The film starts with the Navy SEALs

Chapter 187 Sudden Changes

Chapter 187 Sudden Change (Part [-])
Although Long Zhan majored in battlefield first aid, it did not prevent him from becoming a top expert in breaking doors.

Under the combined effect of rich years of actual combat experience and muscle memory, the whole set of preparations for breaking the goal of Long Zhan is smooth and pleasing to the eye.

Then he pulled the trigger without hesitation.


The door-breaking gun exploded.

The kinetic energy of close-up shooting is very terrifying. Most people can't control the recoil of the gun body at all, that is, it is easy to cause accidental injury at the moment of shooting.

That's why the players who break the goal must choose strong and burly people.

The recoil of the slug is very large, and the destructive power it causes is even more ferocious.

Under the violent bombardment of the slug, the keyhole of the hollow structure was directly shattered and fell off, and was forcibly pushed into the interior of the lock by the slug.

It smashed the inside into pieces in an instant, completely destroying the support between the lock and the door.

The powerful kinetic energy even penetrated the back of the lock, and a large number of shattered lock fragments were sprayed out together with the lead bullets that were also broken into many pieces.


Long Zhan raised his foot and kicked off the bolt, pulling the iron door to the right.

The locked iron door had been successfully broken open, and the vanguard Brock, who was leaning against the wall on the left side of the door, entered the house first with the military dog ​​Hellfire.

When entering places where bombs may exist, EOD dogs are definitely the best "equipment" to use.

none of them
Lei, Jason, Trent and others followed closely behind, and the last one was Long Zhan who was responsible for opening the door.

The last person to enter is in charge of the queen.

There was no action command during the whole process, it all relied on the team's own tactical understanding and the tacit understanding cultivated by working together.

The entire process of Team B entering the house was seen by the Afghans on the road.

One of the men wearing a white "cap" waited for all the members of Team B to disappear at the door, then took out an old mobile phone and dialed.

The members of team B who rushed into the house didn't know that someone had already tipped off the news, and they didn't have the time to respond.

Arriving at the house where Achim is hiding as soon as possible, capturing him and bringing him back is the only task of Team B now.

Team B walked up the stairs all the way up, and the EOD dogs walking in the front kept sniffing the air, providing a strong guarantee for the team.

As long as the EOD dogs don't crouch down, Team B can keep pushing forward.

(The command to squat down and not call out before detonation is: There are bombs here.)
Hellfire sniffed the white mobile phone found from Achim's house during the first operation, and has already remembered Achim's smell.

Leading the way with Hellfire at the front can also ensure that Achim is found in the first place.

Hellfire kept going up the stairs, and Team B followed it up around the stairs, and soon came to the top floor of the 4th floor.

"Wang Wang Wang..."

The Cerberus jumped on the wooden door at the end of the corridor and barked into the room.

The door is still locked and needs to be broken open.

At this time, Long Zhan was at the rear of the team, unable to get to the front to break the goal, Jason used Sonny, the queen blaster of team B.

Different doors have different ways to break open.

This door is different from the iron door below. It is a wooden door that opens inward. The door hinges cannot be seen, and the door can be pushed inward.

In this case, the effect of the door-breaking hammer is more suitable than that of the door-breaking gun.

Sonny and Trent made a small cooperation. Sonny took the battering hammer and pushed it against the door lock, and Trent swung the hammer to insert the battering hammer into the door.

The battering hammer and the lock formed a lever, and Sonny grabbed the handle of the hammer and pushed in.


The bolt was snapped off, and the door was forced open.

Sonny, who was against the door, threw away the hammer, picked up the HK416 that was hanging on his body with a single buckle, and rushed into the house with the Cerberus against the door.

This property is in the city of Jalalabad, and it is definitely a "luxury house" that rich people can afford.

The inside is no longer integrated like last time, but is divided into 2 rooms, 1 living room, 1 kitchen and bathroom by the wall, just like the common room types in the mainstream world.

The structure of the house is different, and the tactics are also different.

The B team that entered the room did not use the "destruction fan defense tactic", but split into three tacitly after entering the room.

Sonny and Lei swept across the hall without stopping, and went straight to the room on the left.

Jason, who came in later, stopped in the living room and controlled the area with Bullock, who controlled the military dog, waiting for feedback on the team's next step.

The rest of Clay and Trent went to the left and entered the direction of the kitchen and bathroom.

Long Zhan stood guard at the door, his butt facing the room.



Soon, Trent came from the direction of the bedroom and the kitchen, respectively, the password that has eliminated the danger.

Jason then followed Bullock to the closet where the Cerberus dog had been squatting and barking since the moment it entered the room.

The Cerberus squats here and barks, which means that the pursuer is hiding inside.


Jason locked the closet at gunpoint and gave Brock a look.

Brock received the signal and pulled the cabinet door open.

There was indeed a person hiding inside, without any weapon in his hand, squatting in the corner of the closet, looking at Jason and Bullock outside in horror.

"Don't move, lie on the ground."

Bullock grabbed the hair of the person in the closet, pulled it out and threw it on the ground.

Pressing one knee on the neck to control it, he searched around to verify his identity and shouted: "Name, tell me your name, tell me your name quickly."

According to the information obtained by the Fenty base, Achim, like Tariq, can speak English.

If the catch is correct, Bullock has the answer.

The young man who was pressed to the ground was terrified. He worried that he would be beaten to death if he didn't cooperate, so he shouted in panic, "Achim, I'm Achim."

After confirming the target's identity, Jason pressed PTT and called: "Operation Center, this is B2, we have found Achim."

"B2, received by the combat center."

Diaz responded to Jason's call and also provided an update.

"An unknown four-wheeled vehicle has appeared and is approaching your position, please pay attention."

Hearing the sudden situation mentioned by Diaz, Jason immediately walked to the window and said at the same time: "Notify Snoopy immediately, let him go quickly."

The van is still parked downstairs, and if there is a shootout, it will be the first to suffer.

This is the only tool for Team B to retreat later, so it can't just disappear here.

"Received, he has been notified, and is being transferred to the preparation retreat point."

As soon as Diaz's communication came, the two vans parked downstairs caught fire and left quickly without even closing the doors.

"Guys, there's work to do, get ready."

Hearing Jason's order, everyone in the house rushed to the window except Brock, who was continuing to tie up Achim.

(End of this chapter)

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