The film starts with the Navy SEALs

Chapter 1678 Go to the basement

Eamonn knew that it would be useless if he said too much.

I simply didn’t say much more.

Eamonn and Cruz prepared the meal together and put it on the table.

In the evening, everyone had a peaceful dinner together.

After dinner, Eamonn did not talk to Long Zhan and Bourne.

Instead, they directly gave Long Zhan and Bourne a set of clothes each.

I just told them to have a good sleep first.

As for the CIA, Brian got the latest news and immediately reported the situation to Akon.

He said he found out the latest news about Cruze.

After listening, Akang asked: "What time did it happen?"

"It's 11.45 in the morning, completely within driving distance of Paris." Brian said very confidently and proudly, and walked to the map to demonstrate their whereabouts.

"The call was made from the roadside rest shop on the south side of the highway." Brian explained.

"What does the yellow pushpin mean?" Akang asked when he saw the mark on the map.

"She was there for a few months in 1997," Brian replied.

"The nearest town is Riom." Harris also added.

After Akang obtained the key information from his underlings, he went to Lao Bai to pretend to be evil.

"We took down her phone records and sorted out the international calls. They were in Paris at two in the morning and they couldn't get on a plane and the trains were too dangerous.

They must have known we were going there to chase him, we can only guess. "

But Lao Bai could only be led by the nose.

The female information registrar in Paris was wandering around the streets, waiting for someone to come over.

Just as she turned around and walked around, she suddenly saw a man several heads taller than her standing behind her, which startled her.

She was stunned for a moment. After confirming that the other party was one of their internal staff, she took out a piece of paper and spread it out on him. She wrote some information on it, but she just took it out.

He was violently pulled away by the other party.

It turns out that person is the No. 1 killer Olympus.

What is written above should be the location of Cruze's cousin Eamon.

The killer acted immediately.

In the early hours of the morning, Cruz suddenly heard something outside.

So I got a coat and went outside to take a look.

Follow the sound wherever it comes from. Surprisingly, Bourne was found in front of Eamon's child.

He stared blankly at the two children sleeping there.

Cruz was surprised that Bourne was staring at the children like this at night.

I don't know what part of Bourne's nerve is wrong.

She quietly walked up to Bourne and asked him: "What are you doing here in the middle of the night?"

"Look after the kids," Bourne replied.

"I'm worried about them." After a while, Byrne added.

"You will wake them up. Go back to sleep. We have to" Cruz took Bourne's hand and prepared to lead him away.

"I don't want to know who I am anymore. I don't care, and I don't want to know." But Bourne didn't want to leave.

I kept watching these two cute children sleep eagerly. Unexpectedly, he suddenly had the urge not to find out his identity again.

I want to hide and live with Cruze.

"Come on, let's talk first. Anything I find out, I want to forget." Byrne said to Cruze with some sadness.

"It's okay." Cruz patted Bourne's shoulder to comfort him.

"I don't care who I am or what I've done. It's okay, we have money." Byrne said, facing Cruze, looking at her with both eyes.

"Then we can hide. Can we do this? Is it possible for you to do this?" Byrne looked at Cruze seriously and asked Cruze.

"I don't know. Let's go!" Cruz was a little confused when he heard Bourne suddenly say these words again. He turned his face away and said without looking at Bourne.

The next day, early in the morning, Cruz, who woke up early, prepared breakfast for Eamon and the others.

Then I went back to the room to change clothes.

When she came out again and came outside the restaurant.

I heard two babies outside on the playground calling: "Good dog, good dog."

It was probably the children who discovered that the big yellow dog at home was missing.

At this time, Eamon had already arrived at the dining table, sitting there and preparing to enjoy breakfast.

Cruz also came to the restaurant, knocked on the restaurant door and greeted Eamon: "Hi, good morning, Eamon."

"Good morning, my God, you have worked hard all day and you woke up early enough." Eamon said when he saw Cruze coming over.

"Thank you for the coffee." Eamonn said while drinking the coffee made by Cruze.

At this time, Long Zhan and Bourne also returned the clothes that Emon had given him, and then put on their own clothes. Judging from their momentum, they were packing their luggage and preparing to leave. Now they came to say goodbye to Emon.

"Just one night? Are you kidding me?" Eamon said when he saw them leaving.

"No kidding, let's change the environment." Cruz said to Eamonn with a smile.

While they were chatting, two little babies ran in, and the eldest daughter said to Eamonn.

"He's not there either."

"Have you found the car?" Eamonn said to the children.

"I've searched everywhere, but I can't find him. He's nowhere to be found," the little girl replied.

"Okay, let's get dressed." Eamonn said to the children, getting ready to go find the dog together.

"Who?" Bourne asked.

"The dog is gone," Eamonn replied.

"Does this happen often?" Long Zhan asked helpfully from the side.

"No, for him, this dog never misses breakfast. There is always a reason, right." Eamon stood up and said.

Eamonn also felt very strange, because Rhubarb would not run around without breakfast, and there must be monsters when things go wrong. When Bourne heard this, he realized the danger.

"Let's go to the basement and take a look." Bourne suggested as if he realized something.

"What?" Eamon was a little confused.

"Take them to the basement immediately." Bourne said seriously.

"What are you talking about?" Eamon thought it was strange that the dog was missing, and it was even more strange to ask them to hide in the basement.

"Don't ask so many questions. We listen to Bourne." Both Long Zhan and Bourne were mercenaries. They can basically judge some abnormal things, and the results are almost the same.

"You are in danger, your family is in danger, I don't have time to explain." At this time, Bourne saw that Eamon still didn't act, and said directly to Eamon anxiously.

"Wait, what exactly?" Eamonn was still in the dark and felt incredible.

"Eamon. You should go." At this time, Cruz also walked up to Eamon and said to him very seriously. (End of chapter)

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