The film starts with the Navy SEALs

Chapter 179 Revenge is about to begin

Chapter 179 Revenge is about to begin

A large number of officers, non-commissioned officers, and intelligence personnel arrived at the Red Team's headquarters first, making the small space crowded.

The arrival of Long Zhan and Jason's group filled the headquarters even more.

Seeing that the people from Team B had arrived, Blackburn walked to the conference table with a heavy heart and said, "Thank you for coming so quickly, Mandy, you can start now."

"Last night, at about 1:2 a.m. local time, Team E was carrying out the second mission of the night. Led by an informant, it went to Jalalabad City to perform a follow-up mission near the Kashganbad neighborhood."

Mandy pressed the remote control, and the drone night vision video began to play on the screen directly in front of the conference room.

A black-and-white night-vision image can be seen of a heavily armed squad forming an attacking formation entering a square two-story building.

Mandy explained as the video played: "This is a watchman video a few seconds before the explosion, and the target is a private residential building.

Team E successfully broke through the residential building, but soon after entering the building, an explosion occurred. "

No sooner had Mandy finished speaking than there was an explosion on video.

Flames from the explosion were very bright in the night vision image, gushing from the windows and doors of the house.

Most of the houses were also accompanied by the explosion and collapsed into ruins.

Seeing how powerful the explosion was, all the DG members working on it felt chilled, and the atmosphere in the headquarters became extremely oppressive.

"Is the target wearing a bomb vest, or is the whole place covered in explosives?" Jason asked in a deep voice.

"I don't know now, maybe both." Mandy replied.

"Is anyone alive?"

The question Diaz asked is also what most people present are concerned about.

Mandy looked dignified and did not reply. He obviously couldn't accept the result, and couldn't even bear to say it. He looked at Blackburn, the supreme commander of the red team.

"According to the current investigation, no!"

There are only 6 teams under the red team, and one of them was wiped out at once. As the leader of the red team, Blackburn can imagine the pain in his heart.

"So, you're saying... all, six are dead?" Sonny asked gloomily.

Sonny is very familiar with the members of Team E, and many of them are his friends.

"The Casualty Notification Team has departed."

Blackburn answered in a different way, and this answer was more positive than any other.

Because only when it is completely sure that the person has been killed and the body is found, the casualty notification team will contact the family of the deceased.

"Damn it! Damn it!"

Sonny couldn't accept this answer, and couldn't accept that the top combat troops would die in this most useless way.

This is the first time he has been in DG for so many years.

"The E team will be handed over to us. I called Steve Porter yesterday and went to the base bar to drink together, but now..."

Jason couldn't continue speaking.

As an old man who has worked in DG for more than 10 years, he has witnessed the growth of most of the small leaders of the current red team, and he has also fought side by side with them.

As a result, in a blink of an eye, Yin and Yang were separated, and this kind of sadness is beyond words.

Black could understand Jason's mood, and said in a heavy tone: "The squadron has now lost an entire squad, so as you all know, the situation is unsustainable.

In order to remedy, but also for revenge, the headquarters requires your deployment time to be advanced. "

The disappearance of a whole team like this, if the real culprit behind the scenes is not found out, not to mention Blackburn can't accept it, even the Joint Operations Command can't swallow it.

To put it in plain terms...

If you dare to cheat even first-level combat troops, you just think your life is too long.

The U.S. military's vengeance is strong, and everyone in the world knows it.

For example, after the failure of Operation Red Wings in history, the U.S. military dispatched more than 150 sorties of bombers to take revenge and bombed many villages where the Taliban existed.

Regardless of whether there are civilians in the village or not, it is just a series of air raids to wash their hair one after another.

Not to mention the civilians killed in the bombing, the number of Taliban militants alone exceeded 600, and the number of civilians was at least more than 1000.

A total of 19 American soldiers died, but more than 1000 Afghans were buried with them.

This vengeance is simply terrifying!
"When to set off?"

Long Zhan's mentality has changed at this time, and he is more eager to go to the place where he is stationed.

"You guys have to go within 18 hours, if there's anything personal to clean up, hurry up, anyone else have any questions?" Blackburn said.

Team A, Team B, officers at all levels, intelligence personnel...

No one is talking!

Everyone's expressions are very consistent, that is, there is burning anger in the pain, and the heart of revenge has been completely ignited at this moment.

There is nothing left to say.

Find the murderer and kill him.

This was the only thought in everyone's mind at the moment except Long Zhan.


The emergency meeting ended, and everyone dispersed and left.

The time for overseas assignments is advanced, which means that we need to say goodbye to our families in advance. In addition to visiting the family members of the E team, 18 hours is not very sufficient.

If a team says it’s gone, it’s gone. For Long Zhan, who believes that survival is king.

There is indeed a bit of shock.

The shock from watching the TV series at the beginning was not at all one-tenth of what it is now that I am a member of DG and heard the bad news in person.

In order not to let himself die for the United States, some thoughts in Long Zhan's heart changed.

The original idea of ​​working in DG for one or two years has been reduced to the idea of ​​retiring after getting the money during this residency.

Rather than staying in DG to perform the most dangerous missions, it is obviously safer to go out and do it alone.

You can choose the difficulty of accepting missions yourself, and you can choose not to accept missions that are too dangerous. You can’t do it in the army, and you can take on missions no matter how difficult they are.

If it is loyal to the country and the people, it is worthwhile to get psychological comfort.

But Long Zhan is an "egg man"!
As an egg man, Long Zhan didn't want to die for the US government.

(End of this chapter)

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