The film starts with the Navy SEALs

Chapter 197 The Mudslide of Team B

Chapter 197 The Mudslide of Team B (Part 3, please subscribe for a monthly ticket)

Long Zhan's plan is very rogue, and the methods can even be called indiscriminate.

If we compare Team B's regular action plan to a boxer trained according to the boxing rules from a young age, every action is based on the common sense that a boxer should do to formulate a strategy to knock down the enemy.

The method proposed by Nalong Zhan is tantamount to a street gangster fighting on the street.

Inserting eyes, digging crotch, picking nostrils...

Do everything possible!

This kind of indiscriminate means will indeed not have much effect on the big scene, and it may even lead to delays and accidents in action.

However, in some specific situations, it is better to use dirty methods than to behave properly.

Just like the Kamal who is going to be caught right now, this guy is an extremely dangerous bomb expert, and it is very dangerous to follow him in the normal way.

The methods that ordinary people can think of are likely to be prevented by Kamal in advance.

If you accidentally bump into it, you will be smashed to pieces.

Everyone is equal in front of the bomb, and it will not split you into pieces just because you are a first-level combatant.

However, Long Zhan proposed this kind of indiscriminate method, which most people would never have thought of.


Just enough to restrain Kamal.

Although using women and children to open the door sounds a little undignified, and if it is some white lotus righteous people, they will even accuse them head-on.

But for Long Zhan, these are all imaginary, and it is true that he can survive.

In order not to be blown to the sky by bombs, and to live a hundred years longer than the righteous people, no matter how despicable the means are, they have to be corrected.

Although Jason and the others are not so extreme, they still cherish their lives.

That's a consensus!
"What do you think of the dragon's plan?"

Jason is already very satisfied with Long Zhan's plan, and he is more and more fond of Long Zhan, which is not limited to conventional means, and can always think out of the box with whimsical ideas.

"No problem, I totally agree."

As soon as Lei finished speaking, Clay also expressed his opinion: "I often do this kind of work like mixing cigarettes. I can be counted as one of the candidates who enter the room by surprise."

"I can be in charge of coordinating the mobile speakers, and it will definitely let Kamal enjoy a different kind of rock concert." Diaz took the initiative to take up the big job.

"Kamal's wife and children are innocent civilians. Your actions must ensure their safety. There is a certain danger in throwing smoke bombs, which will cause them to suffocate. I do not recommend you to do this."

When everyone unanimously agreed with Long Zhan's plan to reduce risks in a rogue way, Vanessa of the cultural support team made a different statement.

From Vanessa's point of view, she was right. Kamal's wife and children belonged to innocent civilians.


Judging from Long Zhan, Jason and other members of Team B, Kamal's wife and children are not ordinary people.

Even if it wasn't the direct murderer who participated in the explosion, the person who lived with an explosive maniac had more or less participated in the bomb-making process could definitely be regarded as an accomplice.


Vanessa's words were directly ignored by Team B, as if they hadn't heard her words at all.

As if he didn't want to listen to nonsense anymore, Eric immediately decided to order: "The plan is clear, you can go down and make preparations, I will apply for permission to act, and the action is expected to start tonight."

As soon as Eric gave the order, everyone in team B rushed forward.

Only Vanessa, who was left with a black face, sat alone in the conference room.

Coming out of the conference room, everyone in Team B was busy with their own affairs and dispersed. Seeing Mandy alone, Long Zhan thought of his little plan, and ran after him a few steps.

"Hi, Mandy, I have recently become interested in information science, but I don't know where to start, can you give me some advice?"

Learning intelligence is naturally false, and having a close relationship with Mandy is true.

The more missions he does with Mandy, the more Long Zhan appreciates Mandy's ability in intelligence, and the more he feels that he needs such a partner.

Regardless of whether they can succeed in poaching the wall in the end, there is definitely nothing wrong with building a good relationship with Mandy first.

In case Mandy doesn't want to work in the CIA one day, Long Zhan feels that as long as he has established a solid foundation with Mandy, Mandy will definitely think of him first.

"You are so knowledgeable and talented. I wonder if you can hold so many things in your mind?"

Mandy slowed down and walked side by side with Long Zhan.

Mandy had always had a good impression of the young and strong Long Zhan.

Coupled with Long Zhan's words and deeds in the B team, as well as the action plan he proposed, it is like a mudslide mixed into the mainstream of DG.

Every moment is in full bloom, and it's hard for Mandy not to pay attention to Dragon War.

"My mother once told me that there is an old saying in China called, "Live to the old and learn the old. study."

Long Gibran's mother is Chinese, and there is nothing wrong with Long Zhan quoting Chinese.

"Oh, no wonder you know so much. Your interests are really unique. Since you have interests in this area, I don't mind being your mentor."

Tall and handsome, humorous, erudite and hardworking, Mandy, who is currently single, has no reason to refuse Long Zhan, who has gathered so many advantages.

"It's almost time for lunch. Even though it's a little early, it's about the same. How about we go to the restaurant and chat while eating?" Long Zhan said.


Mandy glanced at his watch and nodded approvingly.

The dining mode of the Fenty frontline base is a little different from other bases. Unlike the Bagram base of Operation Red Wings, each camp has a small restaurant.

In this base, catering is provided uniformly, and everyone gathers in one restaurant for dinner.

The dining room is an oversized iron-clad room with hundreds of school-like long tables with chairs. The walls and roof are covered with a layer of heat-insulating material, and with central air conditioning, the dining environment is not bad.

Long Zhan and Mandy came here relatively early, and it was only eleven o'clock at noon. There were not many people dining in the restaurant, and they probably had tasks to eat in advance.

There are fewer people in the restaurant and it is quieter, which is just convenient for Long Zhan to deepen his relationship with Mandy.

However, just when Long Zhan was chatting and laughing with Mandy through his studies, a man with very short-sightedness approached him.

And without Long Zhan's consent, he directly sat on the seat next to Long Zhan, staring straight at Mandy who was sitting opposite.

Long Zhan recognized this guy at a glance, even though it was the first time seeing him in reality.

Mandy frowned, and said unhappily: "Stalking is not a good habit, are you going to be an annoying person? Mr. Paul Murray."

(End of this chapter)

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