The film starts with the Navy SEALs

Chapter 1685 Bourne’s Nightmare

for a while.

Cruz still didn't notice Bourne's appearance. She was so focused on her work that she didn't notice this fiery gaze at all.

Bourne's emotions were unleashed and he couldn't control himself.

He took a few steps forward and came to the door, and jokingly asked Cruze in the tone of a customer: "Hello, is this your own store?"


Cruz replied without looking back.

"Well, the store is very nice." Bourne was wearing a white shirt and combing his shiny hair. It seemed that he had carefully prepared to meet Cruze.

The whole person is sunnier than before.

"It's just a little hard to find, but" Byrne said while looking at Cruze's back and slowly approaching her.

Only then did Cruz realize the familiar voice and turned around sharply.

Then his eyes widened in surprise.

He covered his mouth with his hands and couldn't believe what he was seeing.

The Bourne that I think about day and night, the Bourne that I can't touch in my dreams, the Bourne who is so love-broken that my memory is almost blurred, and is blurred by tears.

In such a sudden moment, he was really standing in front of himself.

Can you not be excited?

Bourne was actually more excited inside, but he controlled his emotions and deliberately pretended not to know him, jokingly: "Can I rent a motorcycle?"

Cruz suppressed the emotion in his heart and rushed to hug Bourne.

He forced himself to calm down a little, and cooperated with Bourne's humor to make this long-lost reunion more meaningful, and asked jokingly: "Do you have an ID card?"

"I don't have an ID card, will I keep this person here?" Bourne replied with a smirk.

"Of course! Deal!!"

Cruze could no longer contain his excitement.

He happily ran over and hugged Bourne again and again.

It was just like what Bourne had promised her, that he would appear whenever she wanted him.

Under the passion of meeting again, a fierce battle was inevitable, and the happy life belonging to them both began.

During their happy days, Long Zhan went to see them from time to time.

We'll have a meal together or something.

Long Zhan was actually quite envious of this couple.

I had never thought about settling down.

He doesn't know where his destination is, even though he has countless running buddies and many lovers, he still has no final destination.

But after experiencing various battles, I saw that each of the brothers had their own families.

It seems that only when the child and his wife are hot on the bed can he have roots

Now see Bourne's happy life.

Long Zhan himself also had some complicated emotions, but he couldn't tell what they were.

this time.

Long Zhan came to the beach again to see how Bourne and the others were living.

I found that although Bourne had remembered some things from the past, they were actually fragmented and incoherent fragments.

Many related to previous work experiences, I still don’t have a specific and detailed memory.

And Bourne also told Long Zhan.

During the time that Byrne spent with Cruze, he kept writing down things he happened to think of.

There have been several scenes lately that made it impossible for him to sleep peacefully until dawn.

Bourne told Long Zhan the scene. After Long Zhan left at night, Bourne had the same dream again, and it was still the same dream.

"Soldier, this is not training, are you clear? This time it's serious, let's take action, let's take action."

"Training is over, training is over."

"Training is over, training is over."

... Then it seemed like a mission given to him by Akang.

In room 645, a Russian voice came out, along with a photo.

But Bourne still couldn't remember what the mission was.

Every time at night, Bourne would be awakened by the scenes and words one by one, and his body would be covered in sweat from the fright.

Every time Bourne wakes up from a fright, he has a hard time falling back to sleep.

I could only get up and turn on the light, go to the bathroom and wash my face with cold water.

Cruze also realized that something was wrong with Bourne, and would get up every time to care about Bourne and ask him why he was suddenly sweating profusely.

Bourne quickly explained: "I'm fine, I'm fine. I just have a little headache."

When Cruz heard that Bourne had a headache, he immediately touched his forehead and said to Bourne with concern: "Your forehead is very hot."

Cruz took out a towel and wiped Bourne's sweat.

Byrne washed up and comforted Cruz, who felt sorry for him: "It's okay, it's okay, it's just a headache."

After saying that, Bourne walked outside to get some air.

Cruz always felt that Bourne had something on his mind.

Want to talk to Bourne.

He also followed him out.

"Remember anything new?"

Cruz asked.

"No." Bourne shook his head and replied.

"It's still just broken pieces," Byrne replied to Cruze.

"I can actually hear Conklin's voice and the photo, but I can't hold on." Bourne paused for a while and continued.

"Maybe she's just a nightmare? Don't worry." Cruz comforted Bourne.

"No, it happened before, it was a mission, and I was right there." Byrne said in retrospect, not daring to look at Cruze.

"Or you should write him down," Cruz suggested.

"I've been recording in this notebook, but it doesn't seem to be of any use." Bourne replied.

Bourne prepared a notebook for himself, and he recorded all the fragments he could remember.

"It doesn't get any better, it's the same picture over and over again," Byrne said.

"That's why we have to record him, because sooner or later you will think of some good things." Cruz encouraged Bourne.

"Well, I do remember some good things, and I will always remember them." At this time, Byrne looked at Cruze with sincere eyes and said.

Cruz felt relieved and hugged Byrne from behind.

It seems to want to give him a little strength.

Bourne also felt very happy at the moment.

Apart from this nightmare, Bourne feels that his current life is already his ideal life.

every night.

Bourne would record everything he could think of in his notebook before going back to sleep.

In Berlin, Germany.

Pam, the head of a CIA project team.

An old case is being pursued in Berlin, Germany.

"Last check, all attention." Pam said on the intercom to the tracing team.

"Prepare for the last inspection. Team 2, report to me immediately when you see the target." After hearing Langley's order, the subordinates were assigned to go on.

"This is the second team, I saw it." The second team inspector replied.

"Received." The headquarters replied.

(End of this chapter)

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