The film starts with the Navy SEALs

Chapter 151 The "ceiling" of the gun world

Chapter 151 The "ceiling" of the gun world (25, please subscribe)

Full-fire shooting is a ferocious way of firing, allowing you to enjoy the ultimate thrill of shooting.

Just pull the trigger and don't worry about the rest.

As for the so-called nausea after the murder, it is completely nonsense. People over 100 meters are about the size of a finger, and the wound cannot be seen clearly at all.

All you can see is one goal after another, constantly falling under your gunpoint.

It's not much different from shooting at a range.

The order given by Murphy was to empty two magazines. The two magazines of the rifle had a total of 60 rounds. In the full-fire mode of quick bursts, they were emptied in less than a minute.

Pour out the bullets of the two magazines, in order to ensure the next battery life.

The three of Murphy could only turn to suppress bursts.

That is to search for targets through the scope, and shoot precisely at those targets that come out to observe the situation or attempt to counterattack.

Preventing the enemy from observing one's own side is also a means of self-protection.

The first round of attacks is over.

Despite the advantage of the sneak attack first, Murphy, Marcus, and Dietz combined 180 bullets, killing and injuring less than 20 targets in total.

It's not that the marksmanship of the three of them is too fart, but that the actual combat damage itself is very limited.

One shot one only exists in the game.

You can't judge where the Taliban soldiers will run, and the houses that can be seen everywhere in the village can also be used as bunkers, so it is difficult to kill a large number of them under precaution.

Of the 20 people Murphy wounded and killed, more than 10 of them were caused within 5 seconds of shooting.

5 seconds later.

The prepared Taliban reacted, and all began to move at high speed and look for cover, and the hit rate of the bullets plummeted.

If the Taliban have good first aid measures, at least 20 of these 5 people will be able to fight again soon.

It further weakens the strike effect.

At this time, the firepower of the three of Murphy had dropped, and Long Zhan on the other side was still firing fiercely.

The roar of the light machine gun still resounded through the col.

Compared with the three of Murphy, their physical fitness has not reached the "ceiling" due to limited weapons.

As an existence beyond the SEALs, Long Zhan is a first-level combatant from the T1-level special forces DG, and his ability is far superior to the three of them.

In addition, the weapon he holds is a light machine gun specially designed for squad firepower.

The most important thing is that this light machine gun also has a magnification lens, as long as the user can stabilize the recoil of the gun, it can provide accurate target locking.

In the process of emptying the first bullet bag in Long Zhan, 100 rounds of bullets hit more than 15 targets.

The stronger stopping power of the 7.62mm ammunition made the Taliban soldiers who were hit immortal and disabled, completely losing their combat ability.

While the single-person killing and destruction is more ferocious, the battery life is also far superior to the three of Murphy.

Even though Long Zhan was firing five bursts of long bursts, after the three of Murphy finished shooting two magazines, Long Zhan's first ammunition bag continued to output.

The advantage of 100 rounds of ammunition storage has been vividly reflected at this moment.

When Long Zhan was replaced with a second 100-round ammunition bag, the task of suppressing firepower was almost entirely undertaken by him alone, and bullet holes covered every corner of the entire convoy.

When the second 2 rounds of bullets were poured out, the vehicles in the center of the village were almost all scrap iron.

Bullet holes are densely covered, which is horrible.

Faced with such fierce firepower suddenly, the Taliban soldiers in the village were stunned.

Everyone huddled inside the house, and there was basically no one to be seen outside.

After firing 200 rounds of bullets continuously, the barrel of the mk48 in Long Zhan's hand also smoked, and if he continued to shoot, it would turn red and be scrapped.

He had to stop firing and replace the barrel again.

There was no frenzied shooting from the terrifying machine guns, and no one in the village was moving outside, so Murphy and the others stopped firing.

The gunshots stopped and fell into an eerie calm.

However, this calm is only on the surface, in fact, there is already an undercurrent surging in the dark.

Shah, as a former senior Taliban officer, is not an exaggeration to say that he has survived many battles. It is impossible for him to stay passively in the village all the time.

In order to find out what happened, but also to get rid of their own passive situation.

Shah is sure to make a move.

Murphy, Marcus, and Dietz have carried out many missions in the Middle East, and they are well aware of the diabolical nature of the Taliban armed forces, and they did not let down their vigilance at this time.

Everyone still maintains a high degree of concentration, ready to deal with Shah's counterattack.

Long Zhan replaced the barrel of the light machine gun in order to deal with the possible next big battle.

Thanks to the unique structural design of the MK48, replacing the barrel is very simple and fast. Longzhan replaced the barrel in less than 5 seconds.

The village of Kadaku, where the guns were targeted again, quietly waited for the storm to come.

1 minutes……

2 minutes……

3 minutes……

As the ceasefire time continued to pass, the atmosphere in the entire Kadaku village became more and more depressing, and the mentality almost collapsed.

Even Murphy and the others, who had rich experience in actual combat, were covered with sweat on their faces at this moment.

After all, it is 5 people vs 200 people.

Saying I wasn't nervous didn't take it to heart at all, that's pure nonsense.

In a blink of an eye.

5 minutes passed.

In the village that was as lifeless as a ghost town, there was finally movement.

A Taliban team of about 10 people gathered to the north under the cover of the house, quietly trying to get into the woods.

Marcus, who was guarding here, discovered the situation and opened fire on the team without hesitation.

Matt in the distance also provided sniper support.

The Taliban team was obviously attacking tentatively. Seeing the ferocity of the firepower, they immediately retreated. After leaving two corpses, there was no movement.

Less than 1 minute passed.

Another Taliban team appeared on the west side. Instead of taking the relatively wide dirt road, they chose to enter the woods beside the road.

Standing here is Long Zhan with a light machine gun, and he is burly enough to withstand the recoil of the strafing.

The Taliban team came out less than two meters from the house, and Long Zhan gave them a head-on blow, and immediately sent automatic bursts to serve.

"Clap clap clap clap..."

The MK700, with a rate of fire of more than 48 rounds per second, fires more than 40 rounds in just three seconds.

The barrage net formed by 40 rounds of bullets shone overwhelmingly on the Taliban team.

There is no bunker between the two sides, not even a tree that can block bullets, and the distance is only 80 meters, which is completely under the best shooting conditions of the machine gun.

Of the 10-member Taliban team, 8 were knocked down on the spot.

One of them had his head blown off, and the brain mixture was even sprayed onto the dirt wall a few meters behind him.

In just a short breathing time, the 10-man team turned into corpses all over the place, and the only two remaining Taliban soldiers were so frightened that their crotches were wet.

Driven by fear, he rolled and crawled back.

Even the three wounded companions who were screaming in pain didn't bother to save them.

Long Zhan is a "benevolent" person.

For the Taliban soldiers who fell on the ground, one person gave them a bullet, so that they no longer have to suffer, and they can close their eyes and rest forever.

The roots of my ears can also be quiet, and I don't have to listen to the heart-piercing wailing anymore.

Marcus and Murphy, who were on both sides of Long Zhan, witnessed the terrifying machine gun shooting rate of Long Zhan the whole time, and their jaws almost dropped in shock.

They couldn't imagine how Long Zhan could press the gun line so accurately under fully automatic shooting.

(End of this chapter)

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