The film starts with the Navy SEALs

Chapter 188 Fierce and Doggy, Founder of "Menggouliu"

Chapter 188 Fierce and doggy, the founder of "Menggouliu" (second update)

As expected of Talik's well-prepared hiding place, the windows are all floor-to-ceiling, and they are equipped with one-way transparent glass that is rare here.

The advantage is that everyone in Team B can clearly see everything on the street downstairs through the glass.

The unidentified vehicle that Diaz mentioned—the white pickup truck—slowly stopped at the intersection opposite the house in the eyes of everyone in Team B.

The disadvantage is that the floor-to-ceiling windows are poorly defended, and it is not very easy to find a bunker in a fight later.

The Cerberus also ran over at this time, put its front legs on the window sill, put its head out the window and sniffed a few times, then retreated back and squatted on the ground, keeping silent.

Jason knew that there was a bomb in the squat, but he didn't quite understand the distance.

His face changed drastically and he asked, "Brock, what's going on?"

"The wind is blowing from the direction of the car. There must be explosives in the car." With the shadow of Team E being wiped out by bombs, Bullock is also a little nervous.

Hearing that there were explosives in the car, the faces of the rest of the team also darkened.

The atmosphere suddenly became extremely tense!

"Residue? Or?" Jason asked.

"It's impossible for the residue to travel so far. It's most likely an explosive." Bullock returned.

"Guys running over with a bomb don't make people like it." Frowning, Clay locked his gun on the person next to the pickup truck.

"B1, I saw a few people calling for someone nearby, and people began to gather at your location one after another." Diaz's communication came over again.

"What direction?"

A car with explosives arrives and someone shakes people, Jason has to be careful
Diaz didn't reply right away, and after nearly five or six seconds, he replied with difficulty: "All directions, all directions."

"I don't want the first week of my residency to turn into my last week."

Things have come to this point, whether it is useful to escape from fear, Jason, who knows that only the first battle can have a chance of survival, has to prepare for the battle in advance.

"Operation Center, B1 is about to enter the battle, request immediate air support."

"Attention B1, air support is limited. The nearest helicopter has just returned to the base for refueling. It is estimated that it will take at least 10 minutes to reach your location."

Diaz received Jason's request for support, but the reply he gave was not good.

In daily life, 10 minutes is enough to take a nap and a daze, but in this beauty-hating neighborhood, 10 minutes is enough to decide the life and death of Team B.


Jason cursed angrily.

When he turned his gaze out of the window again, he found that the situation below had changed again.

Not only the dozens of Afghans gathered here, but also some people could be seen looming on the windows and roofs of surrounding houses.

If it continues to develop like this, team B will definitely be besieged here.

But now it is in the urban area of ​​Jalalabad, and the surrounding area is full of civilians, and these people who surrounded them did not carry weapons.

At least the weapon is not exposed now.

Team B, as an American army fighting abroad, must abide by the relevant engagement agreements, even though DG has the only privilege to initiate fire.

Faced with the inability to accurately distinguish these gatherings, team B could not determine whether they were militants or civilians who came to watch the fun.

Jason felt that it was very difficult for a while, and he didn't know how to deal with it.

at this time……

Long Zhan, who was guarding the door, closed the door, ran to the window, and pointed the MK48 in his hand at the white pickup on the opposite road.

And the moment Long Zhan put the gun in place, another man got off the back seat of the white pickup.

Unlike the previous ones who came down without guns, the man here is carrying a cylinder-shaped weapon on his shoulders, a big killer that everyone is very familiar with——


Suddenly someone ran out carrying a bazooka, Jason's expression changed instantly, and he instinctively stepped back and shouted: "Be careful of RPGs, and be careful of concealment."

The moment Jason yelled, the rest of Team B began to seek cover.

Only Long Zhan didn't move, and even pulled the trigger.

"Tuk tuk tuk tuk..."

Starting with a fully automatic pressure gun, the 7.62 bullets fired continuously rushed towards the pickup truck less than 900 meters away at a speed of more than 50 meters per second.

The person holding the bazooka was killed on the spot. Before he fell down, his fingers twitched and he pulled the trigger to fire the rocket.

The bazooka that was originally aimed at the floor where team B was located missed and flew to the roof of the house next door, blasting a hole nearly one meter in the roof.

The two militants who were hiding there for a surprise attack were killed by their own people on the spot.

This explosion.

Opened the curtain of the block war.

The Afghans watching around the target house stopped hiding at this time, and all showed their ferocious minions.

Some people got into vehicles on the side of the road and had AK47s in their hands when they came out.

Some people lifted the white robes they were wearing, and there was an M4 hidden underneath.

The militants hiding behind the window on the opposite side appeared by the window with a gun, and fired at the position of Team B.

The people hiding on the roof are no longer hiding, and they also start attacking the target house.

for a while...

There are militants everywhere, and people are firing everywhere.

Facing the siege of dozens of militants, everyone in Team B couldn't care less about why the Dragon War just happened to be so timely.

As long as there are two seconds at night, Team B will definitely have an RPG.

All of them held guns and looked for suitable bunkers, and began to fight the unknown enemies outside the house.

Long Zhan is the only person in the team carrying a light machine gun. Facing so many enemy attacks, he must suppress them and give others a chance to shoot out of their heads.

But he went to the window to suppress him, and he was easily fired by the militants outside.

Maybe it's just a dick.

Long Zhan, as the founder of "Reckless Gouhuowu", advocates "both fierce and wretched" in his fighting style, combining these two extreme attributes together.

Facing the current situation of being besieged, combined with the structure of this house.

Long Zhan quickly thought of a suitable countermeasure.

(End of this chapter)

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