The film starts with the Navy SEALs

Chapter 1977 True and False Kamari

Chapter 1977 True and False Kamari

The sound of a car explosion is very loud and the affected area is very wide.

Not only were the mercenaries who had just got off the car blown away, but even several mercenaries twenty meters away were knocked over by the shock wave of the explosion.

  This is a good cover for Long Zhan and Scott!

Just as Long Zhan and Scott were about to break through successfully, new changes occurred on the outskirts of the battle circle, and several black special police cars drove in.

In addition to the special police, there was also a very familiar person who got off the car.

  Kamari with a big cigar!

As a former drug lord, he was able to come here in a special police car, which shows how powerful Kamari is here.

And Kamari was also very smart and did not choose to rush forward and fight head-on.

I know I can’t win against the dragon.

Instead, he chose to be the sixth in command at the back, took out a sniper rifle from the car, placed the gun on the door panel, and aimed at Rebecca, who was the easiest to control and the most dangerous.

An agent is like an assassin in a game, possessing a variety of offensive and auxiliary abilities, but his own defense is very weak.

Survival depends on disguise.

Once the disguise is exposed, there is no capital for survival.

In addition, there is a bit of personal grudge involved. Rebecca sneaked in with her own identity, and now she is betraying Kamari.

So under these factors, Kamari chose to kill Rebecca first.

The battle scene was so chaotic, with gunshots and explosions everywhere. Rebecca was suppressed by the mercenaries and had no idea that Kamari was coming.

Not to mention that it came from the side and rear, so Rebecca was even less aware of it.



The sniper rifle fired.

Rebecca, who was hiding behind a cover without any preparation, was shot in the head and fell to the ground.


Scott was less than 10 meters away from Rebecca and was about to meet up with her, but he witnessed Rebecca being shot in the head, and his mind was suddenly struck by lightning.

He ran over without caring about anything and dragged Rebecca behind the cover, but it was already too late.

Rebecca's brains are coming out!

"No no no..."

Scott murmured unwillingly, his eyes filled with desperate cries.

At this time, Scott was in an open position and was basically defenseless. If someone shot at him, he would not even react.

Fortunately, Long Zhan ran over in time, locked the position of the sniper rifle, and suppressed the fire in time.

Kamari was hit by Long Zhan's firepower and had to change his position quickly. Long Zhan's bullets were too accurate and Kamari didn't want to be killed.

Let the mercenaries and others absorb the firepower, while you launch sneak attacks from the side.

  This is the rhythm that Kamari likes!

"Damien, I...can't see...anymore, I..." Rebecca spoke intermittently and finally died in Scott's arms.

"We have to go, Scott, if you want to take him with you, take him with you, we have to leave as soon as possible."

Although Long Zhan felt sad for Rebecca and sympathized with Scott, the situation was serious now and there was no time to be sad.

"She's dead."

Scott was still rational and did not let his emotions control his body. He recovered in time, took off the backpack he was carrying, threw it to Martinez and said, "Take your things and go. We will cover you. Go."

Now that we are surrounded by enemies, dispersing and leaving is indeed the best option.

As a professional mercenary leader, Martinez didn't say a single word. He just took the bag and ran away without looking back.

Among the data obtained, there is information and data on killing Kamari, and its safety must be ensured.

As Martinez was running back with the bag, Long Zhan immediately opened fire to suppress the mercenary, and Scott let go of Rebecca in tears.

Under the two people's strenuous cover, Martinez successfully ran into the van and rushed out with a step on the accelerator.

After escorting Martinez away from the scene, Long Zhan and Scott began to cover him. They rushed to the road and hid behind the car, holding out for twenty seconds to delay time.

Until it was confirmed that Martinez was safe, no mercenary could keep up.

Long Zhan found the key in a car on the roadside. Apparently the driver had encountered a sudden gunfight and was so scared that he ran away in a hurry and forgot to take out the key.

It was just in time for evacuation, and it was like timely help.

"You drive, let's go."

As soon as Long Zhan gave a look, Scott immediately jumped into the driver's seat, started the car skillfully, shifted gears and rushed forward.

Kamari was at the battle scene at this time, but Long Zhan and Scott didn't know it.

Just as the two men drove along the road, Kamari, who had changed his position and hidden, jumped out again and acted as the sixth.

He took out a rifle from somewhere and started firing at Long Zhan's car.

Because Kamari was far away and this guy was very cautious, and there was a car blocking the side, Long Zhan did not notice Kamari.

Otherwise, even if he was surrounded by enemies now, Long Zhan might get out of the car and take a risk.

  Common sense takes Kamari away here!

Long Zhan and Scott did not notice Kamari, but the car was hit by a rifle and the rear window was broken.

Fortunately, apart from the broken rear window, there was no other damage and we successfully escaped from the encirclement.

Seeing the SUV running further and further away, Kamari was so angry that he smashed his rifle to the ground and ordered angrily: "Chase them all and kill them for me."

The SWAT officers and the remaining mercenaries who followed up all jumped into nearby cars upon receiving the order and stepped on the accelerator to catch up.

No matter who these cars belonged to before, they are theirs now.

They chased and shot at the same time, completely disregarding the lives of passers-by.

"Da da da da da da..."

"Boom boom boom..."

The loud roar of car engines mixed with fierce gunfire, and a thrilling highway car chase began.

"Fuck, are you kidding me, are they crazy?"

Scott was so angry that he kept cursing when he saw that the pursuers dared to openly shoot at them on the city road, completely treating the police and passers-by as air.

"You drive, and I'll take care of these bastards."

Long Zhan patted Scott's shoulder, laid the passenger seat back flat, and then he lay down on his back, shooting backwards through the broken rear window.

"Da da da."

Just raise your hand and shoot in short bursts.

The mercenary who was chasing in the front, sitting in the passenger seat of the BMW car with his upper body leaning out of the window to shoot, was hit by two bullets and fell out of the car.

The cars chasing him from behind were unable to dodge and all ran over him.

  In the blink of an eye, it became a bloody mess!

The killing of someone did not scare the mercenaries away. They were like sharks that smelled blood and continued to chase Long Zhan and Scott desperately.

No matter how accurate Long Zhan's shooting skills were, shooting at a high-speed moving car required a certain amount of luck. This resulted in a low hit rate, and even if he hit the target, he might not hit the person, most of the time he would hit the car body.

The pursuing mercenaries have more vehicles, more people and more guns, so they still have an advantage even if their hit rate is not high.

From time to time, bullets hit the off-road vehicle, and the crackling sparks flew everywhere, which looked very dangerous, and in fact it was indeed very dangerous.

Once the tire is hit, the car will not be able to move.

If you are unlucky and get hit, it will be even more troublesome.

Scott didn't want to leave his life to luck, so he chose to gamble his life with luck. This sounds contradictory, but it is a completely different choice.

The former is passive and the latter is active.

So Scott deliberately picked an intersection, rushed through at high speed when the light was red, and merged with the endless flow of traffic.

This is extremely dangerous.

When you run a red light, the road is full of cars. If you force your way through, there is a high probability that you will collide with other cars, resulting in the car being destroyed and people being killed.

Scott was just gambling, relying on his luck and driving skills.

In the end, he made the right bet.

The cars that were driving normally sideways instinctively turned left and right to avoid Scott's SUV, causing a chain reaction at the intersection.

However, Scott, the cause of the car accident, managed to squeeze through the gap.

The subsequent pursuers were faced with a blocked intersection. No matter how much they screamed and cursed, they were helpless and could only watch the SUV go away.

"Great job, Scott."

Seeing that the pursuers were blocked, Long Zhan praised Scott generously.

Then he asked on the radio: "Martinez, did you find anything over there?"

At this time, Martinez had already escaped far away and parked his car in a hidden alley. He opened the bag and searched inside for a long time, and finally found a USB flash drive.

Insert it into the computer and operate it. When Long Zhan asked me about it, I got the desired result.

"I've found results from searching the USB drive. I found three safe houses used by drug cartels." Martinez replied on the radio.

"I need to know which one?" Long Zhan said.

"Kamari likes to use construction sites as cover, so they invested all their money in real estate. There is a safe house right inside the construction site. It must be there. I'll send the coordinates to your phone right now."

Martinez added: "Group B, it's time to collect the debt."

"Team B got it. He's dead this time."

After Long Zhan ended the radio call, he saw that Scott looked suddenly lonely. He guessed that it was because of the word "debt being asked for", which stimulated his thoughts of Rebecca's death.

So he asked with concern: "Hey man, are you okay?"

"I'm fine, let's go," Scott said, taking a deep breath.

Long Zhan set off for the safe house coordinates. Martinez started the van again and rushed to the headquarters as quickly as possible. He found the major in charge and reported the current situation.

The final capture operation around Kamari began in full swing at this moment.

As the operatives, Long Zhan and Scott rushed to the construction site in the shortest time possible. In order not to alarm Kamari, they chose to abandon the car and walk.

The construction site here is an American-style combined villa, which basically has a two-story main building and several one-story auxiliary buildings.

The area is quite large.

Looking around, there are dozens of such villas, occupying a large piece of land, and the Kamari safe house is located among them.

Long Zhan arrived at the coordinate point based on the location and found that it was a half-finished complex villa.

Although the house was only half completed, all the doors and windows had been sealed, and it was impossible to see what was inside from the outside.

The unfinished house had sealed windows, which clearly indicated something was wrong.

"Headquarters, we're in again."

Long Zhan reported to the headquarters via radio, made tactical gestures to Scott, maintained sniper rifle mode, bypassed the wall, and moved towards the back door.

Soon the two arrived at the back door, which was not sealed and did not even have a door frame.

The windows are covered with thick plastic film, which allows good light transmittance, so the room is very bright and not as dark as imagined.

Long Zhan and Scott maintained a formation of one in front and one behind, covering each other and moving forward.

The headquarters discovered someone moving toward the safe house through high-definition satellite monitoring. The person in charge immediately warned via radio: "Team B, pay attention. An unknown enemy is approaching you."

"It looks like Kamari is really here."

When Long Zhan received the news, he immediately reversed the information and sped up to the second floor.

After checking outside the door to make sure there were no booby traps on it, Long Zhan kicked the door open and rushed in, only to find Kamari kneeling down with his hands raised.

By looking at the surveillance screen mounted on the wall, it is easy to understand the whole process.

It was obvious that Kamari knew from the surveillance screen that Long Zhan and Scott were coming to kill him, and he knew that he could not stop Long Zhan with his ability, so he simply chose to drop his gun and surrender.

The Kamari in front of them had a small bald head. He was the real Kamari that Long Zhan and Scott wanted to catch.

  Liso Kamari!

Kamari, who had previously led the special police to kill Rebecca, was just Kamari's good brother. The two had the same surname but different names.

When Long Zhan saw his target, he walked over and kicked him hard without saying anything.

Liso Kamali was in the heart of the attack and curled up on the ground like a shrimp in pain. Scott immediately took out the straps and rushed over to start tying him up.


There were sounds of brakes outside.

Long Zhan looked out through the surveillance camera and found that more than a dozen cars were coming. He immediately looked for a shooting position and warned, "Someone is coming."

"How many people are here?" Scott asked as he tied them up.

"Many, too many to count."

Long Zhan lifted the lower right corner of the curtain, put the gun on it and said.

"You are always so jumpy and trying to lie to me." Scott thought Long Zhan was bluffing.

"This time it's true."

Long Zhan saw that more and more people were getting off the bus. The thin curtains could not block anything at all. With a corner of the curtain lifted, the second floor could be easily seen from below. So he gave up peeking and chose to lean against the wall.

"Can you hear me? If you don't want to die, let Kamari out. I will let you live and give you time for a cigarette."

The person shouting outside the house was Kamari's brother, Kado Kamari, who was also chasing Long Zhan and others.

"Let me go. If you leave me here, you will all die, just like Rebecca, in an unclear manner. This is your last chance." Kamari took the opportunity to persuade.

It would be fine if Rebecca wasn't mentioned, but as soon as Scott was mentioned, he got angry.

"Shut up, I."

Scott slapped Kamari’s head with an angry slap, and roared viciously: “I swear to God, even if I die, you will die first.”

(End of this chapter)

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