The film starts with the Navy SEALs

Chapter 1677 It’s time for us to go

So Akang reconvened the world and used the female intelligence agent in Paris.

Eavesdropping on French police communications, but Bourne is a top agent.

Do things without leaving any trace.

Paris police also struggled to pinpoint his specific location.

"Okay, I'll split up into two teams, Dar, Ray, continue to monitor the computer, Brian, Harris, Steve, you go track down the girl, how's the house map going?"

"Already starting to do it." Brian replied.

"Okay, make it quickly." Akang assigned.

At this time, Akang had no choice but to ask his men to investigate all the places where Cruz had been in recent years.

"We compared the numbers of her grandmother and her half-brother. When we found an overlap, we extracted the numbers.

Looking back and searching together with other information at hand, although there is not much information, looking at these pins, these are all the places where we think she has lived in the past six years.

1 2 3 4 5This is our database. "

Akang's staff are analyzing and summarizing based on Cruze's only registration information.

and screened Cruz's call records.

Discovered that a call had recently been placed back to her home from the highway.

Because they cannot take trains and planes.

Then they must be not far from that highway.

After they learned about Cruze's developments, Akon continued the meeting and said:

"Next, these are targets, surveillance, intimidation, hacking, eavesdropping, I don't care what means you use, I want you to tell me everything that happened above."

Akang ordered everyone.

Then they started to take action.

Long Zhan and Bourne were led by Cruze to Cruze's cousin.

This place is relatively remote from the city.

Generally speaking, it is safer.

There was a long drive between them.

I saw a somewhat dilapidated house.

Cruz got out of the car first and took a look outside.

The outermost door was also unlocked, and the wall was in some tatters.

Cruz didn't say anything, and just opened the shorter outer door.

Then she walked in alone.

Long Zhan and Bourne stood outside the door to watch her go in first to see if there was anyone inside.

But no one was seen on the ground.

Bourne couldn't help but ask:

"How do you know this house still belongs to him?"

"Eamon is not short of money, I think he will definitely not sell it." Cruz replied.

Cruz asked Long Zhan and Bourne to go in first from outside the wall.

They all walked in tremblingly.

Cruz was about to move the flower pot blocking the door to the side.

At this time, Bourne and Long Zhan also came behind Cruz.

Suddenly, Bourne seemed to have discovered something, so he opened the door next to him and walked in.

I looked around and shouted to Cruze:


"What's wrong?" Mary felt that Bourne was making a fuss.

After entering, Bourne found that there were many Christmas trees inside, and there were a lot of flashing lights on the Christmas trees.

Bourne shouted to Cruze with a serious face: "Mary, we have to leave here right away."

Cruz really felt that Bourne was a little nervous, how could he leave right after he arrived, and asked inexplicably: "What. We have to go, why?"

"Oh my god, I thought..." Cruz didn't wait for him to finish his words.

Bourne walked to a nearby window and looked outside. Cruz also followed Bourne's eyes and looked over.

Upon discovering this, a red car drove over.

At first, Long Zhan couldn't figure out what was wrong with Bourne.

"Damn it, it's Eamon." Cruz saw a tall man with curly hair getting out of the car, and Cruz recognized him as Eamon.

"I told him, we have to leave." Cruz said to Bourne and the others as he walked out.

Bourne and Long Zhan also walked out.

Cruz walked up to Eamon very enthusiastically.

"Hey, Eamonn, you're back, it's me, surprise, I'm Mary."

Cruz said happily.

But Eamonn didn't look too happy, putting his hands in his pockets.

Little did Cruz realize that Eamonn seemed less than welcoming to her.

"It's the right time to come here." Cruz kept saying.

"That's too good of a reason." Eamon replied a little angrily.

It may be that Eamon broke into his home without permission when Cruze didn't say hello in advance.

Although she was a little angry, she seemed to be used to her style.

At this time, a child in the car shouted: "Dad."

Eamonn turned around and responded: "Baby, wait."

"I really didn't expect you to be here again." Cruz said this very strangely.


"Why am I here? This is my house. If I don't come here, then where will I go? That's right?"

Then I saw Long Zhan and Bourne next to them.

Eamonn asked them again: "Did she bring you here?"

"Yes, we are only going to stay for one day." Long Zhan quickly replied.

At this time, another girl's voice came from the car, shouting from the car: "Dad, Alan needs to pee."

"Okay, come on, get out of the car." Eamon motioned to the children in the car to get out of the car.

A very handsome little boy and a very beautiful little girl got out of the car.

There is also a big dog.

After coming down, he ran to Eamon's feet.

"Come on, daddy." Eamonn picked up the cute little boy and continued to look at them.

"I'm very sorry, I thought it would be fine, but I guess I was wrong," Cruz said.

"I'm looking for mommy," one of the little babies said.

Eamon replied to her: "Mum's going to be out for two days, so that's a good thing."

After a while, Eamon took his son and daughter to swing on the homemade swing on the side of the road.

By evening, they were ready to cook.

Eamon and Cruz were in the kitchen preparing dinner together.

Cruze and Eamonn were the only two people in the kitchen.

Cruz did the cooking while Eamonn chose the dishes.

At this time, Eamonn asked Cruz:

"What do they do?"

"They used to be in the shipping business," Cruz replied.

"Oh, are their characters good? Are they safe? Are you at ease when you are with them?" Eamon asked Cruze three questions in a row.

Cruz was dumbfounded when he asked, and he really couldn't answer any of them.

Neither can give a definite answer.

I don’t know if her character is good or not, I just know that she wants to be with Bourne, and it’s definitely not safe and she’s not assured.

She had no choice but to avoid replying directly, but said: "I am willing to be with them." (End of Chapter)

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