The film starts with the Navy SEALs

Chapter 178 Finally Coming

Chapter 178 Is Finally Coming (45, ask for a monthly pass)

"OK, look at me, Lucas, what do you mean by that, are you going to have an operation?" Jason asked seriously.

"Hey old man, take it easy, you'll be fine," Ray interjected, trying to reassure Jason.

"At present, I just suggest that he go for a checkup and talk about surgery after the checkup results come out." Lucas explained.

"That's really too bad. We will be on a periodic assignment in two weeks. I don't want to be absent." Ray said angrily.

It's okay to be short of a task, and it's only a week.

It would be a big problem to miss one shift, and that would be a full four months of high subsidy income.

Lei Zhen can't afford to be "missing"!
"No, you are injured. It is not good for everyone. If you cannot confirm your physical condition, I will not let you participate in the next mission."

Jason looked very serious, not joking.

"Okay okay, I'm going to make an appointment with the doctor and let him tell you how great my body is." Ray knew that Jason's character didn't force him anymore.

There was a little ninety-nine in my heart!

"For the sake of 4 months of attendance allowance, I put my body out of the way. It's really hard for a penny to be a hero."

Looking at Lei who seemed very relaxed in front of him, Long Zhan knew his current situation and what he would do next, and couldn't help feeling sad for him secretly.

No matter what era you are in, you can be a man if you have money, and you are just a tool if you don't have money.

Even if Lei is already one of the more than 200 most powerful people in the hundreds of thousands of U.S. navy, he can only trade his life for money.

Witnessing what happened to Lei with his own eyes made Long Zhan more confident in his belief.

Make money!

Make money!

Still making money!

It's useless to know how to make money, and it's king to be able to make money.


After Lucas checked Lei's arm, Long Zhan had almost finished his push-ups, so it was time for Lucas to check his arm.

The results were, as always, impeccable.

There was absolutely nothing wrong with the arms, not even slight wear and tear on the joints.

Healthy can't be healthier!

Jason, who still had to go back to fight for a few days, and Lei, who knew how serious his shoulder injury was, couldn't help casting envious and hateful glances.

No matter how dissatisfied, I can only admit it.

When you get old, your body becomes more and more useless, and there is no way to compare with young people.

After the physical examination, physical therapy followed. Various physical therapy methods that Long Zhan didn't understand, such as acid discharge and traction, were applied to this group of special forces one by one.

Although some will be sore and painful when doing it, it is really comfortable after doing it.

My body feels so much lighter!
With the end of various inspections and physical therapy projects, there is only less than a week left before the residency.

In the past, every year after the pre-deployment physiotherapy, Jason would organize all the members of the B team to drink and chat in the bar.

Similar to the ceremony before the expedition

This year is still the same, or the Jason organization.

All 8 members of Team B were required to participate. In addition, Diaz also had an outsider who was not an outsider, Danny with a big scar on his face.

Danny, Diaz, and Sonny were former comrades-in-arms, all serving on SEAL Team Four.

Later, Diaz and Sonny entered the DG, but Danny was seriously injured in an operation, not only did not enter the DG, but had to leave the army.

Now he joined a security company and worked as a private bodyguard.

Maybe it's because they haven't seen each other for many years and it's rare to get in touch now that Diaz invited Danny to the internal party of the B team.

Before having a drink at the happy party, Jason, who had been thinking about Lei's shoulder injury, specially called Lei aside for questioning.

Ray knew that seeking a doctor would mean missing work, so he didn't seek a doctor at all.

However, in the face of Jason's concerns and inquiries, Lei lied to Jason very rarely.

He claimed that he had gone to the hospital to see a doctor, and there was nothing serious about it, it was just a small matter of a tendon strain, and he would be fine after taking some anti-inflammatory drugs.

Lei is indeed a sniper who is proficient in camouflage, and he is not uncommon in acting.

Although Jason still had doubts, he couldn't see any problems at all.

Seeing that his old buddy had no major problems, Jason was relieved, and he completely let go and devoted himself to the party.

Long Zhan watched the two communicate at the bar, knowing that Lei was lying, he didn't expose it.

Just because Ray really needed the attendance.

According to the understanding of the TV drama plot, Long Zhan can now imagine Lei's accountant wife, facing a lot of bills and arrears, frowning, and Lei vowing that he can handle it.

If Lei, who is the head of the family, loses the 2 months that he can get 4~4 times the salary.

That would really add insult to injury and put the family in a bind.

Except for the fact that Lei deliberately concealed his injury, the atmosphere at the dinner party was very pleasant, and everyone was talking freely.

The only thing that puzzled Long Zhan was...

It was obviously the first time I met Danny, but this guy seemed to have known me for a long time, and kept looking for opportunities to get close to me.

He even vaguely hinted once if he was interested in making big money with him.

Long Zhan is still waiting for the task of 1000 million US dollars, and the location of the treasure map has not been found yet, so he is naturally not interested in Danny's temptation.

But out of face for Sonny and Diaz, in order to have one more friend and one more way.

In addition, the PSC industry that Danny worked in, and the PMC industry that Long Zhan himself wanted to enter, are closely related in some aspects.

Long Zhan was not too indifferent to Dani, and chatted with him like an ordinary friend.

Perhaps because he felt that Long Zhan was not too enthusiastic, Danny shifted his target in the middle of the sentence, and he and Diaz fell side by side.

Anyone who is a normal person can tell that the relationship between the two is unusual.

However, just when everyone was chatting hotly.

"Beep beep beep..."

The confidential mobile phones of everyone in team B rang, and they all received the same message to return to the base.

Randomly summoning Team B has long been used to it. They thought it was just a routine emergency mission, so they bid farewell to Danny and rushed back to the base together.

But when everyone entered the headquarters building from the car, they found that the atmosphere was very strange.

Due to DG's free-range management mechanism, only those who have received the task will rush back to the headquarters, so the headquarters is basically deserted on weekdays.

On the floors where some squadrons are located, even apart from the watchmen and the cleaners who clean up, not a single member can be seen for several months.

But today is very unusual.

Almost all members of DG who can come seem to be rushing to the base.

There was a constant stream of people entering and leaving the elevator on the first floor. It is estimated that the number of times it is activated in a month usually is not more than an hour tonight.

Jason, Lei and the others sensed that something was wrong, so they couldn't help but quicken their pace towards the elevator.

"finally coming?"

Seeing the big scene in front of him, Long Zhan's heartbeat started to speed up uncontrollably.

(End of this chapter)

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