The film starts with the Navy SEALs

Chapter 1728 Destruction begins

"They may have their reasons," the liaison officer replied.

"Okay. I originally thought this was just a warning, but now I'm not sure. I'm still wondering, are you going to kill me? Or encourage me?"

Alan asked again suspiciously.

"Seriously, man, you are thinking too much." The liaison officer felt that what Allen said was a bit inexplicable.

"Then why don't we open up and talk? There's no one else within three hundred miles of here, and no one's listening, so don't keep silent. Talk, please."

This Allen seems different from other ruthless agents.

He chattered a lot of nonsense. Seeing that the liaison officer didn't speak, he finally became more serious.

"Why they removed you from the field and arranged to come here is definitely not for physical reasons. Judging from your skills, what have you done? Rejected a mission? Have you started to have independent ideas of your own?"

Ai Lu kept guessing and asking questions about the liaison officer.

But the liaison officer never responded to his message.

Allen continued to ask: "Is it because of falling in love?"

When this topic came up, the liaison officer couldn't stand it anymore and glanced at Allen. To be more precise, he should have rolled his eyes.

Allen immediately realized that he must have guessed correctly.

He confirmed with interest: "It's just love."

He is a bit chatty and keeps looking for topics to talk to the taciturn liaison officer.

past experiences.

Even asked about the woman he loves.

The liaison officer was really tired of being asked questions.

He took a gun and threw it in front of Allen.

He said to him: "This is better for dealing with wolves. There is an ammunition box at the door. You can add something. You have said enough. You have eaten and you got up early today.

If you feel really bored you can go hunting wild wolves, or you can take a good rest. "

"Okay." The talkative Allen had no choice but to shut up and stop talking.

I don’t know if he was talking so much just to be cliché, or if he had been alone in the mountains for so long and finally caught someone, so he really liked talking.

"Then let's talk about it next time." Allen did not forget to conclude with a final sentence.

"Okay." The liaison officer replied symbolically.


"good luck."

Since both of them have nothing to say, it's not fun.

Allen had no choice but to lie down on the wooden bed inside early and prepare to sleep.

But Alan was lying on the wooden bed, tossing and turning, unable to fall asleep.

So he turned on the bedside lamp.

Eyes darting everywhere.

As soon as I opened my eyes, I saw the ceiling in front of me.

There are several long wooden boards on the ceiling.

Allen originally just wanted to watch in a daze.

Upon closer inspection, I found that the bed beams above my head were engraved with the names of agents who had trained here before.

The wooden board above was filled with names.

On one of the wooden boards, a person's name was clearly written, that is, Jason Bourne.

That means this Jason Bourne was once an agent of the Harvest Project.

So, he also took blue-green pills.

But as far as Allen knew, Bourne did not go back to get the medicine later.

Allen wasn't very clear about the situation either. Because they rarely discuss their tasks with each other.

Including what task is completed and where.

They are not allowed to discuss with each other.

Of course, when they discuss secretly in private, it doesn't matter if there is friendship and it is not discovered.

Like this time he called Bourne.

And the dragon battle thing.

Rick wanted to keep their plans secret, even from the agents who had performed the mission and those who had missions in the future.

They will not let go, and are ready to order the start of clearing out all relevant personnel.

Including agents from all countries and all over the world.

Because only in this way can the evidence be completely destroyed.

The first one to be solved was a female agent in Seoul, South Korea.

The female agent came to the office of the South Korean anti-terrorism organization as usual.

They need a blood test.

The Korean female agent gave the bloody night to the staff of the anti-terrorism organization.

The counter-terrorism staff member gave some pills to the Korean female agent.

The Korean female agent was very surprised. She took the medicine and asked, "What is this?"

The South Korean anti-terrorist organization smiled at her.

The Korean agent took out the yellow pills and asked, "Is this one pill a week?"

The top counterterrorism official corrected: "Once every eight days."

"So you don't have to take blue and green tablets anymore?" asked the simple Korean female agent.

"We are improving personnel in all programs. Do you remember how to keep accurate medication records?" the top counterterrorism official asked.

"Yes." The Korean female agent nodded and replied.

At this time, Rick found a man named Don who was responsible for the executor of the action plan of all global agents.

Wanting to discuss it with him, he said, "I think we should clarify some things, Don."

"What should be clarified?" Tang replied.

Tang is also a black man, and he looks like a national-level figure with extraordinary skills.

"You keep saying it's unacceptable. I want to know what you mean by that?" Rick said to Don.

They should have discussed their differences before on this topic.

"I mean it's unacceptable. I don't like what you're telling me, and I don't like the way you're telling me. We have four missions at critical junctures, Rick.

If we stop now, the loss of intelligence will be immeasurable. ” Don boldly told Rick how he felt.

"Actually, it is possible. You will return to the state before we established it." Rick wanted to try to convince Don that all the agents would be solved.

"Don't tell me what went wrong with the harvest plan. Because if so, I will definitely know." Tang didn't know something either.

"I didn't say what was wrong," Rick said again.

"You still haven't said anything. Do you know what they're worth? We just delayed the Iranian missile program by 36 months with the help of a sleeper agent. Best North Korea reconnaissance operation in the last two years. It's Harvest The planned agents executed it," Tang said for the agents.

"I totally get it," Rick replied.

"Do you know how long we waited? We managed to get an agent to infiltrate the Pakistani Intelligence Agency for a long time? You are asking me to eliminate all our most valuable intelligence collection field agents." Don was very opposed to Rick's approach.

"We are shutting down this project quickly. And the response to this incident must be clean and tidy." But Rick can't take care of so much anymore.

After a while, an agent in Pakistan got a yellow pill and took it without hesitation. (End of chapter)

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