The film starts with the Navy SEALs

Chapter 150 Full Firepower Shooting

Chapter 150 Full Fire Shooting (15)

The two cars that drove into Kadaku one and a half hours ago, together with Shah's original truck and pickup, formed a 9-vehicle convoy that had assembled in the middle of the village.

About 200 armed soldiers are already preparing to board the car in full swing.

If they really waited until they had all boarded the vehicles and the entire convoy began to drive out of the village, even if they could destroy the two vehicles in front with broadsword landmines and kill some of the targets, they would be able to reach the outside of the village.

The remaining more than 100 armed soldiers left the village, and they would panic and run around when they encountered an attack.

Long Zhan only had one machine gun to guard the intersection. No matter how fast the bullets were, they couldn't hit the ducks flying all over the sky. There would inevitably be a large number of armed soldiers running into the woods.

The core of the formation deployed by Murphy's team is to prevent armed soldiers from entering the woods.

The only way to suppress all the armed soldiers in the village is to make them think that the buildings in the village are the best bunkers, and it is very dangerous to leave the buildings and go to the woods.

Only by forcing them to describe this kind of self-protection thinking can they achieve the strategic goal of containing delays.

Long Zhan, Murphy and others knew very well that once this group of armed soldiers entered the woods, he could easily get close to within 20 meters or even 10 meters with the help of trees and various terrains.

Within this distance, marksmanship no longer has an absolute advantage, and which side has more people is the "boss".

It doesn't matter how good my marksmanship is, I have a lot of people, and I just sweep you indiscriminately. There will always be two bullets that are lucky.

If you let me sneak within 10 meters, no matter who you are, you have to lie on the ground with a single shot.

Not to mention Long Zhan and his mere 5 people, even if there are more than [-] people in the QRF squadron here, it will inevitably cause a lot of casualties.

"They must be prevented from leaving."

Long Zhan, Murphy and others, who knew the key points, reached a consensus almost at the same time in their minds.

"The operation team is expected to arrive at 3 o'clock, and it is now 2:10. We must hold on for these 50 minutes and must not let their convoy start."

Murphy briefly talked about the content of the communication, and then Murphy began to issue combat orders.

"Matt, you are responsible for guiding the missile, locking the laser beam to the location of the Shah, and the guidance code is YHD844. There must be no mistakes."

The laser beam emitted by the laser target irradiator is invisible light, and the irradiated target will not be exposed.

Aircraft equipped with laser-guided missiles can search for the laser signal reflected by the target after the coded laser beam is launched within a range of 16 kilometers.

After the seeker sent to the missile receives it, the two match to form a control command to guide the missile to the target.

During this guidance process, Shah will likely move in different areas of Kadaku, and Matt must ensure that the laser beam can be accurately illuminated.

This also means that Matt needs a double battle.

Not only to keep the laser locked on the Shah area at all times, but also to switch to his SPR sniper rifle to give single-point fire support to the rest of the team.

And the information on where the armed soldiers in the village are going to gather is transmitted to the teammates below in real time.

Ensure that Long Zhan and others scattered in the 4 areas can adjust their gun lines in time, and coordinate with each other to cover operations to prevent the formation from being broken.

After arranging the most difficult task for Matt, Murphy then issued a unified order.

"Gibran, Marcus, Dietz, the three of you and I will shoot together, lock on the Shah between the second pick-up truck on the left and the house, and shoot two magazines at full power, is there a problem?"

The most direct way to prevent armed soldiers in the village from boarding the vehicle is to draw it into battle.

And the fight is going to be fierce from the start.

Create a posture of being besieged by a large army, and suppress the armed soldiers in the village so that they dare not rush out of the village for a while.

"Got it, it's ready."

Long Zhan's position is facing the exit of the village, and Shah's side can be seen.

Immediately afterwards, Dietz also replied: "Understood, I have no problem."

"I couldn't see Shah, it was blocked by the house."

The last remaining Marcus had a small problem. He was in a direction separated from Shah by a house, and there was no design angle at all.

Among the four, Marcus was carrying a sniper rifle and equipped with a high-power optical sight, so he had a chance to kill Shah.

But there is no angle, I can only say regret.

"Then you are in charge of the driver of the lead car. After the battle breaks out, you can do as much damage as possible on a single point, OK?" Murphy changed the task for Marcus.

Accurate single point, just to play the strengths of his firearms.

"OK, received."

After hearing Marcus' feedback that he was ready, Murphy pointed at Shah, who was standing at the door talking to someone 150 meters away, through the holographic sight, and started the countdown.


When Murphy's words came to the second critical moment, Shah suddenly turned around and walked into the room, and Murphy was so angry that he blurted out swear words.

At this time, the situation is pressing, and the arrow has to be fired.

Murphy could only order in stages: "Change the mission, change the mission, each locks on the target, counts down for three seconds, 3...2...1, fire."

With Murphy's command to fire, Kadaku's peace was broken.

"Chirp, chirp, chirp..."

"Da da da da da, da da da da da..."

"Bah, bah, bah, bah..."

The two short bursts of the assault rifle, the long burst without a shot of the light machine gun, and the single precise burst of the sniper rifle all fired at the same time.

In full-fire shooting mode, bullets rushed at the convoy from all directions.

The armed soldiers who were huddled together and boarded the vehicle had no defense at all, and several of them were knocked down by the first round of bullets.

If it weren't for Long Zhan's people being 80 meters away from the village, and tens of meters from the village to the center of the village, the actual distance between the two sides would be close to 150 meters.

The number of casualties that this first shot could cause in the past was not a few.

At least two digits or more.

The rest of the people in the village saw that they were attacked, and the firepower of the attack was so fierce, from all directions, they immediately scattered and fled in fright to find a bunker.

Some armed soldiers were loaded with bullets, howling angrily and wanting to fight back.

However, the guns of Long Zhan and others are all equipped with silencers, which is very misleading to distinguish the location of the gunshots. In addition, the village of Kadaku is located in a col surrounded by mountains, and the gun body caused echoes between the mountain walls. .

Armed soldiers have no idea where the enemy is or how many there are.

They could only hear the sound of gunfire all over the mountains and fields, and various bullets swishing from all directions, hitting sparks everywhere in the village, splashing dust all over the sky.

Those armed soldiers who rushed out in a fever were knocked to the ground without even seeing their figures.

As the soldiers who wanted to resist died more and more, the remaining people were gradually awakened by the cruel reality and did not dare to rush out without thinking.


PS: This is the plot of Murphy's team performing "Operation Red Wings" in the movie "The Last Survivor". This book is just a second creation of it.

(End of this chapter)

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