long Zhan corrected himself and said: "A long time ago, in a distant place called Kirkuk, my comrades and I were suppressed by enemy fire and surrounded. I had no way to break out. The situation was very critical.

I thought I was going to die. Suddenly, a big truck came and a man jumped out, a free, brave and strong warrior.

He covered us and allowed me and my comrades to rush out.

At first I thought he was crazy, but he actually drove his car back to save us. Later I realized that he was the real brave man.

He saved our lives that day..."

Long Zhan was very sad and choked up. He held it back for a while before saying, "But he became a hero and will always remain in our hearts."

Long Zhan's eyes were red after he finished speaking. This was the biggest regret in his life.

He had never dared to tell anyone before, and this incident was extremely uncomfortable in his heart.

Now that he told it as a heroic story to a five-year-old child, Long Zhan suddenly felt much better.

This feeling of being able to speak out really made him feel great.

When Long Zhan finished speaking and turned around to look, the little girl Zoe had already fallen asleep with her eyes closed, with a smile on her lips and she seemed to be sleeping peacefully.

Long Zhan's thoughts could not calm down for a long time.

Just sit in the cave and look outside, watching the sunset, watching the day turn into night, watching the moon and stars filling the sky.

The dragon battle lasted like this for a long time, please note that you are always paying attention to everything around you.

It was not until late at night that there was no danger, and the deployed booby traps were not triggered.

Only then did Long Zhan feel relieved, closed his eyes and began to rest.

the next day.

It was more than 5 o'clock in the morning.

Not long after dawn, Long Zhanbian woke up naturally from his sleep.

After looking at it, it was almost time, but the little girl was still sleeping soundly on her lap, showing no sign of waking up.

Long Zhan had to pat and shout: "Wake up, Zoe, it's time for us to go."

Zoe didn't feel angry when she woke up, which killed 90.00% of children instantly. She just rubbed her eyes and sat there in a daze.

This is the state of confusion that comes from just waking up.

Long Zhan did not continue to urge Zoe and asked Zoe to sit there and wake up first. He climbed out of the hole first and looked at the situation outside.

There is no difference from yesterday, no militants came here.

However, just when Long Zhan put his gun on the ground, picked up his backpack and put it on his body.

Zoe rubbed her eyes and walked out of the cave, suddenly pointed behind Long Zhan and said, "Who is he? Is he your friend?"

Long Zhan's heart tightened suddenly.

He quickly turned around and saw an armed man who seemed to have walked down the ridge and turned around the corner 20 meters away.

Turning around, I happened to see Long Zhan, and I happened to turn around and saw him.

The two looked at each other for a while.

The militants held an AKM in their hands, and Long War Zone just put down the gun. The militants had an absolute advantage, and the situation suddenly became particularly critical.

If the militants reacted quickly enough, Long Zhan would definitely be shot.

Fortunately, the militants did not seem to expect that they would encounter a dragon battle in this place, and it was this early morning, and the safety of the gun was not turned on.

When he reacted, he wanted to turn on the safety and shoot Long Zhan to death.

Long Zhan had already reacted first. Taking advantage of the reaction of the special forces, he drew out the saber stuck in his chest and threw it towards him.

A flying knife flew out.

Long Zhan bent down and went down to get the gun.


Throwing knife pillows are very accurate.

It was inserted just below the throat of the militant. He died before he could even shout. The militant fell down with a muffled groan.

Long Zhan strode over with a gun, his gun always locked on the militants.

When I ran up to him, I saw that the militant was incapable of shooting. I slid over and sat on him, drew my saber and stabbed him.

After stabbing the militant twice in the heart, he was sure that the militant was dead.

Long Zhan took out his saber, wiped it clean on the militant's clothes, inserted it into the holster on his chest, and ran towards the little girl with the gun in hand.

It is impossible for only one militant to come, there must be his companions around.

Danger is coming! !
(End of this chapter)

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