The film starts with the Navy SEALs

Chapter 1975 Death Threat

Chapter 1975 Death Threat

"There aren't many people, so it's not difficult." Rebecca was quite satisfied.

"He goes to Simon Bolivar Park every Sunday to walk his crappy dog." Martinez threw out a more tempting message.

  Having few bodyguards and liking to run around, isn't that just waiting to be caught?

"We can now do a simulation. Suppose something goes wrong and the police are called. How do we deal with these policemen? Should we shoot and kill these policemen who are doing their duty?" Long Zhan said worriedly.

"This is Colombia. When something happens, no one thinks of calling the police first," Martinez said.

"That's right, everyone on Earth knows that they should call the police." Scott said with a sly grin, obviously teasing Long Zhan on purpose. He is really a funny little guy.

"You guys talk too much nonsense."

As someone who never considered the consequences of doing things and had done all kinds of things, Rebecca just did it without any concerns at all.

"OK OK."

Martinez stepped out to smooth things over: “If something really goes wrong, the police won’t arrive first, but a mercenary force will arrive at the scene.

They are also owned by the drug cartels, and they will arrive before the police are called, so they are the ones you need to watch out for.”

The police have to follow some rules when doing things, but drug dealers and mercenaries don't care about that.

"It's no problem. As long as we proceed according to the plan, we won't offend them." Scott said optimistically.

"Yeah, you're right, everything will go according to the plan. It's just a bank robbery, what can go wrong, right? You're a professional thief." Long Zhan said sarcastically with a double meaning.

"Of course, let's go now and take care of him in half an hour." Scott is a thick-skinned person who brags without thinking.

Fifteen minutes later.

city ​​park.

Rau didn't know he had become a target yet. He sat leisurely on a lounge chair in the park feeding the pigeons, while his bodyguard and driver were helping to walk the dog and pick up poop.

Just a few dozen meters away from the park, on the roadside, there was a Suzuki van parked.

Scott in the car was eating ice cream while observing Raou in the distance through a telescope. He looked very relaxed and did not look like someone who was here to catch people. He looked more like a tourist who came here for vacation.

Rebecca and Martinez were dressed very sexily, both in tight one-piece suspender skirts, and they walked towards Raou with their hips twisted.

Law's two bodyguards were very diligent and stood in front to ask questions immediately.

Martinez and Rebecca were both veterans. They used some conversational skills and some flirtatious gestures to start a pleasant chat with the two bodyguards.

The two bodyguards' attention was drawn and they forgot about their employer, Rawu, for a moment.

The only remaining driver was also helping him walk his dog and had already walked several dozen meters away.

Lawu relied on his brother's protection and never thought that anyone would dare to touch him, so he was very lax in his guard and didn't scold him when his baby flirted with other girls.

Of course.

Long Zhan walked over holding a newspaper, sat down beside the old house, and opened a corner of the newspaper, revealing a black pistol.

"You better not yell, Fatty, unless you want me to put some holes in you."

After Long Zhan's words came out, La Wu, who was about to call for bodyguards, held back his words and threatened with forced calmness: "Don't you know who I am?"

"Let me tell you something interesting. I know what color your underwear is."

Long Zhan poked Lawu in the waist with his gun: "From now on, you have to do what I say. If you cooperate well, I will let you live afterwards..."

Long Zhan hadn't even finished his threats when Rawu ignored them and shouted, "Help."

I thought that if he shouted for his bodyguard, he would be able to survive, or at least scare Long Zhan away. But I didn't expect that his shout would kill his bodyguard instead.

Because the two bodyguards heard the cry for help, they turned their heads to look immediately, so they found themselves with their backs to Rebecca and Martinez.

Martinez and Rebecca look sexy, but they are actually tough guys.

The kind that kills without blinking an eye!

If I dare to expose my back to them, wouldn't that be like turning on the light in the toilet and seeking death?

It doesn’t take much longer, just three seconds.

Rebecca used her skills and strength to easily break a bodyguard's neck.

Martinez was relatively petite and couldn't be as tall as Rebecca, who was over 1.7 meters tall, so he used a simpler method.

He pulled out a silenced pistol, pointed it at the bodyguard's back, and fired three shots, killing him instantly.

He also praised Rebecca, "Wow, you are quite skilled."

“Practice makes perfect.”

Rebecca smiled confidently, and before leaving, she said "I'm sorry" to the body on the ground.

On the other side, Lawu saw that his bodyguard was dealt with in an instant and his only support was gone. He suddenly became impotent and became obedient and got up.

With Long Zhan grabbing the back of the neck and pushing him, he was taken away.

The driver didn't notice it from beginning to end. He was still helping his boss walk the dog, concentrating on picking up the poop with a plastic bag.

Quite civic-minded!

After getting the fat guy Lao, they took action immediately. Everyone got into Scott's Suzuki van and drove directly to the stock exchange center in this town.

"Wow, I finally get to rob a bank. I've dreamed of robbing a bank since I was a kid, and today I finally get to do it. I'm so excited."

I was so excited when I got off the car that my face even turned a little red.

"That's not a bank, Scott, it's an exchange. Your dream has not come true." Long Zhan corrected Scott and hit him at the same time.

"No, he is the bank."

Scott brainwashed himself, and as if to vent his anger, he slapped Rau on the back of the head: "Fatty, get out of the car and work."

"I told you there's no money in here. This isn't a bank," said Rau as he got out of the car.

"Speaking of bullshit, he is the bank."

Scott slapped Rau on the back of the head again, firmly convinced that this was the bank.

"It doesn't matter, we don't want your money," Martinez scoffed.

"If you don't want money, then what do you want?"

Laowu didn't understand what Long Zhan and his group were going to do, but now he was already someone else's chopping block, so he could only cooperate and walk in front.

Martinez and Rebecca stayed in the car, responsible for remote control using a military laptop.

Long Zhan and Scott were responsible for escorting Rawu and controlling him to prevent him from doing anything wrong.

"You need to enter his security code to get in. The one in the basement requires voice recognition." Rebecca reminded in advance on the intercom.

Soon Long Zhan arrived at the back door of the exchange, where there was a locked password door.

"Enter the password and let us in." Long Zhan pushed the fat guy Lawu to the door.

"I'll kill you if you scream," Scott threatened.

Rawu came to the door reluctantly and typed on the password pad, but a voice message came out saying that the password was wrong.

"Enter the password carefully, fat guy. If you make a mistake again, I will cut off your ears." This time it was Long Zhan's turn to threaten.

"Did you guys beat him up?" Rebecca asked on the radio. "Probably not, but I felt good about it."

Scott gave a classic reply, which made Long Zhan beside him laugh.

It really feels good to hit someone in the head!

In fact, hitting people is still somewhat useful. The fat guy Lao was probably deliberately typing the wrong number at the beginning, but after being slapped by Long Zhan, his mind immediately became clear.

The second password input was very smooth, and the security door opened with a beep.

"You see, it's actually useful. We are going to enter the exchange." Long Zhan said with a smile, as if to confirm that he was not wrong.

"Ok, the basement is right in front of you, down the escalator on the left, there's a guard in front of you."

Rebecca was holding a military computer in her hand, which contained a detailed design of the entire exchange. She could see at a glance what was located where.

Long Zhan heard the information coming from the headset and did not hide his whereabouts.

Instead, he continued to walk forward with Lawu, and put a gun to Lawu's waist, warning and threatening him that he was shouting in the house again.

Today is Sunday and the exchange is closed. There is no one inside. After passing through the passage behind the door, I arrived at the hall of the exchange.

There was a security booth in the middle of the hall, and there was indeed a security guard sitting inside.

Long Zhan walked into the hall and shouted at the security guard, "Mr. Lao is here to check the work. Why don't you come over quickly?"

The security guards didn't expect that someone would rob the exchange, and Law was always surrounded by people when he went out every day.

I didn't pay much attention to it.

When he heard Long Zhan’s call and saw the boss coming, he immediately walked out and wanted to say hello, otherwise he was worried about being scolded by the boss.

As a result, before he could even say hello, Scott knocked him unconscious with an electric baton.

Scott jumped into the monitoring room and turned off all the surveillance. Long Zhan escorted La Wu towards the escalator on the right.

Scott turned off the surveillance and jogged after him, meeting him again under the escalator on the right.

Coming down the escalator and walking towards the basement, Rau slowed down. Scott urged him, "Why are you slowing down? Hurry up and don't force me to beat you up, fat guy."

Long Zhan's actions were more direct. He picked him up like an eagle catching a chick and forced him to speed forward.

Only when they reached the iron door to the basement did Long Zhan put him down, pushed it in front of the door and said, "Voice recognition, open it for me quickly."


At this point, Laowu suddenly became tough and even stiffened his neck, refusing to cooperate anymore.

"Are you trying to play a trick on me, Fatty?"

Scott took out the electric baton and turned it on. He pressed the switch in front of the fat man and it started to stun.

Laowu has now realized what Long Zhan and the others are fighting for. Considering the importance of that thing, he can only choose to be tough.

Even with the electric baton in front of him, he still refused to cooperate.

Scott was not polite anymore. Since you are lucky, I will make you stronger. I turned on the electric baton and poked it at him, shocking him so much that he screamed.

"Do you want more? I have plenty of time. It just depends on who can outlast the other." Scott said viciously.

Lawu was originally a loser. He only got to his current position thanks to his younger brother's hard work. How could a loser have any backbone?

With just a single electric shock, the little bit of luck that Law had was gone.

He turned around obediently and opened the door with voice.

Everything went smoothly in the basement, but an unexpected accident occurred outside.

Two sleazy-looking policemen staggered up to the van, and when they saw two beauties inside, they immediately became itchy.

"Perhaps I can be of service to you. Is there anything I can help you with?"

One of the policemen was wearing sunglasses, with a hypocritical smile on his face, his hands on the car door, looking like a good guy.

Fortunately, Rebecca and Martinez reacted quickly and put away the computer and other things in time.

Otherwise, it would look strange no matter how you look at it, for two women to be holding a military computer. If it arouses the suspicion of the police, it would be very troublesome to deal with.

"No thanks."

"We're fine, officer."

Because the police spoke Spanish, and both Rebecca and Martinez spoke Spanish.


When the police saw that both of them could speak Spanish, he turned around and looked at his companion in surprise. It seemed very strange, so he turned around and asked curiously: "Two beautiful ladies, do you speak Spanish?"

"A little bit." Rebecca smiled.

"Yes, she is indeed very beautiful and sexy. Look at her skin, so smooth..." Martinez deliberately touched Rebecca gently and said all kinds of seductive words.

The two policemen stared with their eyes wide open, and the one behind even swallowed his saliva.

"This is a romantic city. I like this place very much. If I have time, how about I come here to have a drink with you later?"

Rebecca was a secret agent and was well versed in how to seduce men.

With just a few words, the police were easily dealt with.

"Parking is not allowed here. Go ahead and park somewhere else." The policeman wearing sunglasses felt comfortable after being told this, so he did not issue a ticket and continued to pester the driver.

"Excuse me, officer. I'll be leaving now."

Rebecca smiled coquettishly, and the policeman drove away feeling numb all over.

We survived the crisis safely.

Long Zhan and Scott inside opened the door and pushed Lawuji into the basement safe.

Looking at the hundreds of safes filling up all three walls, Scott asked, "Fatty, which safe belongs to Kamani?"

"I do not know."

Rau was still hoping for a lucky break, so he pretended to be sincere and said, "I'm sorry, I don't know. I really don't know."


Long Zhan raised his hand and slapped Rawu on the back of his head again, and urged him impatiently: "Kamari, I won't say it again."

"Who is Kamari? I don't know him." Rao shouted at the top of his voice.

"I know you know him. Rebecca has told me all your information. You are his brother, how could you not know him?"

Chengdu was too lazy to continue talking to Lao, so he grabbed his neck and pushed him against the wall.

In a deathly voice he said, "I will only ask once, which one is Kamari's."

"If I betray Kamari, even my brother won't be able to protect me. I will die in his hands. There is no way I can say anything."

Lawu's neck was pinched so hard that veins popped out, but he still held on tightly and refused to let go.

This shows how strong Kamari’s deterrence is!

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