The film starts with the Navy SEALs

Chapter 1929 A bloodless coup?

Chapter 1929 A bloodless coup?

"Yes, if it weren't for Lan Bo, she might have died." Long Zhan interrupted.

"I think the robbers are from Zimbabwe. I heard them speaking Shona." Sinclair was closer to them and could hear them clearly, so he passed on his news to the side.

"What, secret police? A retaliatory attack because of Walter Lutulu's escape?" Dalton guessed what the group of people said after hearing this.

"If we are correct, Lutulu is likely to cause dissent, then we may be witnessing the beginning of a coup," Sinclair said, thinking more deeply.

"Walter Lutulu carries nuclear weapons, he's not a hawk {advocating the use of force or tough measures, he's been a democracy advocate for the past decade}," Dalton said.

"He was once a freedom fighter and fought with Mugabe," Baxter added.

"Whether they have nuclear weapons or not, if they want to take action in Zimbabwe, they will need external assistance!" Sinclair analyzed.

"Who's helping?" Rim asked.

At this time, Dalton looked at the information again and said, "Let's take a look at the information from the CIA. The rumor that the Chinese are taking over Africa has been circulating in the agency for a long time. Everyone in Zimbabwe has a share. They definitely want a piece of the pie. Let Knox do the illegal business and then intervene!"

"Okay, Gibran, let me talk to you for a moment!" Dalton said, then walked past Long Zhan and said to him.

"Okay!" Long Zhan didn't know what Dalton wanted him to do.

But he immediately stood up and cooperated.

Knox, Matlock and Lutulu were also discussing their next plans.

"We have identified six key figures, all of whom are hardliners in the Politburo. As long as we get rid of these people," Knox said as he handed a stack of information to Lutulu.

"We have assassins on standby, Mr. Lutulu, ready to strike during the first phase of the attack," Matlock said to Lutulu.

Lutulu looked at the photos in the file and said, "Some of these people are old comrades. I have always hoped to persuade them to surrender!"

"Oh? A bloodless coup?" Knox took off his glasses and asked Lutulu.

"Through elections, not bullets," Lutulu said with some trepidation.

"Some of these same people would have watched you go to the gallows, Walter! If I hadn't been soft-hearted, you would have died long ago!" Knox said to him in a somewhat threatening manner.

"What is coming cannot be avoided, but I don't want unnecessary deaths to happen. A regime gained by bloodshed will tarnish our image." It seems that Lutulu still does not want to go to war, and does not want to use violence to solve problems.

He is a very good leader.

As they were talking, a car drove over. It was the female killer carrying Lillian.

The female killer pulled up next to them.

As soon as Lillian opened the car door and saw her father, she was so excited that tears came to her eyes.

She said, "Dad, I can't believe this is true, Dad!" and then hugged her father and cried bitterly.

It can be seen that their father-daughter relationship is very deep and they have been through some things.

As the two of them were reminiscing about the past, the female killer also got out of the car, found Knox, and said to him, "Mr. Knox, the Chief Information Officer of the Zimbabwe Military Intelligence Department, is in town to arrest her."

"So the power struggle has already begun, have you stopped them?" Knox looked at Lutulu and his daughter not far away and asked the female sniper.

"I don't need to do it. Branch 20 has already done it for me. They are already there." said the female sniper.

"Are you sure?" Knox asked.

"I'm very sure, I recognized Stonebridge and Scott." The female sniper said very confidently, because they had fought before, so there was no problem.

"Please put me on the phone with Dreyer. He promised me someone will deal with them," Knox said to her.

After saying that, the female sniper called Dreyer.

Confirm the resolution of the issue at Branch 20.

Stonebridge and Long Zhan also came to a very remote place. It seemed that Dalton had provided Long Zhan with some clues and asked Long Zhan to come and collect them.

  But Stonebridge didn't know that, so

Stonebridge asked Long Zhan, "Are you looking for information?"

"I saw what you did there." Long Zhan asked Stonebridge irrelevantly.

"Not bad?" asked Stonebridge.

"No." Long Zhan prepared to get off the car.

"It's a wise move." Stonebridge emphasized again.

Long Zhan looked at Stonebridge and said to him, "If I'm not back in ten minutes, call the Coast Guard."

After saying that, he got out of the car and walked to an underwater world.

There are many fish swimming in the big glass of the underwater world. There is a female figure standing next to it, with her back to Long Zhan, looking at the dolphins.

It seems like he has been waiting for the dragon battle for a long time.

Long Zhan walked over.

The woman on the other side said to Long Zhan: "You missed the meal."

"I'm not hungry." said Long Zhan.

“I heard about the Mossad agent. {Israeli intelligence agency} Rebecca Levy,” the woman said.

It turns out that this woman was the one that Dalton asked Long Zhan to find before.

"What's wrong with her?" Long Zhan asked her.

"Can't you just kill her?" the woman asked Long Zhan.

"It's not that I can't, it's that I don't know how to do it." Long Zhan said to her.

This woman was the one who was previously assigned to monitor Long Zhan.

But later she developed feelings for Long Zhan again.

"Redeem with bullets?" the woman asked Long Zhan.

"Yes, that's about right. She is trying hard to get out of the predicament." Long Zhan said for her.

"She's not alone," the woman said.

"Of course not." Long Zhan replied.

At this time, the dolphins made a roaring sound.

Long Zhan said to the woman, "I want to go home, Christi, I want you to clear my file!"

"Branch 20 is tracking weapons of mass destruction, right? Who is your target?" Christi asked Long Zhan deliberately.

"Conrad Knox, actually you already knew that he was the mastermind behind the Zimbabwe prison break. Walter Lutulu was freed that time. Can you tell me where Knox is?" Long Zhan asked Chris.

"Did Dalton ask you to ask me? You followed the wrong person!" Christ said reluctantly.

"I know!" Long Zhan responded.

"If you really want to go home, you have to pay the price. Do you understand?" Christ asked Long Zhan with a special look.

"Okay, I understand." Long Zhan said.

Then Christ gave Long Zhan a charming smile.

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