The film starts with the Navy SEALs

Chapter 1992 Interrogation

Chapter 1992 Interrogation

McKenna was the murderer who killed Dalton and the one who took Sophia's secret, playing a key role in the whole incident.

As long as we can get McKenna to confess, there will be an 80% chance of finding Zhu Hairui.

British Embassy Headquarters.

McKenna was detained in the interrogation room and left there for a while without anyone paying attention to him, which was also an interrogation technique.

All the people had gathered in the hall outside the interrogation room.

"No news about that batch of arms yet?" Colonel Locke said with a frown.

"Not yet. The local police are on high alert. The National Communications Center..."

Julia told him all about the current situation. She said a lot of things, but none of them were valuable and had no effect on the progress of the matter.

Colonel Locke decided not to wait any longer and simply began to interrogate McKenna.

After entering the interrogation room and closing the door, Colonel Locke first adopted a conciliatory policy, gave McKenna a cigarette, lit a lighter and handed it to her.

When McKenna came over to light the fire, Colonel Locke withdrew his hand again.

"In the past the IRA used to focus on invisible flames as a way of resisting interrogation."

Colonel Locke said something mysterious, then his expression suddenly fell. He snatched the cigarette from McKenna's mouth and sat down opposite the interrogation table.

"You mean torture? Waterboarding was not invented by the Americans. You British used it on us forty years ago," McKenna said sarcastically.

"We? Interesting."

Colonel Locke laughed and shot back: "You're not an IRA man, Macanna, or you would have known the war was over."

"The IRA was after something that should have been achieved ten years before I was born," McKenna said.

"So, who are you? Don't tell me you're the real IRA, do you think people believe that?" said Colonel Locke.

"Did you serve there?" McKenna asked.

"I've been on six battlefields," said Colonel Locke.

"Alma, mid-eighties? Then you should have met my brother, or you may not have, otherwise you would definitely not be alive today."

McKenna is mysteriously confident in her brother and mocks Colonel Locke as a rookie.

"What are you doing in Beirut? Are you cooperating with like-minded jihadists? Are you going to bring Islamic law to your six counties and turn Northern Ireland into a Muslim country?" Locke mocked in return.

"Muslin is better than the British."

As a Northern Irishman, McKenna's words were equivalent to being a traitor. Colonel Locke said with disdain: "You don't really think so."

McKenna didn't say anything, still with that expression that made her look like she deserved a beating.

"Where are your men? Where is the truck? When will the attack launch?" Colonel Locke asked again.

This kind of conversation with Colonel Locke was an interrogation, and it would have no effect at all on a murderous woman like McKenna.

At this time, McKenna's men had driven to a church.

"It was the damn British army that captured Ma Rui. We must rescue her." The bald white man who got off the car was very angry and shouted wildly.

“This guy is dying.”

The brown-skinned man sitting in the back seat opened the door and pointed at his injured companion in the car.

"Then find him a priest."

The bald white man was very rough and dragged his injured companion down by force. He and the brown man carried him towards the church.

"The attack must proceed as planned." The short-haired brown man said as he walked.

"We must rescue Ma Rui first. We have people inside the embassy." The bald white man insisted.

The two had already arrived at the church while they were talking. The bald white man shouted, "Father, come quickly, he needs to say the last prayers."

"We don't have time to do this now, he needs first aid now." The short-haired brown man shouted.

"Have some f*cking respect," the bald white man said angrily.

"We are in trouble again. You have to clean up your mess yourself." The short-haired, brown-skinned man was not afraid at all and fought back fiercely.

There was already an internal conflict among his subordinates, while McKenna on the other side was still acting arrogantly.

"Ma Rui, tell me, why did you kill Major Dalton?" asked Colonel Locke.

"The woman from Beirut?"

McKenna sneered and said nonchalantly: "It's just that the bitch appeared in the wrong place at the wrong time. She is just a victim of the war."

"What about Sophia Abbud, Zhuhairui's wife?" Colonel Locke asked again.

"She is dangerous because she is so innocent. She might expose our actions," said McKenna.

"What benefits can you get from cooperating with these people?" asked Colonel Locke.

"I can imagine the fucked-up look on your face when you realize that the people you've trampled on for thousands of years are banding together to come after you," McKenna said.

"Stop talking nonsense and tell me what the goal is. I can keep it a secret for you. Just ask your brother." Colonel Locke said.

"My brother is dead," McKenna said.

"I know he was taken away by a government hunting team outside the Rock Bar on Falls Road." Colonel Locke said he did it on purpose.

"You've done a very detailed investigation. What do you want? The Gold Star Medal?" McKenna said sarcastically.

"I was there, I know your brother, and that's my job," Locke said.

"You know him personally, and you want to meet him?" McKenna said.

"I sent him."

Colonel Locke's words instantly changed McKenna's mood. She asked in astonishment, "What? What do you mean?"

"You heard it, your brother is a spy," said Colonel Locke.

"You despicable British villain, my brother is ten times better than you. He scared the shit out of your great Special Air Service Regiment," said McKenna.

"You became like this because of your brother, and everything you know about him is a lie." Colonel Locke tried to break down McKenna's psychological defenses.

"You're the one who lied." McKenna still insisted.

"Sir, can you come out?"

At this time, the door of the interrogation room was pushed open, and Julia walked in and said.

"Think about it."

Colonel Locke left a word, walked out and closed the door.

"The local police received a report from a church in District 5. A priest in the church was kidnapped while giving last prayers to a man who was shot. The man seemed to be taken away by an Arab and an Irishman," said Julia.

"Very good, go investigate immediately."

Colonel Locke gave the order decisively and reminded: "But remember to hand over the right of action to the Hungarian police."



Long Zhan, Scott and Julia received the order to set off.

"The Irish Consulate has been looking for the ambassador. Please help me get Natalie in." Mike from the embassy received the call and ordered the secretary. "He didn't come to work today, sir." The secretary said to Mike.

"Didn't come to work?"

Mike didn't expect Natalie to die. Although he was surprised, he didn't think about it too deeply.


District 5 Church.

More than two dozen fully armed Hungarian special police came to the outside of the church and carefully moved inside, preparing to rescue the kidnapped priest.

Long Zhan, Scott and Julia followed at the end of the SWAT team.

"Sergeant, let's have dinner together sometime. It doesn't have to be formal, as long as there's good food, good wine, and a good bed."

Julia followed Long Zhan and suddenly took the initiative to ask him out on a date.

Although Long Zhan was already used to European and American women, especially those who were agents, who were very open-minded, he had once pretended to be a boyfriend and girlfriend with Julia and even had a passionate kiss.

But this is the first time that Long Zhan has talked about this kind of thing in this occasion.

I was speechless and said, "Do you really think it's a good time to talk about this?"

"Considering that we may die in a minute, if we don't seize the time now, we will miss it," Julia said enthusiastically.

This church was built a hundred years ago. It not only covers a large area but is also very complex.

Long Zhan and his team followed the Hungarian special police force and walked for several minutes before they reached the upstairs and arrived at the room indicated by the intelligence institute.

No negotiation, no communication.

  Let’s get started!


The old door was kicked open.

Regardless of where the kidnapper was or where the human shape was, a Hungarian special police officer took out a grenade and threw it through the door.


The grenade exploded.

The Hungarian special police were like a group of reckless men, rushing in one after another after the explosion.

Because the space inside the room was too small, a dozen Hungarian special police rushed in and filled the room. Long Zhan, Scott and the other two were unable to enter.

Standing at the door and looking inside.

I saw the priest tied up like a dumpling, with his mouth stuffed with a rope, and thrown on the ground, whimpering wildly.

Not far from him there was a chair with a motionless person tied to it.

Long Zhan noticed that there was something wrong with the priest's expression. He followed his gaze, then looked down and found a bomb under the chair.

I wanted to alert the Hungarian special police, but I found that the special police had already surrounded me.

One of them was very violent, already raising his combat-booted foot.

Long Zhan knew he was in trouble.

Without looking back, he pulled Scott and Julia and rushed behind the wall to the right of the door.

Just as Long Zhan and his group rushed out, the Hungarian special police raised their feet and kicked over a chair, triggering the bomb that was tied to a rope below.


A violent explosion sounded.

All the special police in the room were blown away, and the shock wave of the explosion rushed towards the windows and doors of the room at an extremely fast speed like an out-of-control beast.

The special police standing by the door and window were blown away by the shock wave.

There were two unlucky guys who were in a bad position and were blown down from the third floor. They fell all the way to the first floor and were either dead or disabled.

The Hungarian special police, who originally had an absolute advantage, were killed or injured in an instant.

"Shit, you despicable Irish bastard, you almost sent me to see God." Scott got up from the ground, cursing.

"We are very lucky and it's not that easy to die." Long Zhan patted the dust off his body, very calm.

"We should quit, Long. Even if we're not the IRA, if we keep going like this, we might get killed by some other bastards."

Scott said in fear: "Man, I almost died just now, just a little bit."



trial room.

Locke is still interrogating McKenna.

"Francis keeps us going to the bank all the time and we have to pay him fifty thousand pounds a year, not counting other expenses, but it is money well spent."

Locke took out a pile of information and placed it in front of McKenna as he spoke.

Francie is Macanna's brother.

"It's all fucked up."

McKenna pushed away the photo file handed over and said with disdain: "Even a kid with computer skills can forge it in ten minutes."

"is it?"

Colonel Locke was not in a hurry. He opened his laptop to play a video, turned the screen towards McKenna and said, "Take a look at this."

The video shows two men talking, one of whom is a younger version of Colonel Locke.

The other man had a beard and was Macanna's brother Francie.

"Hello, France, this is a small gift from the British government. Two soldiers were able to survive because of you. Thank you very much. Do you have anything else to report to me?" said the young Colonel Knock.

"There's going to be a raid, tonight, at the police station in Cushendall, and the details are inside." France put a folded paper on the table.

"Francie, you're a good person."

The video ends here and Colonel Locke takes the computer back.

McKenna, who had always been stubborn and arrogant, became very emotional after watching this video, and her lips were shaking.

  McKenna's faith collapsed!

In McKenna's heart, his brother has always been his role model, equivalent to the god in his heart, who has always supported him in confronting the government.

But the content of the video told him that his brother was not a "hero" who resisted the government.

  But he is an undercover agent arranged by the British government!

It was like a 180-degree reversal, the hero in her heart became the enemy in reality. How could McKenna bear this?

Locke turned the computer over and started typing on the keyboard.

"What are you doing?" McKenna asked in panic.

"The reason your men are willing to follow your orders is because of your brother. The IRA didn't kill you for the same reason. Because you are France McKenna's sister, they won't touch you. But if I put this video on a news website, we'll see what happens."

Colonel Locke had completed the operation while speaking and turned the screen to McKenna.

It showed that the video was being uploaded, and the progress bar slowly went up from one percent, which made McKenna's eyes tremble.

This is exactly the effect Colonel Locke wanted.

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