The film starts with the Navy SEALs

Chapter 1957 Find a way to get me out

Chapter 1957 Find a way to get me out

Hansen also took off his pretentious sunglasses.

Then they were both arrested by the police.

Stonebridge actually hated Hansen to his core, but his identity also allowed him to control himself.

They were both caught by the police and the same sedan was seized.

At this time, the police received a call.

It must have been Dr. Laday who called him.

Hansen and Stonebridge both sat in the back row.

In the car, Hansen also said to Stonebridge: "You should have shot, Michael. But the opportunity has been missed. You think you are different from me, but in fact, don't fool yourself. In fact, you are just a killer with a golden ticket to immortality."

As soon as he finished speaking, the police outside shouted to Stonebridge: "Okay, British soldier, you can go now."

"You see what I mean?"

Hansen said after listening to them.

"Hurry up, come this way," the policeman said to Stonebridge.

After Stonebridge came out, the police immediately uncuffed him and handed the snatched pistol to him in a proper manner.

Stonebridge cocked his pistol.

Hansen leaned out of the car window and said to Stonebridge, "Promise me you'll never forgive me."

Then he closed the window and was successfully captured by the police.

In fact, this ending can be considered a perfect ending.

"You're right about one thing. Wherever these weapons are placed, there will be a deterrent effect. Until one day, they..." Knox walked behind Christian and took out the pistol hidden at his waist.

Then he walked up to him and said, "If all they wanted was money, these Nigerians would be useful."

Christian saw Knox holding a gun and waving it in front of him, and he was so scared that he avoided his gaze.

His face was hideous.

Knox continued: "But I feel like unless I blow up those bombs, nothing's going to really change."

Christian was already in tears because of what he said.

It seemed as if he already knew that his life was in danger.

Sure enough, Matlock saw that the time was right and Knox had finished speaking.

She cooperated and covered his face with the towel in her hand.

Knox pointed the pistol at his head and shot him.

The white headscarf was immediately stained with a bloody hole.

No matter how scared and obedient Christian was, Knox would kill him anyway no matter how useless he was.

And Long Zhan found where Christi lived based on the location.

When Long Zhan arrived at her room, she was already packing her clothes.

But Christie seemed to realize something was wrong and heard the noise.

She immediately raised her hands high in surrender.

He slowly turned his body and faced Long Zhan.

Long Zhan asked her, "Did you tell the secret to Knox?"

"So, are you going to shoot me?" Christi did not deny it, but asked Long Zhan a question instead.

"This is my job. I'm a ruthless killer. Remember?" Long Zhan said to her.

"Kahlil Gibran, killing me won't be able to clear your past, you know this, killing me won't solve any problems." It seems that Christ knows Kahlil Gibran thoroughly.

After she finished speaking, she turned her back and continued to tidy up her clothes.

  As soon as he turned around to tidy up, he immediately picked up a gun and turned it around to fight Long.

After Stonebridge was let go, he watched the police car carrying Hansen go away.

He reported to headquarters: "Hansen is in custody."

"The South African police are surrounding Brian, and I want you to join them."

Dalton said to Stonebridge. "Yes, got it, I'll go right away." Stonebridge replied to Dalton and prepared to go find Long Zhan.

Now Long Zhan and Christi are pointing at each other.

Christie still said to Long Zhan arrogantly: "What should we do now? We should each fire a shot and both of us will be hurt?"

"Christie, maybe this is how we should end it." Long Zhan said to her without fear.

"No, I can take you to Knox."

At this time, the police outside were already deploying around Christie's house.

"Fuck you." Long Zhan cursed at her.

"He asked me to arrange a meeting between him and the Nigerians." Christie said to Long Zhan.

But at this time they were completely unaware of the police surrounding them outside.

"Where is it?" Long Zhan asked her.

"I'll tell you as soon as I know."

Christie said to Long Zhan.

These words made Long Zhan feel at a loss as to what to do.

"If you are a good soldier, I will not expose your true colors, but the condition is..." Christie was about to continue.

Suddenly she noticed some movement outside.

"What are the conditions?" Long Zhan focused entirely on the conversation with her.

"Get me out, it's your decision." It seems that Christie already knows her current situation.

Long Zhan seemed to understand as well.

He said to Christie, "Come and sit on the sofa."

Then Long Zhan hid immediately.

Christie hid the gun and pretended to sit on the sofa.

"Get up, get up, get up quickly. Don't move!" the police threatened Christi.

Sure enough, the police came into the room.

Then Long Zhan sneaked out from behind and launched a sneak attack on the police who came in.

Christie also stood up and immediately attacked the police.

The police outside were also smashing the glass, preparing to come in.

Then the two of them began to work together to escape.

At this time, Christi also threw a grenade to Long Zhan.

The two of them prepared to fight the police together.

When the police outside pushed the door open, Long Zhan threw the smoke bomb directly at the door.

"Here, let you try this."

The policemen were choking and coughing.

At this time, Stonebridge also came downstairs to Christie's house.

As soon as he parked the car, he looked around and saw that both Long Zhan and Christie had escaped from the room.

Stonebridge saw that both of them were running away, so he followed them and ran away.

As he ran, he pointed a gun at Christie and said fiercely, "Stop, Brian, stand still."

"Michael, don't shoot!" Long Zhan said to Stonebridge when he saw Stonebridge following him.

"Don't shoot." Long Zhan said to Stonebridge again.

"What the hell are you doing?" Stonebridge saw them both running away at the same time, not knowing what they were up to.

"Michael, put down the gun, Michael!" Long Zhan turned around and said to him.

Then he ran to Stonebridge and said to him, "Don't do this, put the gun down."

"Kahlil Gibran, are you going to let your target go?" Stonebridge asked him.

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