The film starts with the Navy SEALs

Chapter 1956 Hansen is arrested

Chapter 1956 Hansen is arrested

"Where did you go?" Long Zhan asked hurriedly.

Baxter looked at the tracking route in the computer and saw it was moving downward.

"He's coming down," Baxter said.

Dr. Ladai looked at the descending target and said nervously, "Red Team, move!"

The officer who received the order immediately issued an order to the police: "Attack, men, attack!"

"B Team, thermal imaging shows a second individual leaving the building, east stairwell," Baxter said.

At this time, Stonebridge had quickly arrived at the east stairwell and was waiting in advance.

As a result, he actually saw Hansen coming out of the elevator.

"Damn it." Stonebridge immediately chased him with a gun.

Hansen becomes aware of Stonebridge and prepares to flee.

And Knox took Christian outside the floor again.

Knox said to Christian:

"I know you betrayed me to Section 20."

"Attention, the sixth floor is empty. There is no one!" Long Zhan said to him.

At this time, Stonebridge, who was on his way to kill Hansen, knew that they were brought here on purpose.

He shouted to everyone: "B1, run, this is a trap."

"Cancel the operation, cancel the operation! Get your people out. No, we're in the wrong building, no, get them out now."

Long Zhan shouted loudly to the police officer.

"We entered the wrong building. Get your people out quickly. Get your people out the fucking way. Can't you fucking hear me? Get the fuck out! Get outside." Long Zhan yelled at the police officer.

When the elevator door opened, there was a skinny old man sitting in a wheelchair.

He was holding several bombs in his hands.

He was also tied up.

In a short while, the building was destroyed.

A thick smoke filled my nose.

Knox and Christie were in another building and saw the destruction of the building.

Dalton also saw signs of the building being destroyed on the surveillance camera.

"Fuck," Dalton complained nervously.

"Team B, please respond when you hear me and report the situation on the scene." Rim asked Long Zhan worriedly.

When Knox saw the building opposite being blown up, he immediately turned around and left.

Christian was left there somewhat confused.

Suddenly, everyone was in confusion.

"Red Team, please reply, reply received, Red Team." Dr. Laday asked the police officers very nervously.

"Team B, please reply if you received it." Rim asked again.

At this time, some policemen had been burned all over their bodies and were rolling on the ground in pain.

"Roll on the ground and lie down." Seeing that they were badly damaged, Long Zhan at the scene instructed them.

"Oh my God." Long Zhan exclaimed.

"This account will be held accountable to Billionaire." Dalton was so angry that he said to the people in the office.

"Activate the tracker," Baxter said to Dalton.

"Fuck, the tracker is on. Brian's coordinates are found!" Dalton said to Long Zhan.

Long Zhan has received the address.

"I got you, Christie." Long Zhan drove and prepared to find her.

Christian was so frightened that he tried to explain to Knox:

"They threatened my family."

"Of course they would," Knox told them.

At this time, Hansen was still running away desperately, and Stonebridge was chasing him.

But no one knows where Hansen went or what his intentions are.

Stonebeach had no choice but to ask Long Zhan for help. "Kahlil Gibran, received, please reply. B1, received, please reply."

Christian went on to explain to Knox, "I want Nigerians to take power, too, and your nuclear weapons can do that. But you think you can use them as puppets."

When Stonebridge saw that he was about to catch up with Hansen, he came out with his gun, ready to shoot.

As a result, when he held the pistol and was ready to shoot, the other party disappeared again.

It seemed like Hansen had anticipated this and wanted to lead Stonebridge somewhere.

It seemed that Hansen was very familiar with the terrain here.

"Fuck, B1, reply received. Hansen spotted!"

Stonebridge exclaimed.

Stonebridge could hardly run anymore.

Shouting from behind: "Hansen."

At this time, after listening to Christian's explanation, Knox asked Christian to sit down with a very ugly look on his face.

Christian was a little scared and stared at him.

Seeing that he was not listening, Knox raised his voice and said, "Sit down!"

Christian had no choice but to sit down tremblingly.

At this time, Matlock also walked in from outside the door with something in his hand.

Hansen was still running there.

He ran from upstairs to downstairs, from downstairs, across the floors, and then ran to another floor.

Hansen saw that Stonebridge was chasing him relentlessly.

He ran out of the building and into the mountains behind.

Finally, Hansen ran to the top of a hill.

Stonebridge is in the middle of the hilltop.

Stonebridge pointed the gun at him and shouted, "Hansen, try to move again."

Hansen stopped.

He also knew that Stonebridge would definitely not bypass him.

He opened his arms and faced Stonebridge directly.

Stonebridge slowly crawled down to the same ground as him.

"I'm not going anywhere, Michael," he told Stonebridge.

"Oh no, Stonebridge is found," Baxter said to Dalton.

"Oh my God!" Dalton exclaimed, staring at Stonebridge's coordinates.

"Shoot!" Hansen said to Stonebridge honestly.

Stonebridge relived the scene of his wife being shot.

Her chest was covered in blood and she slowly fell down.

Seeing that Stonebridge was in a daze, Hansen continued to stimulate him: "Go ahead and shoot. You know what you think, Michael."

Just when they were in a stalemate, a helicopter suddenly came over.

There were police officers on the helicopter saying to them, "Put down your weapons, put down your weapons."

Dalton, Rim and the others saw it on the surveillance camera.

"They are just ordinary police officers. They don't know who he is, and they will shoot." Dr. Laday said to Dalton when he saw it nearby.

Hansen kept urging Stonebridge, "Shoot."

The police on the plane kept shouting, "Put down your guns, put down your guns."

At this point, Stonebridge didn't know what to do.

"Otherwise, we will shoot. You are surrounded, put down your weapons, you are arrested." The police threatened Stonebridge on the helicopter.

The police cars on the ground had already surrounded the foot of the mountain and stopped around them.

Stonebridge had mixed feelings.

But in the end, reason prevailed over him.

He slowly lowered the gun.

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