The film starts with the Navy SEALs

Chapter 196 Becoming a Special Forces Scoundrel...

Chapter 196 When a special soldier played a rogue... (Part 2)
There is a person who always wants to use bombs to bomb the US military. Long Zhan is very jealous of him, and Jason and other members of the B team are also the same.

And if you want to find out this "master behind the scenes", you have to capture Kamal first.

Only by getting the bomb expert in his hands can he know who is paying him to make the explosion that killed Team E.

The goal of the task is in place, and the direction of the task is in place.The next step is to formulate an action plan, how to bring this guy back alive.

Given that Kamal is a master bomb maker, no one knows how many bombs he has in his home.

Capturing him has become an extremely dangerous operation.

Team B can no longer decide on a plan of action with just a few words on the road like when they caught Achim, but needs to draw up a detailed battle plan.

SEALs are a bottom-up mechanism, and team members need to discuss the action plan before it is finally reported.

"This street looks easy to lock. From the pictures, the houses on both sides are empty, and the surrounding environment is also very simple..."

Facing the aerial image on the screen directly in front of him, Jason roughly analyzed Kamal's house.

Sonny's temperament is more anxious than that of the B team, and he pointed to the door of the house first and said: "We can set the first breakthrough here.

If the gate is bombed by the bastard, we will blast a hole in the side wall and drag the bastard out by his hair.

The whole process can be done within 2 minutes, it is a piece of cake, what do you think? "

Sonny's battle plan is as straightforward as ever, without any detours at all, and solves it in the most violent and direct way.

If dealing with ordinary militants, Sonny's method does still have some feasibility.

Save time at least, direct enough.

It's a pity that the target that Team B needs to capture this time is a top soil bomb expert who made a bomb that Team E didn't even discover, and finally wiped out Team E.

Playing blasting in front of him, probably only Sonny dared to think so.

"I bet you, he's armed his house to the teeth. If it's all a piece of cake, then you have a big appetite." Jason complained mercilessly.

"Their home is probably full of explosives. Are you sure you want to blow up their door and get in?"

Lei also had an expression full of rejection, implying that I don't want to be bombed to the sky with you, so forget about your bad idea.

"This guy makes bombs for a living. It's too dangerous to enter his house." Clay said, frowning.

"Then draw him out?" said Trent.

"I'm also thinking about this issue, but it may not be feasible to implement it. If he doesn't come out, we still need to find a way to get in." Jason said.

"We can throw flashbangs in the house to force him out, and if he doesn't come out, we send dogs in to scout the way."

When Lei said this, he looked at Brock and said, "You got advanced new equipment yesterday. I hope it will come in handy by then. We need to know what's going on inside before we can go in."

Entering the home of a blaster, and installing a camera on the dog to find the way, is definitely the best choice.

"OK, then do it like this."

Lei's plan was basically complete, and Jason got up and was ready to finalize it.

"and many more."

At this moment, Long Zhan interrupted Jason and made a suggestion: "Throwing flash bombs is far less effective than smoke bombs, after all, we don't know the structure of the house.

If he has prepared a gas mask and still cannot come out from hiding inside, then we can take the initiative to go in and touch the smoke bombs.

With the cover of smoke bombs, as long as you get close to him smoothly, you can control him smoothly. "

"Smoke bombs are a really good idea!"

Although the dragon battle plan was only slightly changed, the change from flash bombs to smoke bombs allowed Jason to see more possibilities.

But at the same time, he also discovered the disadvantages.

"The question is how do we get in? His house has obviously been remodeled. Apart from the gate, there is only a small window that allows dogs to go in. We definitely can't get in."

The question Jason raised was indeed a difficult problem before him.

The reason Sonny suggested blasting the wall with a bomb at first, blowing a hole to get in, was because there was no other place to enter except the gate.

What Jason was worried about, Long Zhan had already considered it.

With the advantage of knowing the plot in advance, Long Zhan knows that Kamal's wife is not an extremist, but just an ordinary Afghan woman.

Kamal may be due to extreme reasons, detonate suicide and die together, but his wife certainly will not.

This has a feasibility!
Proposed to use smoke bombs to persecute, not only Kamal, but also her wife and children.

Taking this as a breakthrough point, Long Zhan said: "We really cannot judge from the outside whether there is a bomb at the gate of Kamal's house.

But as long as we throw smoke bombs in through the window, Kamal may be supported by the smoke bombs, but his family will definitely not be able to bear it.

As long as his wife and children open the door and come out, it is tantamount to emptying the door of danger for us.

At that time, we can send one or two people to sneak in with a thermal imaging camera, in order to avoid being heard by Kamal.

I suggest that a high-power amplifier can be used in advance to persuade him to surrender outside, and use high-decibel noise to cover up the commandos who entered. "

"Oh my god, can you still play like this????"

This was the first reaction that popped up in the minds of everyone in team B, including Jason and Eric, after hearing the plan of Long Zhan.

Forcing Kamal's wife to come out and open the door, avoiding the danger of Team B breaking in.

Then use a very cheap noise pollution attack to attract Kamal's auditory attention and block the sound, and then use the smoke bomb to block the vision.

Both sound and vision can be covered, making Kamal deaf and blind.

This is absolutely perfect!

(End of this chapter)

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