The film starts with the Navy SEALs

What does Chapter 1930 mean?

What does Chapter 1930 mean?

"There's no sign of Lillian. Knox must have rescued her, or she's gone underground." Sinclair looked at the big screen and said.

"Major, a security loophole has been found!" Suddenly, Rim saw a group of people walking in from outside on the screen, and he said loudly in panic.

  Dalton came over immediately, looked at the group of people who came in, and said:

"Damn, it's Dreyer! How did he find us?" Dalton was a little panicked when he saw them coming at him aggressively.

This time it's no joke.

Dalton immediately said: "Shut down the system immediately!"

"Got it, sir." After hearing this, Baxter immediately stood up and shut down the system.

"Contact Stonebridge and Scott." Dalton said to Rham.

Rim notified immediately.

"Give me a minute." Sinclair immediately copied the information and said to Dalton.

"Team B, the cabin is threatened. Dreyer is coming!" Stonebridge heard Rham's call.

He immediately said to Long Zhan: "Got it, hurry up, Gibran, it's bad, it's dangerous!"

"Here I come." Long Zhan got in the car immediately.

"Quick, drive!"

The two drove back to the headquarters quickly.

When Mr. Durrell walked into the room, Dalton saw that he had no choice but to give in and explain to Mr. Durrell.

"Hello, Mr. Dreyer, thank you for your hard work. Please listen to my explanation."

But Dreyer didn't listen to Dalton at all.

He said to them directly: "You should have been on the plane back, but instead you sent the damn combat team into town and started a massacre. I am now formally accusing you of violating the laws of the Republic of South Africa."

After saying that, the soldiers started to arrest them.

"I know we dared to do something we shouldn't do." Dalton tried to stop Dreyer's actions, trying to get him to show mercy.

"Take them out!" Dreyer didn't care about her.

He gave these orders to his men harshly.

The men immediately obeyed the order and went to arrest Baxter.

Baxter waved his hands and protested, "Don't touch me!"

The other side saw Baxter resisting.

He slapped Baxter to the ground very arrogantly and fiercely, and immediately took out a gun and pointed it at Baxter.

Baxter saw that the other party was extremely strong.

Don't dare to act rashly, just be good for now.

The people they brought this time are really capable.

It is true that he is ruthless and merciless.

Dreyer bared his teeth and claws, his face almost touching Dalton.

The boss opened his eyes and said to Dalton: "Thanks to you, we are deeply involved in a major diplomatic incident with Zimbabwe. You had the opportunity to leave, but what happened now is your own fault. You can only reap the consequences."

After speaking to Dalton, he ordered his men, "Take them out."

At this time, Rham, Sinclair, and Baxter were all under guard and could not move. Only the USB flash drive was still automatically uploading data.

Sinclair was also very anxious.

"You know where to redeem them!" Dreyer said to Dalton.

His men were preparing to take them away one by one.

"Move, go, quickly!" the men urged Baxter who was lying on the ground.

Before Long Zhan and his men arrived, Dalton, Sinclair, Rim, and Baxter had been taken to who knows where. Lutulu and Lillian hadn't seen each other for a long time, so they couldn't wait to walk on the lawn and share their recent lives.

"I don't want to talk about this right now." Lillian said to her father unhappily.

"I'll accept it, you have a boyfriend." Lutulu explained.

"You can't ask me that!" Lillian replied somewhat embarrassedly.

"What do you mean? Why can't I ask? I'm your father. Of course I have the right to know!" Like other fathers, Lutulu was very worried about this issue when his daughter was the same age.

"Dad, believe me, I will tell you if anything happens!" Lillian said to her father.

The father and daughter were chatting when Knox drove his car across the lawn to Lillian and Lutulu.

He said to Lutulu: "Someone knows that you have escaped. The government is trying to block the news, but it will definitely be exposed sooner or later."

"There is no need for me to hide it. My people are very worried about my safety." Lutulu replied.

"You can announce your return in Booker Homer. There is a group of activists there who are already prepared. I can contact them and arrange your appearance, and use social media such as Renren and Weibo to spread the news." Lillian suggested after listening to their conversation.

"It could be dangerous to make a public appearance now," Knox disagreed.

"You know, how can a leader who dares not show up be respected? Believe me, if my people smell my cowardice, they will no longer follow me!" Lutulu said to Knox very firmly.

Dreyer and his men drove Dalton and the others to a very remote place.

No one knows where this is.

It is raining heavily.

When they arrived at their destination, there were several tough guys waiting for them with guns.

As soon as the car stopped, they leaned over to the trunk, braving the rain, ready to tear them off.

The first one to come down was Dalton.

Dalton shook them off unconvincedly: "Don't fucking touch me."

But at this time, they have become fish on the chopping board.

No matter how stubborn you are, it's useless.

They have weapons and people.

Dalton and his men have all put their hands on the dunk.

Sinclair was the last to come out.

They threw it down.

Sinclair rolled several times on the ground.

Dalton saw his miserable condition and cried out distressedly, "Sinclair, are you okay?"

They tried to help him up, but Sinclair wouldn't let them.

In Branch No. 20, everyone actually has this pride.

At this time, a leader with a white beard and a hat appeared before them, who looked ferocious.

He came up to Sinclair and said fiercely, "Stand up, boy."

"Where is Dreyer?" Dalton looked at Dreyer and saw that he was gone.

Next it seemed that they were handed over to the white-bearded leader.

Dalton still walked up to the white-bearded leader without fear and said fiercely: "I demand to contact my lawyer immediately."

But this white-bearded man doesn't look like a pushover either. He has a sturdy build and is not affected at all by Dalton's petty aura.

Because he knew that the one who had the final say was him.

He responded to Dalton: "If you don't shut up, I'm going to kill you, you bitch."

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