The film starts with the Navy SEALs

Chapter 1489 Long Zhan was caught

The little girl had nothing to say, so the lion could only go outside.

Asked another militant: "How are you doing over there?"

"We found your gun and the walkie-talkie you hid, but we didn't see the infidel."

The militant then added: "However, Lewa is still leading people to search for him."

"We will find him, God willing, we will find him, I believe it." Another militant replied confidently, flattering him.

"God bless you!" the lion repeated.


Long Zhan put on a black turban, even his clothes, and put on a black robe of an armed militant to make himself less conspicuous.

Searching for the whereabouts of the little girl, they passed through a dark and deep natural tunnel.

When he saw the light again, his eyes had changed.

He came to a village.

There are herds of cattle and sheep in the village, and all you can see are stone houses and mud houses made of earth. Militants with cloths or turbans on their heads can be seen everywhere.

Everything is on display.

This is already the home base of militants!

Long Zhan carefully looked at his surroundings, bent down as much as possible to make himself look less tall, and walked in the alley between the houses.

When passing a corner, I bumped into an armed man wearing a black turban.

The distance between the two was less than three meters. The militants did not expect to encounter the enemy, and they were still wondering why they had never seen such a tall companion.

Long Zhan didn't hesitate for even a second and directly raised his gun to give him a fatal blow.


The sound of the silenced gunfire was very small, and it was still heard by the militants who were sitting in a stairwell not far from the next door, playing with their mobile phones and looking at photos of beautiful women.

However, because the sound is very small, the sound of a gunshot with a silencer does not sound like a gunshot.

He didn't realize it was an attack and thought something fell to the ground. He still lay there calmly and looked at the photos of beautiful women on his phone.

After Long Zhan killed the No. 1 militant, he continued walking along the village and found other militants.

Long Zhan walked through the house, went to the back and walked down the stairs. He came to a corner and heard two voices talking next door.

So he quietly reached the door, suddenly rushed out and fired four shots.

The two militants were unprepared and were killed by Long Zhan on the spot.

After stepping over the bodies of the two militants, Long Zhan opened the door behind them and went in. He searched around inside and found Zoe.

After coming out, he continued to search other places and soon came to a house.

Long Zhan could hear the sound of a TV in the house, but he was not sure what was going on inside the house. He could only be sure that there were militants inside.

After thinking for a while outside the door, Long Zhan had a good idea.

He reached out and knocked on the door a few times.

"Tuk Tuk Tuk."

The door rang.

"The door is open, come in by yourself."

There were indeed three people watching TV series in the room, and the big fat man sitting in the middle shouted in Afghani.

"Tuk Tuk Tuk."

The door was still knocking.

The big fat man was addicted to watching TV series, and at the critical moment, he didn't want to open the door at this time, and he didn't realize that the danger was coming.

He tilted his head to the thin man next to him and said, "Ali, go and open the door."

The thin man was a little reluctant, but the fat man was his immediate boss, so he had to get up and walk to the door, reaching out to open it.

Just got to the door.


With a gunshot, Ali fell.

Then the door was kicked open by someone outside, and Long Zhan appeared at the door, rushing in with a rifle and facing the two militants.

He asked loudly: "Where is the girl?"

"What girl?"

The big fat militant was frightened, but he still acted like a fool.

Long Zhan said nothing, simply and neatly.

He pointed the gun at the militant next to him and shot him directly in the head, killing the militant next to him without any delay.

The big fat militant who was unknown a second ago suddenly became clear-headed.

Seeing Long Zhan being so merciless and executing such a neat execution, the big fat militant didn't want to die, so he immediately changed his words and said:

"Oh, you mean that girl? She, I know, she is nearby, I can take you there."

"Get up." Long Zhan demanded.

The big fat militant didn't dare to look back, so he got up obediently and started leading the way.

Long Zhan hid behind the big fat militant, blocking him with his body, and put his gun on his back to keep him moving forward.

When passing a corner, Long Zhan stopped the big fat militant.

Then use the cut corners to go over and explore first.

See what's on the other side of the corner.

I saw two armed men playing football, kicking a broken leather ball back and forth, and then a small leader walked out of the house.

He said to the two of them: "Stop playing, go to work and get the rocket launcher."

Long Zhan saw three people at the corner. If he went out rashly, he might alert others and expose his invasion, which would be detrimental to the subsequent evacuation.

So he retreated to the corner, put the gun on the big fat man's head and said.

"Come on, it's your performance time next. If you don't want to die, find a way to get through."

Long Zhan hid behind the big fat man and asked him to come out from the corner as a shield.

"What happened to you?"

One of the militants asked suspiciously when he saw the big fat man.

"True, true, long live Allah!"

The strong armed man hesitated and couldn't explain clearly for a long time.

This caused the three militants to frown and look increasingly uncomfortable.

Seeing that the situation was about to get worse, Long Zhan had to change his plan and immediately took action, breaking the big fat militant's neck from behind.

Then he immediately took advantage of him and shot all the other three to death.

The sound of Long Zhan's shooting was not loud, but it was still heard by the militants with checkered turbans, but he still didn't take it seriously.

Didn't realize it was a gunshot.

Long Zhan successfully defeated the four militants, then continued to carefully look for the little girl with a gun, and soon came to an arched passage.
The place is besieged on all sides.

Dragon warfare must be done with caution.

Long Zhan was observing the outside through the doorway, and suddenly heard a strange noise. He quickly set up his gun and pointed it cautiously at the right side of the passage.

Suddenly a bell rang.

A black donkey brayed and walked past the doorway on the opposite side.

The braying of the donkey distracted Long Zhan's attention, making Jackie Chan think that the strange noise he just heard was a donkey, and he relaxed his vigilance after seeing the donkey passing by.

As a result, when we were halfway through the passage, suddenly an armed man rushed over from the side.

Because Long Zhan relaxed his vigilance, the armed man in black approached him, held down Long Zhan's hand, and tried to take away Jackie Chan's gun.

It's a pity that his power is too small, and he is not at the same level as Jackie Chan.Long Zhan held on to the gun tightly, struck the opponent's face hard with his elbow, and easily knocked the opponent out with one elbow.

Then Long Zhan immediately raised his gun and fired two consecutive shots, one in the chest and one in the head.

Kill the militants.

Just as the armed man in black fell to the ground, another man in black jumped out.

This militant was quite strong. He held Long Zhan's hand that was about to shoot and pressed one of his hands firmly against the wall.

The two wrestled together.

Long Zhan's spear was controlled and unable to be used. He immediately took out a pistol with his other hand, knocked the opponent to the ground, and then immediately alerted the surroundings.

See if there are still militants and rush out from somewhere.

Since the pistol was not equipped with a silencer, the shots fired were so loud that all the militants in the village were alerted by these shots.

Long Zhan waited until there was not much time left, quickly stood up, looked around, and continued to move forward.

As he walked, he immediately switched to a rifle, carefully walked out of the doorway, and observed the movement around him.

When he walked out of the passage door, he turned a corner and found a very familiar object placed on the stone pier opposite -

Little girl’s light green bag!

Just when Jackie Chan was looking at the bag intently, five more militants ran over.


There was a gunshot from behind Long Zhan.

The bullet hit Jackie Chan's back, causing Long Zhan to stagger forward, but when he was halfway through, Jackie Chan forcibly twisted his body in the air.

He turned his body 180 degrees and raised his gun to kill the enemy behind him.

Fortunately, Jackie Chan was wearing a bulletproof vest with bulletproof inserts on his back and chest, which blocked the bullet, otherwise Jackie Chan would have had a penis.

After Long Zhan knocked the opponent down with one shot, he fired two more shots to make sure he was dead.

It is certain that the little girl is nearby, probably in the house behind the stone pier. The armed men have been alerted and are now gathering here.

Jackie Chan no longer hesitated and immediately ran towards the house opposite with long strides.

When Jackie Chan ran halfway...

The armed men who had been hiding in the dark for a long time suddenly appeared and fired at Long Zhan continuously. Bullets rushed towards Long Zhan like a violent storm.

Long Zhan's reaction is very fast.

The moment the militants emerged, they immediately changed their movements and collapsed into a sliding shovel, changing the height from two meters to less than half a meter.

He just happened to slide behind a low wall.

"Clap clap clap..."

The militants continued to fire, and bullets flew in the direction of Long Zhan.

Long Zhan hid behind the low wall, changed his position, and then suddenly stood up and fired two precise bursts in the direction of the militants.

The opponent had no time to dodge and was killed by Long Zhan on the spot.

After Long Zhan killed the militant, he immediately retracted and hid behind the low wall.

Then he took off the magazine from the gun and threw it directly on the ground. He took a full magazine from his body and put it on the gun.

Just as Jackie Chan was loading the magazine, another militant ran over.

Fired several shots at Jackie Chan.

But missed!
Long Zhan saw someone shooting at him, and then he immediately aimed at the opponent and counterattacked, but the opponent reacted very quickly, and even though he hid behind the wall, he was not killed by Long Zhan.

Long Zhan heard footsteps coming from behind him again, and then he quickly straightened up and saw an armed man.

"Clap clap clap."

Long Zhan fired four shots and knocked him to the ground.

He immediately turned around and looked in the direction of the militant who had not been killed just now, and fired several more shots in this direction.

The militant's eyes widened with anger, and Long Zhan's shooting skills made him afraid to go out.

Long Zhan pinned the militants behind the corner, not daring to come out and shoot. Then he immediately began to move, trying to enter the house next to him.

He kicked the door open, but no one had entered yet.

I found an armed man inside the door, his gun pointed at the door.

"Clap clap."

The militants fired three shots, hitting Long Zhan in the chest.

Long Zhan was unprepared and shot three times. Even though he was blocked by a bulletproof vest and bulletproof board, his chest felt like he had been hit hard by a heavy hammer.

He couldn't breathe for a while, and fell to the ground with black eyes.

The armed men in the room came out and looked at Long Zhan who was lying on the ground. He saw that Long Zhan's eyes were half-squinted. He was already a little awake and not dead yet.

When he was holding the gun and preparing to shoot again to kill Long Zhan completely.

The lion, the leader of the militants, appears!
He shouted from a distance: "Don't kill him, you can't kill him."


The militant asked very angrily.

After finally catching Long Zhan, he could kill him, but suddenly he didn't kill him.

"It's not time yet." The lion said as he brought two armed men over.

At this time.

Long Zhan slowly woke up from his coma, blinked his blurred eyes, and just when he woke up a little, the militants who came out of the house raised their rifle butts high and hit him on the head.


His head was buzzing, and Long Zhan fainted!

Long Zhan, who was unconscious, had a dream.

He saw the back of the little girl, wearing a red dress, walking in the middle of the field among the golden rice fields, with her hands open.

But her back is getting further and further away.

After a while, he felt the cold wind in winter again. He was wearing thick black clothes and standing in the thick snow.

In fact, he had been stripped naked except for a pair of short-sleeved shirts. His backpack, pistol, address book, and equipment had all been confiscated, and he was now dragged into a cave by the militants.

He clasped his hands together and locked them up.

Long Zhan was also a little delirious.I could see things in a blur, with very severe ghosting, and I had no strength left in my body.

Long Zhan tried his best to look around and saw a few stars.

Then he looked to the side and in front and saw a person.He looked closely and seemed to recognize him.


Vaguely, he could see that the opponent's hands were covered with blood, and then the militants were grinning evilly.

The lion stood with his back to Long Zhan, kneeling on the ground, taking out the communication tools and other things found on Long Zhan's body to study.

Long Zhan was kneeling on the ground, unable to move his hands, and was monitored by several armed men with guns.

The lion then stood up and looked at Long Zhan, and Long Zhan also saw him.

The lion threw something at another militant.

"No, a new tracker!"

The militant took the tracker, looked at it and put it in his pocket.

Long Zhan looked at this familiar face and saw that it was indeed not a good thing, but now he knew it was too late.

Long Zhan asked him calmly: "Where is she?"

(End of this chapter)

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