The film starts with the Navy SEALs

Chapter 195: One Arrow and Two Eagles

Chapter 195 Killing two birds with one stone (Part 1)
"Who can tell me why the front-line combat troops can't be exempted from the participation of the cultural support team. This stuff makes me very uncomfortable."

Sonny was the first to complain, with a full face of rejection, he was tired of this kind of existence.

"I vote for it with both hands and feet. If it's not enough, my younger brother can also participate. I vote for 5 votes alone." Long Zhan said with a smirk.

The originally a little impatient and serious atmosphere was also eased a lot by Long Zhan's nonsense and funny.

"If we rise to a certain height, the thinner the air will be, the less lift the helicopter can produce, and the less load it can carry. It will take a lot of effort to carry an extra gun, let alone a useless person. "

Lei's complaints were relatively professional, and he analyzed the stakes.

For T1-level special forces, a special soldier with a SEAL feels in the way, let alone a cultural logistics soldier.

Clay immediately echoed: "I also don't think it's necessary. I don't want to prevent one of our brothers from taking part in the action because of cultural support."


Everyone in team B was complaining crazily. As the captain, Jason couldn't take the lead in making noises, but this couldn't stop him from uttering a word annoyed——

"Holy shit!"

"I understand your feelings, but this is a decision made by the headquarters, and it is also a compromise we made to the local tribal leaders."

Facing the outrage on the scene, Eric, as a commander, was also in a dilemma. Even a small captain couldn't handle political matters.

He could only explain as best he could: "We must bring a female soldier from the cultural support team with us, this is the minimum requirement of the headquarters.

She's in charge of any Afghan women that might be in the mix, you know Afghan men don't like you messing around with their wives. "

"I'm not interested in doing anything." Sonny interjected dissatisfied.

Mandy, who was sitting opposite, stared at Sonny with a half-smile.

As if to say: "You really can't?"

Sonny curled his lips and spread his hands, expressing in a silent communication: "Afghan women, are you sure I'm interested in them?"

The two had a silent exchange here, but Long Zhan and the others didn't say anything.

"Complaining for 5 minutes" is the unspoken rule of DG.

Its existence is just for you to vent your dissatisfaction in your heart. After venting, you have to accept the reality obediently, find a way to accept, adapt, and then solve it.

Instead of letting you really resist the order, really bring this complaint into action.

After such a 2-minute rant, the dissatisfaction in the hearts of everyone in the team was almost discovered, and the meeting room returned to calm.

Eric nodded to Diaz, meaning it was time to continue.

Diaz walked over and opened the door, and a female soldier who appeared to be of black and white mixed race, with a dark wheat complexion and good looks walked in with a blank expression.

Facing the gazes cast by everyone in Team B, she probably knew that she was unwelcome, and she was very arrogant and did not put her hot face on her cold ass.

From outside the door to the last seat at the conference table, he kept his face sullen and never smiled.

"Staff Sergeant Vanessa Ryan, this is Team B."

Eric briefly introduced the two parties, but also did not let the "hostile parties" get to know each other one by one, lest the atmosphere be awkward again.

Going straight to the topic, he said, "Alice, tell me who our target is."

During the whole night that passed last night, the intelligence personnel in the base have been working together, and now they have finally completed the analysis and comparison of the bombs.

The relevant analysis results were written into a report and sent to Mandy.

Alice, who is also Mandy, got up and walked to the conference table and called up a photo, which was displayed on the screen and said: "This person's name is Iris Kamal, and he is probably the one who made the bomb that killed Team E. "

Seeing the middle-aged bearded photo on the screen, without exception, Jason, Sonny and the others began to show murderous looks in their eyes.

The middle-aged bearded man in the photo has become a dead person in their hearts at this moment.

Feeling the murderous eyes of this kind of person, Mandy's expression became serious after being infected.

He went on to say: "Federal investigators identified the explosive that killed Team E as a chlorophosphorous compound, basically Kamal's version of the Armstrong compound.

Judging from the relevant information collected, Kamal often moves, and he always installs his studio in his own home.

We have traced his exact location and have started monitoring him 24 hours a day. "

Every craftsman has his own habits, including bomb experts who make bombs.

According to the proportions and types of raw materials that each bomb expert is accustomed to using when making bombs, it is a relatively conventional detection method to compare the corresponding bomb experts.

"Chlorophosphorous compounds are highly effective explosives? It seems that this bastard is ready to kill as many people as possible before the bomb explodes."

Lei could already be sure that this was a premeditated murder, and the anger in his eyes became even stronger.

"Now that you know where his home is and that he's inside, why don't you just kill this bastard with an unmanned bomber?" Clay said.

"We need to talk to this bastard, bomb experts are just paid people," Eric explained.

"That's right!"

Mandy affirmed Eric's words and said: "Someone paid for Kamal to make the bomb, which means that someone is supporting the operation against the E team. We want to find this person."

"I don't want to, but I have to find out. I don't want to have to beware of a guy who is looking for trouble for us every time I act. He hides in a dark corner with a bomb to prevent him from being blown up."

Long Zhan's acting style is famous for his bravery, and he will never say a word of nonsense if he can solve it by force.

But under his violent appearance, he has a heart that is more cautious than everyone else and cherishes his own life more.

The residency period lasts up to 4 months, representing Long Zhan to stay here for 4 months.

If he didn't kill the guy behind him who hated the special forces and was thinking about using bombs to bomb the US military all day long, Long Zhan wouldn't feel comfortable sleeping.

Although he knew who the real culprit was behind the scenes, it was because the long-coveted 1000 million was involved.

The most important thing is that Long Zhan has no proper reason at all to explain the reason why he can know who the real culprit is behind the scenes ahead of the CIA.

Long Zhan knew the answer and couldn't say it, he could only make preparations in advance.

While ensuring that the mastermind behind the scenes can be killed in the end, I can also get 1000 million smoothly, and finally pass the 4-month residency period safely.

(End of this chapter)

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