The film starts with the Navy SEALs

Chapter 1996: The British Embassy Becomes a Target

Chapter 1996: The British Embassy Becomes a Target


Long Zhan and Sike shouted at the same time, opened the car windows and rushed out.

"Clap clap clap clap..."

The two pistols fired accurately at the same time, firing more than a dozen rounds in just three seconds.

The gunman who was changing the magazine failed to react in time and was hit by more than ten bullets. Even though he was a strong man, he could not withstand the impact and fell to the ground.

Long Zhan and Scottlick trotted over and checked the body on the ground.

I saw that this guy had a row of tattoos of some kind of flowers from his right shoulder to his abdomen.

"Do you think he's an IRA guy?" Scott asked.

"Look at the tattoo, he's from Worui." Long Zhan recognized him.

"Vori? What the hell is that? Sounds like an evil elf." Scott complained.

"Wori V. Zakonyi, Russian mafia, have you seen these tattoos? They are like a resume, which can show all the experiences of this person except his name." Long Zhan explained.

"How the hell do you know this shit?" Scott asked in amazement.

"The police are here, let's go."

After Long Zhan finished speaking, he heard the sound of sirens, and immediately left the scene with Scott, leaving two bodies behind.

It’s not that they are afraid of being caught by the police. Long Zhan and Scott both have official identities and are enforcing the law legally. They are mainly afraid of trouble.

After all, once you enter the police station, you still have to submit various certificates before you can leave.

It’s better to just open it directly, it’s much easier.

Anyway, the people and cars at the scene belonged to other people and had nothing to do with them.

Now the only clue, Mukhtar, was killed, causing this clue to be broken again, and the information he provided was not very clear.

All Long Zhan and Scott could do was return to headquarters and start investigating the killer.

"That Wori killer must have been sent by Akati Urnov, because we killed his son in Colombia." Long Zhan analyzed.

"Come on, we've killed so many people, they were all someone's sons. Why would this guy come out and cause trouble?" Scott complained.

"Because he is the most brutal and dangerous gangster boss in Russia. The resources at his disposal are enough to match a small country. He especially dotes on his son," Kamari explained.


Scott laughed and pointed at Long Zhan and teased: "You are finished, haha."

"It's over. Why am I finished?" Long Zhan looked puzzled.

"You shot and killed his son. He was the most brutal mafia boss. How terrifying it was! Do you think you could survive?" Scott said with a nasty smile.

"If I'm dead, you can't escape either. You can be considered an accomplice to some extent, haha." Long Zhan laughed.

"I didn't shoot him, I'm innocent." Scott lied seriously.

"You shot him, too. Maybe my shot didn't kill him, but your shot was the fatal wound? Then you'd be the unlucky one."

While Long Zhan and Scott were talking, Julia had the results of her investigation.

"Based on the address provided by Mukhtar, we found an abandoned factory that met his description," said Julia.

"Oh? Zoom in and take a look." Long Zhan gave the order immediately.

Julia projected the satellite map from her computer onto the large screen in front of her.

"Is that it? How can you be sure?" Scott asked.

"An armored vehicle can be seen in the picture. That's the one that ran away from the airport," Julia analyzed.

"That must be the place. Get ready for action." Long Zhan gave the order decisively.

"Today is the memorial day, the holy day that Zhu Hairui mentioned in the video. The attack may be launched at any time and any place. You'd better be careful." Kamari reminded.

"Let's go."

Long Zhan was not scared by Kamari. He was determined to rescue Colonel Locke, so he immediately set off with his men.

Inside the abandoned factory.

The Arab leader tortured Locke for a long time, and Locke's screams echoed throughout the factory, but other than that he didn't lose even a word.

"He won't tell you anything," McKenna said as she walked over.

"Just shoot him dead," said McKenna's top henchman impatiently.

"Bullets and graves are meaningless to us, but he still has some propaganda value." The Arab leader did not want to kill him, but wanted to make something of Locke.


McKenna handed the disposal right to the Arab leader, and then taunted Colonel Locke, who had been tortured to the point of being weak and covered in blood, and said, "You joined the army just to see the world before, but now you have become the protagonist of a torture movie. This is a great improvement."

"Why don't you tell your friends what kind of person Frances McKenna is, Ma Rui?" Colonel Locke shouted weakly.

"Shut your stinky mouth."

Fearing that her secret would be exposed, McKenna angrily smashed Colonel Locke's forehead with the butt of her rifle, leaving a bleeding gash.

The man was so dizzy from the blow that he couldn't utter any more words.

"After you finish filming, remember to send a copy to his dying wife."

McKenna told the Arab leader, turning to his men and yelling, "Come on, get in the car, it's time for us to act."

As McKenna left with his Republican troops, the Arabs began their "professional filming".

Locke was lowered down from the pillar, pulled aside and made to kneel on the ground. A piece of cloth with a string of Arabic words written on it was pulled behind him.

As soon as the Irish Republican Army, which was riding in three modified vans, left, Long Zhan and his group rushed over.

There were not many people in the factory at that time. There was only a group of Arab militants left, all of whom were from the Steaming Party faction. They were preparing to shoot a horror movie.

That is, videos of beheading, decapitation, headshots and throat slitting.

Long Zhan and Scott were fully armed and equipped with silenced guns. They attacked from the outside to the inside as commandos, while Julia and Martinez acted as the cover team and moved over from the side.

"Chirp chirp chirp..."

After a burst of silenced gunfire.

The three Arab militants guarding the back door were all killed silently.

"Chirp chirp chirp..."

Julia came from the side room and saw two Arab militants drinking tea. She shot them dead without hesitation.

Scott's target was very clear, which was the escaping armored vehicle.

He walked to the side of the armored vehicle and took a look. He found that there was nothing inside the vehicle, so he gestured to Long Zhan to let him enter the factory.

To enter the factory, one needs to cross an open area, and the probability of being discovered is very high.

But there is no way out in the current situation. We have zero intelligence on the enemy and can only improvise on the spot and solve the situation as we see it.

As a result, when Long Zhan was crossing the open space, he was discovered by the enemy hiding on the roof.

"Da da da da..."

A string of bullets was fired at Long Zhan. Although his shooting skills were too poor and the distance was too far, and he had the advantage of firing first, none of his shots hit Long Zhan, but he still alarmed the entire factory.

"Choo Choo Choo."

Scott fired three timely bursts of fire, knocking the enemy down from the fog.

Colonel Locke, who was about to be filmed having his throat slit in the factory and whose life was already in countdown, knew that it must be his own people who came to save him.

He immediately shouted at the top of his voice: "Scott, Gibran, I'm here, I..."


The Arab leader slapped Colonel Locke in the face, silencing the rest of his words.

"It's no use for them to come. No one can get in now. My friend, look at the camera, look at the camera, look at me, and repeat after me..."

The Arab leader was very confident in his men and believed that they could withstand the attack. He still decided to finish filming the video first and then go out to kill people.

Little did they know that under Scott's protection, Long Zhan had already run out of the factory.

I walked forward carefully along the wall, and when I turned a corner, I saw them. As a top special forces soldier, it would be a shame to hesitate for a second.

So the next second after Long Zhan saw the person, he fired at the fastest speed.

“Chirp, chirp, chirp.”

After a quick burst of accurate shooting, three of the four people filming the video were killed, leaving only the Arab leader who was threatening Locke with a knife.

He saw his men being killed in an instant, and the man who came in was as strong as a demon.

The Arab with the knife was so frightened that his hair stood on end. He immediately hid behind Colonel Locke and put the knife on Colonel Locke's neck and threatened: "Don't come over. I will kill him. He will die."

"Shoot, kill him, Gibran." Colonel Locke said fearlessly.

“No, I don’t have a design angle.”

Long Zhan shook his head. The Arab leader was hiding behind Colonel Locke. Unless Colonel Locke was shot through, the bullets would not be able to hit him.

"Get out, or I'll kill you." The Arab leader took the opportunity to threaten loudly.


Gunshots were fired.

From another angle on the right, Scott, who climbed in through a window, had the right shooting angle and decisively shot him dead.

"Sir, are you okay?"

Long Zhan immediately went to check on Locke and shot the corpse on the ground again.

"Great job, I'm fine."

Having survived a life-threatening situation, Colonel Locke breathed a sigh of relief.

When they came out of the factory, the rescue helicopter that had been prepared in the sky had already landed on the open space next to the factory.

"McCanna's gang is on the move. They set out before you arrived, in three vans, which may be filled with explosives," said Colonel Locke.

"What is their goal?" Long Zhan asked.

"Not sure, but the action will definitely be taken today," said Colonel Locke.


In the city block.

The IRA, divided into three vans, had now arrived at the busy city blocks and were heading towards their destination.

Everyone in the car had a serious expression, which showed that this was a big operation.

The helicopter was very fast. In less than ten minutes, Long Zhan and his team returned to the headquarters and analyzed the whereabouts of McKenna and others based on the existing intelligence.

"Change access protocols immediately."

Colonel Locke did not forget what happened while he was captured, and he knew that no matter where McKenna and the others attacked, it must be related to this thing.

You will definitely not go wrong if you change him first.

"Okay." Julia replied.

"The locations of all NATO network hub access points within a hundred miles." Colonel Locke then issued a second order.

"What is the NATO network backbone?" Kamari asked curiously.

“It’s a gateway to all NATO allied intelligence,” Julia explained.

"We have to assume they're going to be downloading intelligence on one or more targets, so they need to use an access point," Colonel Locke said.

"Gray is right, Dalton is right, their target is one of the NATO bases," Kamari said.

"Is Papo Air Base NATO's main base in Hungary?" asked Colonel Locke.

“Yes,” Julia replied.

"Then call them immediately and tell them that there is an imminent level one threat." Colonel Locke ordered again.

"Wait, that's one of those pickup trucks."

Martinez scanned the city with a satellite map, and Locke, who had sharp eyes and was watching the trucks leave while being arrested, spotted one of them.

Everyone gathered around.

"Where is this?" Locke asked.

"Joseph Square, just one block from here," Martinez replied.

"Their target is the embassy?" Long Zhan was surprised.

"Action, evacuate the people in the building immediately. Their target must be the embassy. Notify the local government." Colonel Locke gave the order without hesitation.

Everyone hurriedly put on bulletproof vests, tactical vests, etc., picked up weapons and prepared for battle.

After Long Zhan, Scott, and Martinez took their guns and went out to act, Locke continued, "There are two more trucks, Eastern European trucks, both green, one light green, the other dark green, we must find them."

"Why choose the embassy?" Kamari was puzzled.

"Sir, Covey is on his way to the morgue. His assistant Natalie was found dead this morning." Julia reported the information again.

"This is definitely not a coincidence."

Locke realized that there was a big problem and immediately said to Julia: "Connect me to Covey's phone right away. There is a problem here."

At Locke's reminder, the embassy immediately entered a state of emergency.

The staff began to retreat and the fighters began to take their positions.

Just as Long Zhan and his companions ran out of the embassy and were about to catch the exposed van, all the people in the van had already got out.

The last one left, McKenna, went to the trunk and opened the roof of the modified van, revealing a "skylight" over two meters high.

And just below this skylight, a six-barreled cannon was installed that was welded by itself.

McKenna prepared to operate this homemade cannon and launch a fierce artillery attack on the embassy to create a favorable environment for her men's attack.

Julia at the headquarters immediately discovered something wrong with the van via satellite and informed Locke of the situation.

Colonel Locke immediately ordered: "Team B, there is a mobile mortar in the vehicle. McKenna and one of his accomplices are on the scene. Take them down."


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