The film starts with the Navy SEALs

Chapter 1488 Zoe was taken away

When Long Zhan noticed that the militants were coming, he also heard a strange sound coming from behind him, so he turned his head and looked in the direction of the sound.

It turned out that the little girl was throwing stones there and hitting the ground not far away. It looked like she was practicing the method Long Zhan taught her.


Long Zhan shouted to the little girl, telling her to be quiet.

The little girl stopped throwing the stone in her hand and looked at Long Zhan.

Long Zhan made a shushing gesture.

Then he turned around and continued to look at it with his naked eyes. In order to be more precise about the enemy's position, he looked at it with a telescope.

Just when Long Zhan was looking through the telescope
The little girl couldn't play with pebbles. She felt it was too boring to sit there, so she quietly got up and ran away without Long Zhan noticing.

The little girl left the hillside and returned to the woods on the mountainside.

She met a bearded militant.

Very strange.

This bearded militant was the one who fell into the Dragon War trap before, but he was not killed or even injured.

And he said to the little girl hypocritically:
"Little girl, don't run around. It's very dangerous here! Where are your parents? Why can't you see them?"

The bearded militant wanted to capture the little girl and pretended to be nice and tricked her into coming over.

He continued to pretend to be concerned and asked: "It's too dangerous here. You shouldn't be here alone."

"I didn't. I came here with him."

Girl Zoe said while pointing behind the militants, and Long Zhan was walking behind him with a gun.

The bearded man realized that the danger was coming and was already behind him. In his current situation, it was absolutely impossible to fight back.

So he rolled his eyes and immediately thought of an emergency plan.

He quickly and quietly took out the walkie-talkie from his waistband and buried it on the ground. He used the movement of standing up as a cover and slowly moved the thick leaves on the ground with his feet to cover the entire walkie-talkie.

After completing these disguises, the bearded man turned around and looked at the person behind him.

And this person is Long Zhan.

I saw Long Zhan aiming his rifle at him, approaching slowly step by step.

The bearded militant puts on an Oscar-worthy performance to protect himself.

"Wait, wait, please don't shoot, I'm just an ordinary shepherd looking for my goats, please don't shoot!"

The bearded militant was frightened when he saw Long Zhan facing him fiercely, and said tremblingly.

Long Zhan saw that he didn't look like a good person, so he didn't let down his guard. He whistled and signaled the little girl to come to him.

The little girl didn't know there was danger, so she ran behind Long Zhan in a hurry.

"This is a dangerous place, you shouldn't be here." The bearded militant continued to pretend to be a good person and reminded him kindly.

"Put the gun down, asshole!"

Long Zhan yelled loudly.

"Okay, here, here, take it, take it!"

The bearded militant immediately put down his gun and prepared to put it on the ground.

"I use it to ward off Daesh bastards, and I can help you get out of here! My village is not far from here, in the next valley."

The bearded militant tried to convince Long Zhan.

Long Zhan looked at the little girl, who shrugged interestingly, as if to indicate that she didn't know whether the bearded man was a good person or a bad person.

Long Zhan was hesitant at this moment, wondering whether to believe it or not.

"Yes, I'll help."

"Come on, let me help you!"

"Really, I will help you! Trust me!"

The bearded militants want to strike while the iron is hot and gain Long Zhan's full trust.

Long Zhan held his rifle and continued to move towards him.

"Yes, I will help."

The bearded militants kept trying to brainwash Long Zhan.

Long Zhan was getting closer and closer with his rifle, and then with lightning speed, he changed the rifle into a pistol and yelled:
"Turn over!"

The bearded militant could only continue his act and turned around obediently.

Long Zhan searched him in various ways, but found nothing. His hostility softened slightly and he began to try to believe him.

The bearded militant's heart jumped into his throat, fearing that something would be found.

Long Zhan turned the bearded militant around again.

Nothing was found, so I tried to believe what he said, and threatened: "If you take me the wrong way, I will kill you, do you understand?"

"I understand, I help you, I will help you."

The bearded militant pretended to be very scared and nodded quickly, making himself look more like an ordinary villager who was very familiar with the road conditions.

"Let's go!" Long Zhan asked him to lead the way.The bearded militant walked in front, followed by Long Zhan and the little girl.

"Lion, Lion, I am Crow, over!"

Crow also searched for him with many armed men, and tried to call Big Beard in the communication.

Unfortunately no response!

Because in order to deceive Long Zhan, the bearded militants had already buried the walkie-talkies in the ground and covered them with fallen leaves.

"Lion, Lion, I am Crow, over!"

The crow called a second time, but there was no sound from the other side.

Then the crow called three more times.

Still no sound.

The lion's walkie-talkie has been buried on the ground, so how can it be heard?

Fortunately, the crow was half a minute late in calling. If he had called half a minute earlier, Long Zhan would have heard the sound coming from the ground.

At that time, the bearded militant will be exposed, and he will be greeted by Long Zhan's iron fist.

Little did Crow know that he almost killed his boss.

After calling three times in a row, there was no response. The little brother Crow was still very smart and realized that something was wrong, so he quickly led everyone to look for the lion.


The bearded militant Lion didn't walk very fast, just to buy time for his younger brothers to catch up. He led Long Zhan halfway and said to Long Zhan:

"The village is not far from here."

Then he emphasized: "My village! A few days ago, people from Daesh came and set it on fire. All my relatives were killed by them."

Big Beard's acting skills are really awesome, and Long Zhan didn't notice anything unusual.

Started to believe him.

"Are you a local?" Long Zhan asked him.

"No, I'm from ****. I moved here with my father when I was a child. I wasn't born here, but I will die here, God bless me!"

What the lion said was true, and his expression and eyes were very focused when he said it.

Make him look more realistic.

In fact, the lion had already seen other militants nearby, and he tried to delay time.Divert Long Zhan's attention and make him relax!
"What about you? Why are you here?"

the lion pretended to ask.

"I'm just passing by." Long Zhan replied.

"It's very dangerous to come here alone." The lion pretended to be worried to remind Long Zhan.

"The world is inherently dangerous. No place is safe unless you become a corpse and lie in a coffin."

Just as Long Zhan finished speaking, a call came from the communication.

"Call War Horse, I am the command center, can you receive it? Over."

"This world is indeed dangerous everywhere, even the special forces..." The lion deliberately interrupted.

"you shut up!"

Long Zhan immediately pointed his finger at the lion and stopped the lion's interference in time.Then he called out: "I am a war horse, over!"

The lion pretended to give a nod to Long Zhan, indicating that he would not disturb him again, and then looked into the distant woods, expecting to see other armed men getting closer.

"Copy that, War Horse, over!" Commander John said in the address book.

"Why haven't you thought of a way yet? It's over!" Long Zhan asked anxiously.

"Roger, War Horse! Our current communication signal is not very good. We are contacting you as soon as possible. We have already contacted you. There is helicopter No. 160 in Galalabad that can be dispatched. Contact me when you arrive at the evacuation point. Over ." Commander John said.

"Very good, command center. I'm heading to the evacuation point with the mail. It's over." Long Zhan replied.

"Copy that, War Horse, what is your current location?" Commander John asked.

"We are about 4 kilometers away from the Raiders. We are on our way to the thoroughfare point. Over!" Long Zhan finished his reply.

While listening to Long Zhan's call, the lion quietly began to make preparations, because he had already seen his men chasing after him.

"Do you have the coordinates of the extraction point? Over." Commander John asked.

"I'm going to 355, did you receive it? It's over." Long Zhan replied.

The helicopter needs a suitable platform to pick up people, and it is a safe enough location, so Dragon War needs to find a suitable point first.

He was completely unaware of all the reporting process, and the lion heard the whole process.

"Understood, please confirm. The evacuation coordinate is 355, right?" Commander John asked.

"Yes, end communication!"

Long Zhan responded firmly.

"Roger, Warhorse, end communication." Commander John replied.

After the call ends.

"Good news?" The lion smiled and deliberately tried to trick the dragon into fighting.

"you can say it this way."

Long Zhan glanced at him and replied without any doubt.

"Okay, that's great. I'm happy for you." This old thief is quite good at acting in agreement.

"Hey, kid, are you ready to go home?" Long Zhan asked the little girl.

At this time.

A large group of pursuing militants were getting closer and closer to Long Zhan and them.

Long Zhan's combat intuition for many years was triggered and he sensed a strong danger.

It's too late, it's too soon.

Long Zhan immediately pulled the little girl and hid, and told the child: "Squat down quickly!"

The little girl Long Zhan had just taken hid. The armed men had also arrived and started shooting at them. There was gunfire outside.

Long Zhan also began to respond and fought back with rifles.

The little girl was so frightened that she squatted there covering her ears and did not dare to move.

that's it.

Dragon warfare relies on terrain combat, and a person starts a gunfight with a group of armed men.

Relying on the strength of their numbers, the militants became more proactive and aggressive in their tactics and kept pushing forward. The plan was to suppress Long Zhan through active attacks.

And Long Zhan defended with his back against the stone.

Replace the empty magazine with a new one and start shooting at the militants.

They fought like this for several minutes.

Long Zhan killed several militants with extremely accurate marksmanship.

When the remaining militants saw the death of several of their companions, they became extremely angry. The fighting became more intense and their fighting styles became more aggressive.

One of them looked at his dead companion, and he was ready to die with Long Zhan.

Shouting Long Live Pearl!

He took out a grenade from his pocket, pulled off the safety pin and rushed out of the bunker, running towards Long Zhan like a madman.

It seems like running and shouting slogans can add buffs.

But it's not warm!
Long Zhan turned around and fired a bullet.


Kill him directly.

The grenade he was holding when he died rolled just under his body.


The grenade exploded, blowing the bodies of the militants to pieces.

Long Zhan was at a certain distance away and did not receive any damage.

Then Long Zhan fought aggressively, killing the remaining two militants, and then immediately turned around to look for the little girl.

I was about to take the little girl away from here, but I found that the little girl was missing from where I was just now.



Long Zhanxin suddenly became anxious, shouting and looking around.

But there was no sign of the child.

Long Zhan turned back and looked for the little girl again.

But she could not be found.

He looked around the surrounding mountains several times and searched for the footprints on the ground, but there was no trace, as if he had disappeared out of thin air.

Long Zhan didn't want to give up just like that, he was unwilling to do so.

Keep looking everywhere.

Less than 20 meters along another road, he found the rag doll on the ground.

Confirming that the route he was looking for was correct, Jackie Chan strode along this road, praying in his heart that the little girl would never be in danger.

Without walking very far, Long Zhan saw an armed man guarding the reverse slope next to a fork in the road.

An armed man wrapped in a black turban was about to take out a cigarette to smoke. He seemed to hear something and covered the cigarette box again.

Then he picked up the rifle beside him and carefully aimed at the place where the suspicious sound was coming.

While he was still catching the target, a gun was pressed against the back of his head.

He slowly looked back and saw that Long Zhan had already targeted him.


The black-turbaned militant was shot dead by Long Zhan before anyone could see him clearly.

Jackie Chan, who was chasing along the road, made sure that he was chasing in the right direction. After a little observation, he continued to pursue in depth.


Deep in a dark cave, there is Zoe who Long Zhan is eager to find.

It turns out that the little girl was kidnapped by the bearded militants while Long Zhan was fighting with others, and then secretly brought to this cave.

And he used a wooden cage to lock her in it.

The little girl didn't move or speak. She was scared.

"Don't be afraid, kid, I won't hurt you. What's your name?" This lion really knew how to act and continued to have a relationship with the little girl.

The little girl looked at him but said nothing.

"what is this?"

The lion pointed at the little girl's hand, which was playing with something.

"This is my daddy's," the little girl replied.

"Oh, that's nice," said the lion.

The little girl said nothing and buried her head.

(End of this chapter)

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