The film starts with the Navy SEALs

Chapter 1991: Capturing McKenna Alive

"It's Zhu Hairui."

Long Zhan has a photographic memory. He had seen Zhu Hairui's photo in the information and recognized the person in the video as Zhu Hairui at a glance.

"Fuck you." Scott sneered.

"Kamali, this video will be broadcast live after the attack, right?" Long Zhan asked.

"That's right, and we only have the last forty-eight hours at most. The holy day he mentioned is this Wednesday," said Kamali via video call.

"In addition to the Republican Army members carrying Zhu Hairui's joint communiqué, we also learned from other sources that a batch of arms and supplies was about to be ambushed," Scott said.

"Leo, I need you to come over." Locke said.

"It's a little difficult, Esther..."

"I do not care."

Colonel Locke interrupted Kamari and demanded in an imperative tone: "You must come."

"Then I'll try to arrange it."

Kamari had no choice but to obey and cut off the conference call.


After the video conference ended, Locke said seriously: "This is not only a terrorist attack, our current situation is the nightmare of all agents in the past ten years.

This is a huge potential disaster created by the combination of new and old enemies.

In order to prevent McKenna from getting those weapons, we have to find out what Zhu Hairui is doing and then find a way to stop him."

Cruel people like Zhu Hairui are the most terrifying. He would kill his own wife without blinking an eye.

If he succeeds, it will be a disaster.


Long Zhan is still waiting for McKenna to take action. This is the only clue they have now. They can only wait for McKenna to rob arms before they can catch her.

On the other side, McKenna did not rest. She set her sights on the British Embassy.

In order to get the credentials to enter the embassy, ​​McKenna found a way to get the information, changed into a sexy long dress, and went to a lesbian bar.

Soon he hooked up with Natalie Fisher.

That was the woman who came down the stairs and led Long Zhan and Scott in when they entered the headquarters.

No one would have expected that this beautiful, sexy woman with a hot body, who works at the British Embassy, ​​is actually a lesbian in private.

McKenna came here with a purpose, so it was not difficult to pick up girls by catering to his preferences.

After a few drinks and a lively conversation, McKenna took the initiative to suggest going to Natalie Fisher's house for a drink. Natalie, who had a crush on McKenna, was reluctant to refuse.

Ever since.

The two soon came to Natalie's house, stuck together without saying a word, started to play, and naturally played on the card table.

But just when Natalie was enjoying herself, McKenna showed her vicious side and attacked.

Natalie was strangled to death.

Then, as if nothing had happened, he stood up and put on his fleece again, found Natalie's ID card in her bag, recorded all of Natalie's questions with a fingerprint film, and then left in such a cool manner.

the next day.

Long Zhan, Scott and the others all held a meeting directly at the headquarters.

Colonel Locke stood in front of the big screen, holding a pile of information and said to everyone: "We all know that Zhu Hairui's attack is imminent. The arms that Oriwarden told us will arrive by train tonight.

If we can't stop McKenna's people from getting those weapons, we'll lose our only clue to the Juhayri attack.

And the actions of Colombia and Beirut will be in vain.

So guys, in order to ensure this operation leads to the capture of MacArthur, I need you to infiltrate the train before it reaches Budapest.

Martinez, you go to the transfer station and wait for them, OK?"

Arranging the tasks for the four members of the combat team, Locke gave a final reminder: "Macanna must be captured alive. He is the only clue to finding Zhu Hairui."



"Get moving, guys."

After receiving the order, Long Zhan and his companions acted quickly and set off immediately according to their respective orders.

Just as night fell, Long Zhan and Scott arrived at the previous station. When the train slowed down to enter the station, they quickly approached the train and prepared to get on.

"Okay, now I'm Butch and you're Sanders, don't make a mistake." Long Zhan reminded.

"Sanders runs fast."

Scott took a few quick steps forward and passed Long Zhan teasingly.

"Butch is more handsome and runs faster."

Long Zhan refused to give up and quickened his pace to overtake Scott.


Scott expressed his dissatisfaction and quickened his pace.

The train slowed down when passing the train station, to less than 20 kilometers per hour, so it was not difficult to run faster and hitchhike.

Long Zhan and Scott waited until the last car of the train and climbed up by grabbing the door of the car.

"OK, no one's inside."

Long Zhan briefly observed the carriage, then reported via radio: "Calling headquarters, two homeless people have boarded the train and set off."

"Headquarters received the message and the satellite will be connected immediately." said Julia, who was in charge of liaison at headquarters.

"Hey, do you think Butch and Sanders ended up dead?" Scott, who was sitting in the car, started talking again.

"I don't think so. Butch and Sanders will survive to the end." Long Zhan said.

"Two people against the entire Bolivian army, can they really survive to the end? Hehe." Scott grinned foolishly.

"By the way, I've done this kind of thing many times. Haven't you done it too?" Long Zhan teased.

"Of course I've seen it."

Scott's damn desire to win was surging. He never thought that he was worse than Long Zhan. He smiled proudly and said, "Butch and Sanjes are both supermen, so they will definitely not die."


As Long Zhan and Scott chatted along the way, the train slowly entered the Budapest transfer station.

"Headquarters, the target has arrived and I'm in position," Martinez called.

"Got it. Anything going on? Over." Colonel Locke asked.

“No, over,” Martinez responded.

Here, Long Zhan and Scott also started to prepare. Before the train stopped completely, Long Zhan got off the train first and hid behind the car next to the platform.

Scott continued to stay in the last carriage, holding his gun by the door and observing the situation below.

“The Hungarians are coming to get the goods.”

Scott told Long Zhan the situation, and several Hungarian soldiers had already walked towards the front carriage.

"Just unload the goods and leave. Hurry."

A Hungarian man who looked like the leader opened the car door with his key and shouted.

Perhaps they didn't expect anyone to rob the train, or perhaps the last two carriages were empty and they didn't think there might be other people hiding inside.

So they didn't check the goods before receiving them and started moving them directly to the truck next to them.

The leader picked out a box and opened it for inspection. Inside was an RPG-7 rocket launcher, which he picked up and assembled skillfully.

"The boxes are full of heavy weapons, and we haven't found any traces of the IRA yet." Scott had just spoken when he suddenly discovered something new and quickly said again, "Wait, I saw a sniper at twelve o'clock, on that bridge."

"This is a great location for an ambush." ​​Long Zhan looked at the location and gave a thumbs up.

Julia at the headquarters checked satellite images and found that there was indeed a thermal image of a person lying on the iron bridge across the railway.

The report said: "Enemy troops have been confirmed."

Just when the situation was going well, an Irish Republican Army militant who came to participate in the train robbery happened to run into Martinez.

Moreover, Martinez was discovered from behind, so Martinez had no chance to fight back.

I could only put down the gun according to the other party's instructions, raise my hands and slowly stand up.

Fortunately, at this time there was a commotion over there by the Hungarians. A box of goods was not held firmly and fell to the ground with a loud noise, which attracted the attention of the Republican soldier.

Martinez seized the opportunity, rushed over, snatched the gun, and shot him dead with one shot.

The sound of gunfire alarmed the three parties.

Several Hungarian soldiers who were transporting goods became alert immediately after hearing the gunshots, and began to look around with their guns in hand, searching for the enemy.

The Republican sniper hiding on the iron bridge thought it was a signal to launch an action.

He aimed at the Hungarian leader and pulled the trigger.


The Hungarian leader, who was carrying a rocket launcher, was shot in the chest and fell to the ground with a scream.

The sound of the sniper rifle completely ignited the battle.

All the Irish Republican Army soldiers who were lying in ambush in the dark rushed out with guns in hand and started shooting indiscriminately at the Hungarians.

Under fire from all directions, the Hungarians were quickly wiped out.

The Republican Army, unaware of the existence of a third party, saw that all the people on the scene had been cleared out, and they all came out and headed for the unloading point.

"Please, please, don't kill me."

The Hungarian leader was not dead yet, and he raised his hands with difficulty to beg for mercy from the great god.

McKenna, who was walking in front with a headscarf on, raised her hand expressionlessly and shot him in the head, wiping out all the foes.

"Damn it, they killed all the Hungarians," Scott reported.

"Hurry up, the police will be here soon."

McKenna urged the armed men she brought with her, and suddenly found that one person was missing. She looked up and shouted, "Damn it, where are Williams and the others?"

No one answered her, so McKenna could only go to the assigned location herself. Before leaving, she ordered, "Hurry up and move all the weapons away."

"The target is starting to move," Scott reported.

"If possible, capture her alive," Colonel Locke ordered.


Scott received the order and took action.

He put the night vision rifle on his back, took out an electric baton and walked over, using Williams' body as bait, hiding nearby and waiting for the opportunity to strike.

The positions of the subordinates were arranged by McKenna, and she knew where everyone was.

But Williams had already been killed by Martinez, and all McKenna found was a corpse. Her expression changed drastically and she immediately went over to check.

Scott, who was hiding nearby, seized the opportunity, rushed forward and stun-attacked him from behind with an electric baton.

Scott did succeed in electrocuting McKenna, but McKenna was, after all, a standard combatant who had undergone systematic military training.

At the moment she was knocked to the ground, she still fired a shot despite the electric shock.

The shot did not hit Scott, but it startled the Irish Republicans who were moving goods and also alerted the sniper who was ambushing on the bridge.

In order to cover up the exposed Scott, Long Zhan and Martinez no longer hid.

Martinez locked onto the sniper on the bridge and shot decisively, eliminating this most dangerous target in the first place.


One shot to the head.

Martinez is a very good shooter.

Almost at the same time, Long Zhan also opened fire on the Irish Republican Army who were moving goods, firing multiple shots in a short period of time.

The fact that two IRA men were able to be knocked down completely attracted their angry gazes.

All the remaining IRA militants no longer had time to load the ammunition into the vehicles, and all concentrated their firepower on attacking Long Zhan and Scott.

"The targets are coming towards us, kill them." Long Zhan gave the order decisively.

"Headquarters, the target has been captured." Scott reported to headquarters.

The Irish Republicans tried to attack forward, but under the fierce firepower of Long Zhan, several of them died after just a few steps.

The remaining Irish Republicans were frightened and dared not move forward or save Macanna.

"Get in the car, get in the car and go."

As one man shouted at the top of his voice, the remaining Irish Republican militants all moved, got into their cars and drove away.

"Headquarters, they are about to run away." Long Zhan immediately reported to the headquarters.

"The weapons have been loaded onto the truck. We must not let them leave with the weapons. We must intercept them." Colonel Locke gave the order immediately.

After receiving the order, Scott immediately chased forward, but his two legs could not keep up with four wheels after all.

Seeing that he was about to lose the chance to catch up, he stood there and fired at the departing car, trying to destroy it, but it was still useless.

Seeing this situation, Long Zhan chose the second path.

He ran to the train car as fast as he could, dug out a rocket launcher from the weapons that had not been moved away, and ran towards the shooting point while loading the rockets.

When he arrived at the position, the shells had already been loaded, so he flipped up the sight and aimed over.

However, the target had already run to more than 200 meters, which was a little far for the Rocket, but still within the shooting range, so it only required some prediction.

"B1, shoot, kill him."

Locke saw Long Zhan through the satellite and immediately gave Long Zhan an attack order.

"Come on."

Long Zhan kept his composure, took aim, and fired the rocket.


The rocket flew past with a tail flame.

But he missed.

The driver was indeed skilled. The second he noticed the rocket flying over, he suddenly made a 90-degree turn.

The rocket flew past the rear of the vehicle, tearing a big hole in the tarpaulin at the back, but failed to detonate successfully.

The car's tarpaulin was too fragile to trigger the rocket's impact fuse.



Seeing that the rockets missed the target, Long Zhan and Scott both cursed.

Failure to leave behind a full truck of weapons was equivalent to leaving behind a huge hidden danger, enough for Zhu Hairui to use to carry out a major terrorist attack.

Fortunately, McKenna was successfully captured during this trip, which means there is still a possibility of a turnaround.

(End of this chapter)

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