The film starts with the Navy SEALs

Chapter 1976: Living Bodhisattva Saving People with His Feet

Chapter 1976: Living Bodhisattva Saving People with His Feet

Rao was afraid of death and dared not tell the password box number, fearing that Kamari would kill him after knowing it.

Long Zhan’s response was direct.

Putting a gun to his head, he said, "If you tell me, you might get killed, but if you don't tell me, you'll die now."

Scott also pulled out a pistol, pointed it at Rau's head and threatened: "You may not understand me. In ten seconds, I will use your brains to redecorate this basement. Ten...nine...eight..."

Just as Scott was counting down, a fat man suddenly appeared outside the door.

The fat man was wearing a security uniform. It was obvious that he had discovered a security guard being electrocuted outside and heard the noise coming from this side, so he came over to check it out out of curiosity.

Seeing that Lawu was controlled by two strong men in the house, the bodyguard immediately understood what was happening.

Turn around and run!

"I leave this to you."

As Long Zhan shouted at Scott, he immediately rushed out to chase the fat security guard.

"Robbery, someone is robbing, come quickly."

The fat security guard ran and shouted.

Fortunately, Long Zhan reacted quickly enough. The fat man had not yet run out of the basement. When he just reached the escalator at night, he was finally caught up by Long Zhan.

In order to avoid exposing his bank robbery, Long Zhan did not shoot the fat security guard.

Instead, he grabbed the trash can next to him with one hand and smashed it over.

The stainless steel trash can weighs more than ten kilograms, and it is not pleasant when it hits a person. The fat man was hit on the back and fell directly to the ground.

"Sorry, man."

Long Zhan chased after him, pressed on the fat man and punched him on the head.

The fat man suddenly stopped moving.

Long Zhan was not killing innocent people indiscriminately. The security guard was just an ordinary office worker. There was no need for Long Zhan to kill him, so he controlled his strength and just knocked him unconscious.

After knocking the fat man unconscious and controlling him, Long Zhan suspected that the alarm had been triggered before the fat man came over again.

From a normal logical point of view, a security guard who has received basic security training will definitely press the alarm immediately when he sees his colleague fainting for no apparent reason.

So Long Zhan immediately asked on the radio: "Martinez, what happened here? The guards may have sounded the alarm. How long do we have?"

"The normal response time for an alarm is four minutes," Martinez replied.

While Long Zhan was dealing with the fat security guard, Scott was still counting down and heard the ringing alarm of the safe.

Scott became a little anxious. He put the muzzle of the gun against Rau's head and increased the tone of the countdown.

As a result, when the countdown reached the last number, Scott had not yet fired a shot, but Rau covered his heart in pain, screamed, and collapsed to the ground.

When Long Zhan ran back, he saw Laou lying on the ground.

"What's going on? What happened?" Long Zhan asked in surprise.

"I don't know, I didn't do anything. He suddenly touched his heart and screamed, then fell to the ground and seemed to have lost consciousness." Scott said innocently.

"MD, does this fat guy have a heart disease?"

Long Zhan had no choice but to use the radio to call: "Lawu had a heart attack and is now unconscious. Rebecca, can you hack into the exchange's database?"

"The time is too short. I can't finish it before they arrive," said Rebecca.

"He is our only connection to Kamari. You'd better find a way to wake him up, and wake him up quickly," said Martinez.

"You have to find a way to wake him up, give him artificial respiration, anything." Long Zhan said to Scott.

"Me? Why? I don't know first aid." Scott said speechlessly.

"Because you knocked him out." Long Zhan said.

"No way, I won't kiss a 200-pound fat guy who's taking drugs and has bad breath." Scott refused to give artificial respiration.

"Your big trouble has come. We have found military vehicles have entered the range and are on their way here," Martinez urged.

"Damn it, hurry up, you two, do you want me to run in?" Rebecca said anxiously.

"Hey, buddy, let's play rock-paper-scissors." Long Zhan said.

"Okay, that's all."

Scott had no choice but to play rock-paper-scissors with Long Zhan.

Then he used a pair of scissors, and Long Zhan used his palm. Just when Scott was very happy and thought that Long Zhan was going to get first aid, Long Zhan said quickly: "OK, you win, go ahead."

"What? I won!" Scott said in a raised voice.

"Yes, the winner will save this fat guy." Long Zhan said seriously.


Scott remembered swearing. The time for research and development was getting shorter and shorter. He could only lie down helplessly and said loudly with extreme disgust: "God, this is so disgusting."

After saying that, he began to hold back his nausea, then lay down and gave the fat guy artificial respiration.

As a result, artificial respiration is of no use to those who have fainted due to cardiac arrest.

Fortunately, Long Zhan is still in contact with Martinez. He has contact with Kamari through Rebecca and knows all kinds of information about Kamari, so he can draw the lottery in the database.

When Kamari's own name, as well as his father, mother and wife's name, all failed.

When he finally entered the name of Kamari's son, who did not exist and had been chosen in advance, the system finally responded and displayed safe number 553.

"Yes, that's it, let's get started."

Long Zhan opened the toolbox that he had prepared long ago, took out the demolition tools from it, found safe number 553, and began to cut it with an electric hand saw.

"Attention, the armed mercenaries have got off the car at the door and are moving towards you." Martinez warned on the radio.

"Fuck, he's dead. Holy shit."

Scott tried hard for a long time but to no avail. On the contrary, Rau had no breath and pulse. He stood up and cursed, "Now I can only rely on you, Gibran, come on."

The armed mercenaries outside the door had taken several vehicles, all of which were armed personnel carriers.

Dozens of mercenaries got off the car, each of them wearing a bulletproof vest and uniform, and they were obviously well-trained and tough guys.

"You guys have to go, come out now."

Martinez saw the armed mercenaries get out of the car and start to surround the front and rear doors. He immediately gave a warning on the radio to avoid being trapped.

"Robbing a bank is really fun, right? Do you want to rob another one?" Long Zhan mocked Scott while cutting.

"Fuck you, it's all your fault."

Scott was so angry and humiliated that he raised his foot and stomped hard on Rau's stomach, trying to vent his extremely violent emotions.

As a result, when the big foot stepped down, Lawu, who had obviously no breathing and pulse, suddenly took a deep breath and straightened up.

  He was kicked to death by Scott!


Scott was so scared that he thought he was seeing a zombie, and he jumped several steps.

Just as Scott's soul kicked down and successfully revived the dead man, Long Zhan cut open the door of the safe and took out a box from it.

"It's open. It's already open."

Long Zhan carried the box to the middle table, opened the lid and poured the contents into the bag he brought. He also took the time to tease Scott, "I didn't expect you to have this skill. If you quit the army in the future, I think you can definitely become an emergency doctor." "That's a good idea. I'll seriously consider it."

Scott was shocked and proud at the same time that he had saved a life by stepping on someone. He would have something to brag about when he got out.

It is not difficult to kill someone with one foot, but no one can bring someone back to life with one foot.

After putting all the documents, passports, and information in the safe into the backpack, Long Zhan called out, "We have got the things, we are ready to evacuate."

"Got it, you retreat through the front door and we will pick you up there," Martinez said.

"alright, got it."

Long Zhan put his backpack on his back, loaded his rifle and said, "Ready to retreat? Are you ready?"

"Let's go, let's go."

Scott used the submachine gun he brought with him, and before leaving, he said hello to Rau: "Goodbye, Fatty, remember to transfer the first aid fee to me."

Without the burden of Rawu, Long Zhan and Scott can go full throttle and at full speed.

It took less than half a minute to run from the basement to the lobby, through the exchange hall, open the front door and run out.

The terrain outside the front door is quite complicated, and no armed mercenaries can be seen at first glance.

But they’ve definitely arrived.

So Long Zhan and Scott didn't rush in directly, but said on the radio: "Martinez, I see you, what's the situation outside?"

"They've made preparations and have set up ambushes in various locations. You have to find a way to get out," Rebecca reminded.

Scott carefully looked around and found that he could indeed see the enemy in the green belts on the roadside, behind parked cars, behind trees, etc.

"Damn, Gibran, the terrain ahead is open and there are a lot of mercenaries, which is a bit troublesome." Scott said.

"Use smoke bombs, put a few of them, and when the smoke rises, we will rush out. Once we rush out, we cannot stop. We must get to the point in one step, OK?" Long Zhan said.

"OK, here are my smoke bombs."

Scott agreed with Long Zhan's tactics, took out his smoke bomb, and gave it to Long Zhan to deal with.

"Ding-dong, ding-dong..."


After being thrown by Long Zhan, four smoke bombs rolled along the ground and fell in four places, one far and one near, about ten meters apart.

The smoke from a smoke bomb is very thick, enough to cover an area of ​​20 to 30 meters.

Four smoke bombs were dropped at the same time, and white smoke spread outward at a very fast speed, soon covering an area of ​​40 meters in radius.

The armed mercenaries surrounding the area were quite professional, or perhaps they were worried about hitting Lau.

So as the smoke became more and more widespread, no mercenary shot into the smoke, but continued to wait for Long Zhan and Scott to run out from behind the cover.

"Damien, get ready, charge~"

Long Zhan waited until the smoke was almost gone, then rushed into the smoke first with a gun chasing posture.

Scott followed immediately.

Smoke bombs work best indoors because there is no good diffusion space indoors, and the smoke will make the dragon's vision worse.

However, there is a disadvantage of outdoor smoke bombs, which is that the business division will be very unbalanced.

Some places are so thick that you can't see clearly at all.

Some places are thin and can be vaguely seen.

The purpose of Long Zhan releasing the smoke bomb was not to deceive all the mercenaries, but to provide some cover so that the mercenaries would not attack in groups.

So when Long Zhan and Scott set out, they chose places where the weather was as dense as possible.

If you really need to penetrate a relatively thin area, then choose to strike first and kill all the mercenaries within the visible range.

"Da da da da..."

"Clap clap clap clap..."

The gunshots from Long Zhan and Scott rang out, breaking the silence in the area. Three mercenaries were the first wave of sacrifices.

The armed mercenaries lost their patience when they heard the gunshots and started shooting regardless of whether they could see or not.

Suddenly there was a burst of gunfire!

The vendors who were resting and doing business on the surrounding grass, passers-by, etc., all screamed and fled in all directions at the sound of gunfire.

The scene became more chaotic, which also affected the mercenaries' encirclement.

Rebecca and Martinez also joined in and attacked the mercenaries from behind, catching them off guard with a pincer attack from both sides.

Long Zhan and Scott used a simplified version of the Hellfire tactics, finding cover and covering each other as they moved forward.

Every time the two of them took turns moving forward, a mercenary would be hit and fall to the ground.

Because the area was too open, the available cover was very limited, and there were too many mercenaries and their firepower was too fierce.

Even if Long Zhan and Scott fought at full speed, they were still in great danger.

While Long Zhan was moving, he was hit by a stray bullet that came from nowhere. He fell to the ground without catching his breath.

Fortunately, the hole was only in the chest, and with the protection of a bulletproof vest and a plate, the injury was not fatal.

"Gilbran, were you shot? Are you okay?" Scott hurried to cover Long Zhan and asked loudly.

"It's okay, keep going, keep going."

For a muscular man like Long Zhan, the pain caused by the bullet impact can be buffered in just a few seconds.

"OK, go ahead."

Seeing that Long Zhan had stood up again, Scott continued to advance with his tactics.

The two of them cooperated very well, just like the coordination of a person's left and right hands. After continuous cooperation and progress, they soon completed half of the formation.

But at this moment.

Suddenly an off-road vehicle drove up from the right, and several armed mercenaries got out after the door opened.

The distance is less than thirty meters, which is a very dangerous distance for Long Zhan. Conversely, it is also a dangerous distance for the mercenaries.

What both sides are competing for is heartbeat and reaction.

Long Zhan's reaction was obviously faster.

Before the SUV stopped, he had already taken out a grenade and was waiting for the mercenaries to open the door and get out.

After confirming that the car was full of enemies, Long Zhan decisively threw the grenade out.

Throwing accurate mines thirty or forty meters away is as easy as drinking water for Long Zhan.


The grenade fell right under the car, and the explosion detonated the off-road vehicle's fuel tank, causing a second explosion, and the car was blown up several meters high.

The mercenaries who had just gotten off the car were blown away by the explosion before they could fire a single bullet.

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