The film starts with the Navy SEALs

Chapter 149 Maverick Air-to-Surface Missile

Chapter 149 Mavericks Air-to-Surface Missile (55, monthly ticket plus more)
Marcus, Murphy, and Dietz took their broadswords and left, and everyone entered the scattered and coordinated operations from the tactical team they had always been fighting.

Everyone is more than 50 meters apart and can only communicate by radio.

Whether you can defend your own area depends mainly on your own combat experience and ability. The help that other teammates can provide can account for up to [-]%.

The weapons of Long Zhan are the most suitable for this kind of battle, and the tasks they shoulder are also the most difficult.

In order to ensure that Shah would not run away in a car, Long Zhan pointed the only remaining broadsword landmine towards a small soil slope about 30 meters high on the left road about [-] meters away from the road exit from the village.

The broadsword landmine's "this direction is facing forward" is slanted towards the road from top to bottom.

With this oblique arrangement, although the damage range is not as far as if it is placed horizontally, the damage it can cause will be doubled.

No matter what kind of vehicle the roof is relatively thin, steel balls can easily penetrate.

As long as a vehicle rushes out of the village and enters the coverage area of ​​the broadsword mine spray, 700 steel balls can definitely turn them into "black pantyhose".

After arranging the broadsword mines and installing electronic detonators, Long Zhan began to choose a machine gun position for himself.

To facilitate the blockade of roads by expansion mines, Long Zhan can devote [-]% of his energy to villages, so he needs to choose a terrain suitable for light machine gun suppression.

Not only can it suppress the area to which it belongs, but it can also provide fire support to the left and right sides.

Based on these two conditions, Long Zhan quickly found a suitable location.

It is about 80 meters away from the village entrance, and there are no trees in front of it, which can ensure that the gun line can be covered without dead ends. The overall height of the village is about 4 meters, and most of the ridges of the village can be seen.

I roughly trimmed the weeds, and piled some stones from the surrounding area on the left and right sides, which can not only facilitate hiding but also serve as a machine gun defense shield.

Finally, take out all the bullet bags on your body and in your backpack and put them in the most convenient position.

The single machine gun position has been initially completed.

The preparations for Long Zhan's side were basically in place, and the work of the other four members of Murphy's team was not behind, and the work was basically completed at this time.

Matt, who is located on the mountainside to the left of Long Zhan and others, has already completed the erection of the laser target irradiator.

As long as he receives the relevant coded data of the laser missile and the approximate arrival time of the missile launch, he can provide precise ground guidance for the missile.

At the same time, beside the leading position, a simple sniper position was built.

Through the high-power optical sight on the sniper rifle, Matt can bring the entire village into the sniper range and perform single-point suppression on any area.

Marcus is also using an SPR sniper rifle, and it is not very suitable to use a sniper to defend.

Fortunately, there is now a broad knife as a base, coupled with the support of Matt on the mountainside and teammates on both sides.

In theory, it can last for a while.

Both Murphy and Dietz use M4A1 rifles. On the basis of the same broadsword mine anti-swarm charge, there are also 18 magazines of ammunition
All tactical arrangements and formations have been deployed, and the time has come to a few minutes after 2:[-] noon, ushering in a new round of satellite communication windows.

It is also the last chance to talk to the command since Operation Rick James was launched.

Just because this communication is so important, both Murphy here and Christensen at the headquarters attach great importance to every minute and every second of this call.

After the call was made to confirm the identities of both parties, Murphy got straight to the point.

"Two vehicles entered the village one and a half hours ago, and the possibility of Shah's transfer is more than 8%. We have moved to the periphery of the village to set up blocking positions.

Hearing that Murphy's team had entered the actual combat state, Christensen's heart became heavier.

Fortunately, the action meeting here has ended, and all the units participating in the battle have completed their preparations, and they can set off just waiting for an order.

"The combat troops are on standby and are expected to arrive at the village of Kadaku at 3 p.m.."

Christensen said the exact time of action, and then repeatedly emphasized that Shah must be stopped, and at the same time told Murphy's team to try their best to ensure their own safety.

Finally, he told Murphy all the important information such as the launch time of the missile, the expected arrival time in the target area, and the guidance code.

Originally, Christensen wanted to ask some more information about the current situation of Kadaku village
"Good luck! I wish you good luck!"

Christensen knew that the battle was about to start, and it was a battle between 5 people and more than 200 people. There were so many words in his heart that he couldn't speak, and finally he only sent a blessing.

The next moment he hung up the satellite phone, Christensen gave the order to start the operation.

An F65 with an AGM-15E (Maverick Air-to-Surface Laser-Guided Missile) mounted below it began to take position on the runway at Bagram Air Force Base.

As soon as the bombing time is up, it will immediately rush out of the runway and into the sky, giving the enemy a fatal blow.

At the airport of the Jerbad military frontier military base, there are more than 30 QRF squadrons designated as the second team, and they are already fully armed and on standby.

The street came from the command headquarters' action orders and boarded four Black Hawk helicopters that were about to take off.

Two Longbow Apache helicopter gunships are in place to protect the safety of the Black Hawk formation in all aspects.

The headquarters has entered a fighting state, and a large force composed of various units is already on the way to the village of Kadaku.

The situation of Murphy's team has also entered a critical juncture.

(End of this chapter)

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