The film starts with the Navy SEALs

Chapter 1729 The drone blew up the cabin

Because they already trust the managers above to give them medicine.

Since then they have been trained to be very obedient.

They never thought about the side effects of this medicine on them.

So I took this yellow medicine without any precaution.

At this time, Tang saw a report in the newspaper, which showed that the CIA's plan caused huge chaos in New York.

Don said to Rick:

"Tell me, this is not the reason why you came to me. Jason Bourne has successfully escaped. Is it for this reason?

I have access to all action plans, except, of course, yours. I'm fed up with those excuses, just because it's not approved by the National Research and Analysis Group.

I don't have permission to take action or view information, why do you have so much power. Tang said angrily after reading the report.

"Don, I'm a patriot, and so are you. I feel as bad as you do, and I understand how you feel. But we have to do our jobs because we have the ability to do what needs to be done. I'm sorry, but at the moment ,It can only be this way."

Rick is determined to kill all these agents.

It doesn't matter whether Tang is willing or not.

In other words, those strong man killers who had been obedient and worked for them were about to disappear from this world.

No matter how conscientious and conscientious you have been, it is of no use.

At this time, an agent who was preparing to complete the mission for them was on the road. Suddenly, his nose began to bleed and he fell to the ground dead.

Such a vivid life, cultivated by the CIA's Counter-Terrorism Team for so long, even though he was already a master of dragons among men, was still mercilessly killed.

Then these killers fell to the ground and died inexplicably in different countries and cities.

For example, the Seoul subway in South Korea has just arrived at the station during the morning rush hour.

A woman looked at the opposite side with wide eyes and fear.

She discovered that the woman in the seat opposite her was dead.

On the streets of Mumbai, India.

Several policemen hurriedly squeezed into the crowd of onlookers.

There was also a man lying on the ground bleeding to death.

A stocky black man walked toward the dock.

Suddenly his body became stiff.

He fell to the ground.

He also died from bleeding from his nostrils.

It turns out that they are all secret agents of the CIA's Harvest Program.

Originally, I had been taking blue and green pills.

But suddenly he was replaced by his boss with yellow pills.

It was this yellow pill that had killed them.

And Allen is lucky for the time being.

The next day, it snowed heavily throughout the valley.

He and the liaison officer were still guarding the cabin.

The liaison officer didn't know what he was doing outside. He approached the house and said to Allen: "It's snowing heavily outside, and it looks like it's going to get heavier."

"Really?" Alan said while eating breakfast.

"Maybe I should hit the road before then," Allen said.

"No, it's too late. You can stay here for now. Anyway, I need someone to help me take care of this place." The liaison officer said unceremoniously.

But Allen didn't agree to help you come here to be the family man.

"Really? I'm not sure." Allen said unambiguously.

"I'm already going to write a missing medication report. I'm not sure if I want to write another report to explain the changes in my schedule, you know what I mean?" Allen lowered his voice and said to the liaison officer.

"Don't worry about the medicine, I can help you solve it." The liaison officer said to him confidently.

In fact, Allen also knew that the liaison officer must have medicine in his hand.

I just want the other party to take the initiative to say it.

Allen suddenly seemed to hear a strange sound coming from outside.

So he said to the liaison officer: "I'll go out and take a look."

He wondered if Dragon War was coming. But the location he mentioned was still some distance away from his cabin.

Because he couldn't directly let the liaison officer meet Long Zhan.

This cannot be said.

Allen opened the door and took a look. It was indeed snowing heavily outside.

There was also a cold wind blowing.

Allen looked around and saw that there was nothing around him.

At this time, the liaison officer also opened the door and came out to take a look.

Allen asked the liaison: "Did you hear that?"

The liaison wasn't sure what it was either.

Just turning around and going into the house to get tools, Allen went outside and said loudly: "Is there anything you want to come?"

He wondered if there might be some drone delivering some medicine.

But the liaison officer said: "Nothing goes without notice in this weather."

But Allen looked into the distance, and based on his experience, something must be approaching them.

So he said to his liaison: "There must be something approaching."

"Did you see anything?" Allen asked the liaison officer.

"No, man, nothing," the liaison officer replied.

"Isn't that thing broken?" Allen felt that something was a little strange, so he went back into the house to see what equipment the liaison officer was there.

"It's not broken, there's nothing wrong with the equipment." The liaison officer told him with certainty.

"Maybe they're just here to deliver supplies." Allen guessed.

The liaison officer watched Allen approach the house from outside and then walk out of the house.

Feeling that he was making a fuss, he replied:

"Supplies were just delivered yesterday, and with this weather, the plane is temporarily unable to land."

"What on earth is that?" Allen went outside to observe for a while and then returned to the house to ask the liaison officer.

"I don't know." The liaison officer saw that Allen's expression was not right, and he seemed to be a little nervous.

So he said to Allen:

"I don't know if we should split up."

"Yes, I'll go out and establish a sentinel point." Allen said looking at the liaison officer.

He didn't know that this might be the last time he saw this handsome young liaison officer.

Then Allen carried his luggage, picked up his equipment and was ready to go out.

"Tell me what you see, okay?" the liaison officer said to Allen, who had already walked outside.

"Okay, it's necessary." Allen replied.

Then Allen ran all the way outside.

He lingered nearby.

He packed his bags and decided to go around to see what was going on.

But he hadn't gone a few steps yet.

A Predator combat drone launched a missile.

With a "swish" sound, their cabin was blown up.

It seems that it is aimed at them, otherwise it would not be so accurate.

Allen was also ejected to the ground by the power of the missile.

The bag was also shaken far away.

Alan's ears were almost deafened.

He tried to get up and looked at the sky.

I actually saw a plane flying over from directly above.

After a while, the cabin heard another "bang" explosion.

The liaison officer must have died in the cabin as well.

In Virginia, Defense Intelligence, Special Operations, Drone Command Center, remote command drone pilots. (End of chapter)

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