"Team 1, this is the headquarters, have you seen the target?" asked Team 1 on the intercom.

"Headquarters, this is team one. Target No. 1 is moving." A team of monitoring personnel replied.

"Team 3, well done."

While Pam was replying, she could clearly see the target through the surveillance screen - a bald and thin man carrying a box.

"Didi, didi, didi..."

At this time, the phone at the headquarters rang.

The female staff member took the phone and said a few words, then turned to the person in charge, Pam, and replied: "Headquarters, Director Marshall, calling from Langley."

Langley is a city in Virginia where the CIA is headquartered.

Pam took the phone and replied, "Martin?"

"It's me, Donnie and Jack Weller, and we heard you spent all the money you allocated."

Sitting in a spacious and bright office, CIA Martin was reclining on a leather sofa. His words and expressions revealed the high profile of a superior.

"This is just the beginning." Pam replied, as a woman, her aura is not inferior at all.

"This is a lot of money, Pam." There was obvious dissatisfaction in Martin's tone. Politicians and high-level officials always value money very seriously.

Especially the money used by subordinates!

"It's a lot of money for a thief and a spy, but if we can find out the list of suspects, it's worth ten times the price." Pam replied confidently, and this was justified.

"Headquarters, this is the second team. The escort has left. Target No. 1 has entered the building." The voice from the monitor on the second team said to Pam.

"Gentlemen, the transaction is about to begin. With all due respect, there is nothing more to discuss."

Pam's words were rude, and the implication was that I have something to do and don't have time to waste time with you here. If you have a fart, just let it go.

Martin was really choked, and there was no sound in the entire conference room for a long time.

Several seconds passed!

"Okay, Pam, it's up to you, let's take action. I wish you good luck." Martin had no choice but to believe that Pam's money was well spent.

The money has already been spent, so I can only believe it.

The core of Pam's operation is actually related to money.

Because not long ago, a sum of 20 million US dollars in funds from the CIA was wired through Moscow for some special reasons.

The money did not arrive in the designated account, but disappeared inexplicably.

As the world's largest intelligence agency, how could the CIA endure such a tone? Naturally, it would use all means to investigate to the end.

No matter how much money the museum invests, it must find the thief who stole the money.

Pam is in charge of this operation to find the thief, and now that she has clues about the person she is targeting, the answer seems to be right in front of her.

After ending the call with the headquarters, he immediately gave an order to his subordinates: "We are going to start, now switch to channel one."


His hands cut through it neatly.


Channel 1 being monitored on the other side.

A handsome young man with short hair drove a Mercedes-Benz car off the main road and turned into a dark alley with no street lights.

After getting off the car, he opened the door of an inconspicuous house that looked abandoned.

After entering, there is a new world inside.

He walked to the electric box on the side of the road and turned on the switch. The originally dark room became even brighter, and the light in front of him looked like an elevator.

The short-haired young man walked over and pressed the button. The elevator door opened and he took the elevator down one floor.

Coming out of the elevator, a man walked towards me, the one carrying a box on his front.

"Have you brought anything?" the short-haired young man asked.

"Bring it, follow me."

The bald man put his hands in his pockets, tilted his head and led the way inside.

In the monitoring and command center on Pam's side, everyone was staring at the monitor screen seriously. On the other end of the radio, the on-site tracking spy heard a communication saying: "Target No. 1 and the seller have entered the office."

"Are they all here?"

The bald man here led the young man into the room, opened the password safe in front of him, and took out a stack of encrypted documents from it.

The young man who came in opened the suitcase he brought in front of him.

There’s a box full of U.S. dollars inside!

"They are all here. These documents can prove who stole your money." After the bald man finished speaking, his eyes were already looking at the large box of money on the table.

This transaction looks like a black transaction, but it is not.

Wherever the CIA went before investigating, it happened to be a Russian politician named Nesky, who had some confidential information in his hands.

Some of the information in this intelligence happened to be about the CIA money.

So, stimulated by a large commission, the Russian politician found an intermediary and informed the CIA that their insiders were responsible.

The CIA was very excited after hearing this and was planning to ask him to learn more about the situation.

Unexpectedly, something happened soon. Nesky was suddenly and inexplicably killed by his wife, who then committed suicide.

The clue ends here.

Later, through investigation, Randy Palm of the CIA learned that a Russian in Berlin claimed that he had the relevant information that Nesky wanted to sell.

After Randy learned about it, he specifically applied to the top management to send an agent to deal with the Russian.

The short-haired young man who traded with the bald man was the agent sent by Pam to purchase this important document and monitored the entire process.

However, the man behind the scenes is very powerful and obviously knows about this transaction.

Just as the trading agent sent by Pam entered the building, another bearded man quietly entered the trading building and came to the elevator.

He did not rush to enter the elevator, nor did he go down through the safety door next to it.

Instead, they tampered with the building's power lines and installed two plastic bombs.

And set up the detonation device.

This agent also deliberately left someone else's fingerprint on these bombs, obviously to lead this matter to someone else.

The special transparent paper registered through fingerprints was enlarged and printed on the shell of the bomb.

In this way, if someone investigates later and someone from the CIA discovers the bomb fragments, the fingerprints extracted will not be that of Brother Beard.

It was the man who he wanted to frame and deliberately put his fingerprints on the bomb.

When it looked like the transaction was about to go through, the bearded agent sent out activated the bomb and cut off all the power to the building.

Then he professionally put on night vision goggles, quickly went down the stairs, and accurately found the transaction location.

Killing the two people who made the deal neatly.

He killed them all, including the bald Russian who provided intelligence and the CIA youth who wanted to buy the information with cash.

In front of this mysterious bearded man, the two of them were simply vulnerable.

The gap in combat effectiveness between the two sides is too great!

at this time.

Pam and others sitting in the command center of the headquarters could hear clear gunshots from the monitors and even see muzzle flashes through the windows.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with using money to buy information. How could there be gunshots?

Pam and others were all stunned!

"Team 1, please call back, Team 1, what happened? What did you see??" Pam asked loudly on the radio.

She is anxious!

"Did you see any shadows?"

"I didn't see anything."

"What did you see?" "You didn't see anything!"


After ineffective communication between the two parties, Pam realized that there was a big problem and quickly issued an order: "Send someone over to take a look, quickly! Come over quickly!"

"Go quickly, send someone quickly, Kurt." The deputy next to Pam shouted out his name in a hurry.

"Did you see any movement? No. 1, please call back."

"Did you get it? Number one?"


"What did you see?"


The CIA project team was already in a frenzy, asking various questions on the radio what was going on, but no one could give an answer.

Because after the power is cut off, nothing can be seen instantly.

Pam is really overwhelmed!

after one day.

After fooling around with the CIA and killing people, he easily left Brother Beard and made an appointment with a Russian bearded man at the hotel.

A report came from the TV in the hotel:

"At the annual meeting of the Petroleum Association in Berlin, this is Yuri Gretkov, CEO of Pekosneft.

In just six years, Gretkov turned Pekes into an oil empire, and as a result, he became one of the richest men in Russia, consolidating oil rights in the Caspian Sea and controlling..."

When the TV news came here, Brother Beard opened the door and walked in.

"You're late!"

The bespectacled bearded man in the room frowned, and his first words were accountability.

"Here you go, the file."

Brother Beard was not angry, nor did he explain why he was late. He just threw the document on the sofa and walked to the side and sat down.

The Russian with glasses and beard opened the zipper of his backpack, checked the documents inside to make sure there were no problems, took out two stacks of money and threw them on the table.

And said to him: "When the matter is completed, the remaining money will be paid."

Brother Beard didn’t take it yet.

Obviously he doesn't have much desire for money. What matters more about completing the task is that he must have some kind of special relationship with this man.

"I have to take a shower."

Brother Beard took off his coat, then took off his gun sling, and walked towards the bathroom.

"Well, hurry up, the plane will take off on time in an hour."

The Russian man with glasses took out the document from his bag and said while reading it.

"Is the information you provided accurate? Will he really appear there?" Brother Beard went to the bathroom and placed the gun bag and the gun in front of the makeup mirror.

"That's not what you should ask."

The bespectacled Russian continued to look at the document and pushed back Brother Beard's words.

Brother Beard didn't say anything else, closed the door, turned on the water and started taking a shower.

What Brother Beard calls him is that Long Zhan has just cooperated with his old friend Bourne, and Brother Beard’s second mission is to assassinate Bourne.

Leave clues to blame Bourne, and then go over and kill Bourne.

Take a dead man without evidence.

This plot is so familiar.

How did Russian politicians die? Corresponding to Bourne's body, it is exactly the same, copied and pasted.

Through this analysis, it can be analyzed that the death of the Russian politician and his wife was the masterpiece of Brother Beard.

As for why Bourne was chosen as the scapegoat instead of other characters who are easier to deal with, I am afraid only the Russian with glasses knows.


The killer was already on his way, and as the targets, Bourne and Cruze, as usual, did not notice anything.

They originally thought they could live happily on this seaside in India for the rest of their lives.

Cruze takes care of Bourne's three meals a day.

When I have free time, I drink coffee.

And Byrne insists on exercising every day and runs every day to maintain his physical fitness.

The two of them lived such an ordinary life.

From time to time, Cruz opened the notes written by Bourne.

I want to enter his other world.

When Cruz saw the end of the note, Bourne, whose memory had not recovered, wrote in big words: "Who am I?"

Bourne, who has not got his memory back, although he lives an ordinary life here with his beloved woman, it can be seen from these three words.

He didn't really let go of who he was. Instinctively, he kept chasing and exploring.

Bourne, who has lost part of his memory, always feels that he is not a complete self now, but still an incomplete person.

This made him feel very uncomfortable, and he couldn't get out of it.

But he never expressed it to Cruze.

He doesn't want Cruze to worry about him.

As usual, Bourne finished his run from the beach, passed the trouble, and then ran home.

I was a little tired from running, so I bought a bottle of ice water nearby.

Just as he was taking a sip of water, he noticed a special figure getting out of the car not far from the opposite side.

It turns out that Brother Beard came here and wanted to inquire about the whereabouts of Bourne and the others.

But Brother Beard didn't see Bourne.

And Byrne had seen them.

Because Byrne noticed that Brother Beard's outfit was very different.

Judging from Byrne's keen observation, there is no mistake.

Bourne looked at his back, and something seemed more and more wrong.

So I immediately went home and looked for Cruze.

Brother Beard also pretended to come to a store and inquired about Bourne's specific address.

"Good morning, Sir."

"Good morning," the store man replied.

Then Brother Beard handed a photo of Bourne to the store owner and said: "He is my friend. A relative in his family has passed away. I don't know if you have seen him."

Of course the store owner told him the address truthfully.

So he immediately put on his sunglasses, walked to the car again, and started driving to the car rental shop on the beach in Cruze.

At this time, Byrne also ran to his home immediately and drove towards Cruze's car rental shop.

He wanted to get there before Brother Beard arrived.

Fortunately, Brother Beard didn't find Cruze even though he got there first.

Just looking for it by the sea.

At this time, Byrne immediately drove to the door of the store and honked his horn to tell Cruz to get in the car quickly.

But Cruze still didn't leave: "What's wrong?" (End of chapter)

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