The film starts with the Navy SEALs

Chapter 1993 Airport Attack

Chapter 1993 Airport Attack

Colonel Locke's threat was simple.

That was to upload the video to the Internet, so that the secret that France was a British spy would be exposed and known to everyone in the IRA.

This caused France's personality to collapse and forcibly removed his heroic halo.

Everything McKenna has now comes from her brother being a hero of the IRA, which in turn is passed on to her sister.

This allowed McKenna to become a small leader in the Irish Republican Army at the young age of just over 20.

But if France was a traitor, then McKenna would also be considered a traitor. Not only would she not be able to become a small leader of the Irish Republican Army, she would probably lose her life.

Any organization has zero tolerance for traitors, let alone a terrorist organization like this.

McKenna knew all of this very well, so when he saw the progress bar going up, his heart began to beat from his stomach to his throat.

The feeling of fear began to spread in his heart...

"Informers are despised by everyone. As long as this video is uploaded, I think... the IRA acquaintances will definitely be very angry."

Colonel Locke continued to put pressure on McKenna, and then said in a calm tone, "When and where will the attack take place? You don't have much time to think about it."

I watched the upload progress bar reach 40 percent, and then 50 percent.

The Macanna beast is becoming increasingly uneasy!

"Last chance, Ma Rui, tell me everything you know."

Locke continued to increase the pressure throughout the afternoon, and when it seemed that McKenna was about to collapse, the door of the interrogation room was pushed open from the outside.

"Colonel Locke, can you please excuse me for a moment?"

The person who came was Mike from the embassy, ​​and he looked very anxious.

Colonel Locke really wanted to scold this guy, but in this situation he had to pause the video transmission and prepare to go out and talk to Mike.

"Are you Philip Locke?" McKenna asked suddenly.

"Please, it's urgent." Mike urged.

Locke could only ignore McKenna for the time being, walk out of the interrogation room and close the door.

"The ambassador is about to put the blame on you. The Irish consulate knows that you have arrested McKenna. They threaten to report the matter to the prime minister and accuse us of using the embassy as a secret base for illegal extradition. They demand that you send McKenna to London, and send her now." Mike said seriously.

"Are you serious? A terrorist attack is about to happen and he is our only clue." Colonel Locke asked in disbelief.

"He must go, Philip, and he must go through official procedures," Mike demanded sternly.

Seeing that the situation could not be changed, Colonel Locke immediately gathered everyone and informed them of the situation. Everyone was furious when they heard such a bizarre order, but they could only send McKenna to the airport.

"This is fucking bullshit, this is bullshit," Scott said angrily.

"It's ridiculous that a terrorist attack is about to happen, but we can't interrogate the planners of the attack." Long Zhan couldn't understand it either.

"If the CIA hadn't developed that global torture network, we wouldn't be in this situation."

Colonel Locke finished his complaints and then arranged: "After sending her to the airport, you will come back here immediately."


Scott and Long Zhan replied.

"How is your son, Philip? How old is he now, twenty or twenty-five?" McKenna was very proud and even threatened her with her son when they were about to separate.

Locke's son is his Achilles' heel, and he immediately became angry when he heard the threat.

He grabbed his hair and pulled it back, then pinched Macanna's neck and threatened, "If you dare to mention my son again, I will kill you immediately. No one can save you. Do you understand?"

McKenna, who was so proud and arrogant just now, really felt Locke's murderous intent.

He immediately became well behaved and didn't dare to talk any more.

"Get him in the car."

Colonel Locke really wanted to kill McKenna, but this matter involved politics and high-level officials, so he had to endure it for the sake of his official hat.

Long Zhan and Scott escorted McKenna out of the embassy gate.

The escort vehicle was already parked outside.

Mounted police escorts were also arranged, and the whole scene was grand.

"Let's go in the same car with her."

Scott volunteered to escort McKenna with Long Zhan, while Colonel Locke sat alone in another car.

"Why? Because of what I said?"

This bitch McKenna is really a slut. She is the type who forgets the pain once the wound has healed. She just got fucked and now she is pretending again after she left the house.

This time no one paid any attention to him and everything went on as planned.

The four people were divided into two escort vehicles, and under the escort of two mounted police vehicles, they passed through the embassy gate and headed towards the airport.

It’s not that one escort vehicle can’t accommodate everyone, but it needs to be arranged this way.

The principle is the same as not putting all your eggs in one basket.

If there is an attack on the road, the two cars can confuse the attacker's target, and if one of the cars is in danger, the other can be used for support.

  There is no place to sit in a car!

Even if the danger level is reduced, the car just breaks down on the road.

Having two cars can also solve the problem in a short time, and everyone can transfer to one car and leave quickly, instead of having to wait for rescue like in one car.

The car left the embassy and soon entered the main road.

"Did I scare you by mobilizing so many people? When it comes to Beirut, don't always think of rain, but I guess you are thinking of that rain now. She begged me for mercy, it was so pitiful. I heard his name was Dalton..."


A crisp sound.

There were five finger marks on McKenna's face.

Long Zhan slapped the bitch in the face and said jokingly, "I'm sorry, you guessed wrong. What I was thinking about was how to give you a good beating on the way there.

Anyway, as long as you are still alive before returning to England, that's all that matters, isn't it?"

"Well played, very powerful."

McKenna was like a masochist, or maybe he was so proud that he lost his mind. Even after being beaten, he still said arrogantly: "I'm not like that Galton. He is good at beating people, but he can't stand being beaten. I can withstand beatings...ah——"

Long Zhan delivered a fierce elbow strike, hitting McKenna right on the heart.

She screamed in pain and then fainted.

"I've been thinking about it for a long time."

Scott, who was sitting next to him, grinned, revealing a row of bright white teeth.

"It's much quieter now. I like quietness." Long Zhan smiled and showed his teeth.

The two of them really are a good pair!

Ten minutes later.

The car arrived outside the airport entrance. Long Zhan poured water on McKenna's head, waking her up from unconsciousness.

After waking up, McKenna finally learned her lesson and shut his stinky mouth.

Everyone got out of the car one after another. Locke saw McKenna's face was swollen and her upper body was almost wet, and he immediately realized what was going on. The corners of his mouth rose, and he felt much better.

Then everyone surrounded McKenna from all sides and entered the airport gate.

"Can I use the restroom?"

McKenna made a request to Scott, and her attitude was much better than before, but she was still rejected and given four words -

You think beautifully!

"I'm going to escort a prisoner back to England. These people will get on the plane with me. All the documents are here. Our plane is on that runway." Colonel Locke said through the window, pointing at the plane on the runway outside.

"I want to see everyone's passport," the ticket inspector demanded.

Colonel Locke took out a thick stack of passports and handed it to the ticket inspector for inspection.

"You all have no entry records?" asked the ticket inspector.

"We came here from Beirut on a diplomatic flight, you can check." Colonel Locke returned.

"Does she have a passport?" the ticket inspector pointed at McKenna.

McKenna immediately lifted his hands up, revealing a pair of shiny handcuffs between his hands, which were hidden by clothes.

"Oh my God," the ticket collector exclaimed.

"This woman is a wanted terrorist. She needs to be extradited to the UK. This has been confirmed. You can see it when you look at the documents," Locke explained.

"I'm afraid you'll have to wait here for a moment. I need to report to my superiors, sir," the ticket collector said.

"Let me on the plane, or let me go to the bathroom," McKenna demanded again.

"If you don't want to get beaten, shut your mouth." Long Zhan scolded coldly.

McKenna obviously had some ulterior motive. She was standing in public, and Long Zhan and the others were restricted in their movements. This time, they were not scared by Long Zhan.

Still insisting, "There are always a few days every month when, for God's sake, you can't do this."

The people around heard McKenna's yelling and turned their eyes over here.

In this world where everything is about fucking human rights, especially women having special defense buffs, Locke knew that if he continued, he would definitely attract unnecessary trouble.

So he could only agree and said, "Kim, Julia, you two take him to the bathroom."

Martinez and Julia are both professional agents, so he thought that nothing would go wrong if he took the two of them to the bathroom.

Long Zhan and Scott couldn't follow. It was not a good idea to enter the women's restroom in public.

Martinez and Julia carried McKenna on both sides and quickly arrived at the airport bathroom. Julia went in first to check the bathroom.

Make sure there are no weapons hidden in the toilet and there are no escape routes.

McKenna, for her part, invited Martinez to remove the handcuffs from his hands, saying that it would be difficult to go to the bathroom while handcuffed.

Any normal person should be able to realize this at this time.

When a criminal keeps making various demands and looking for trouble, he must be up to something and you should never have a good face towards him.

You can actually go to the toilet by leaning on your arms, but it's just not very convenient.

Martinez obviously realized it, so he didn't remove the handcuffs and said expressionlessly: "You figure it out yourself."

"go in."

Julia confirmed that the toilet was fine and indicated that it was okay to go in.

McKenna was not upset about not being able to remove the handcuffs. She walked into the women's restroom toilet that had been checked and confirmed to be safe with a blank expression.

Martinez and Julia were guarding outside the door, holding their pistols in position on the left and right.

However, it was all in vain.

McKenna was already prepared. She locked the door as soon as she entered, then reached into the toilet drain and took out a tool key.

Julia wasn't detailed enough during her inspection, perhaps because she thought the sewer was too dirty, so she didn't reach in to dig.

McKenna pulled out a key, then opened the locked tissue box next to her and pulled out a mini pocket pistol.

Then he took out a set of universal tools and began to use common sense to open the handcuffs on his hands.

At this time.

The ticket inspector outside asked his superior and confirmed that this incident had indeed happened. He finally passed the ticket check and agreed to let Colonel Locke take his men onto the airport runway.

"Damn, wasted so much time." Scott cursed impatiently.


Locke gestured to the security checkpoint nearby.

Long Zhan and Scott walked towards the security checkpoint and took out their clothes and equipment.

"You need to hand over your gun, too," the ticket inspector reminded.

"I didn't have a gun."

Scott was talking nonsense in a serious manner. He couldn't hold it in anymore after he finished speaking. He said with a smile: "Haha, I lied to you. I actually brought it."

The ticket inspector was speechless.

Not wanting to play this little trick with Scott, he took out an iron box and put it on the table and said, "Put all your guns in here."

"Just watch it for me, don't lose it." Scott started to act funny again.

In the women's restroom.

Martinez and Julia waited for a few minutes, but McKenna didn't come out.

"Are you ready? Hurry up." Martinez couldn't help but knock on the door and urged.

McKenna was indeed recovered, but she didn't recover by going to the bathroom. Instead, she hid the gun in her trouser pocket and put on the handcuffs that she had broken open.

He pressed the flush button on the toilet, pretended to have finished using the toilet, then opened the door and came out.

Martinez and Julia didn't notice anything unusual, so they took McKenna out of the toilet and reunited at the ticket gate.

At this time, Long Zhan and Scott's guns had been collected, only Colonel Locke was waiting outside and not going in, so his gun was still on him.

The militants, who had been lying in ambush at the airport, saw McKenna coming out of the bathroom and knew that she had gotten what she needed.

So the research action began.

First, a man who looked decent and was wearing a black suit took out a smoke bomb from his pocket and threw it under a man's suitcase.


Thick white smoke rose up.

The passengers around saw smoke coming out of the box and thought it was on fire. They all ran to the person next to me in fright, causing a small chaos.

When McKenna saw the white smoke, she knew the action had begun and pretended to stumble because of her high heels.

As he fell forward, he pulled a mini-pocket pistol from his crotch, turned around and shot Martinez.

Martinez reacted quickly, and immediately turned sideways to reduce the area of ​​​​hit, while rushing to the side.

He was shot in the arm.

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