The film starts with the Navy SEALs

Chapter 1997 Basement Restricted Area

Chapter 1997 Basement Restricted Area

Not only did McKenna appear on the scene in person, but she also took out a killing weapon, the mortar. Long Zhan, Scott and Martinez quickened their pace.

The three of them ran forward as fast as they could, heading to the next street to catch McKenna.

McKenna is still working intensively on the mortar, which she made herself using traditional methods and which requires an external battery for operation.

Because the operation process was rather complicated and tedious, Long Zhan and the other two rushed over before it was completed.

The men with McKenna noticed Long Zhan and his two companions approaching, and in order to protect McKenna, they immediately drew their guns and prepared to attack.

Long Zhan also saw his men's actions and immediately hid in the bunker while shouting, "Prepare for an exchange of fire."


Scott cursed and just hid behind a roadside pillar.

"Da da da da..."

Submachine gun bullets rained down, smashing all the cars on the roadside.

McKenna didn't even bother to man the mortar and joined the firing. Together with Shouxia, they fired wildly on both sides of the car.

Long Zhan and his two companions were suppressed at the beginning, but the situation changed drastically as McKenna and the others changed magazines.

Taking advantage of the opportunity to exchange bullets and occupy a more advantageous position, Long Zhan and his two companions were no longer in a situation of being suppressed, but instead started fighting with the opponent.

Seeing that she couldn't kill the three Long Zhan people coming over, McKenna ran back to connect the mortar.

Julia, who was at the headquarters at this time, found the other two vans through satellite, locked their positions and reported: "We found other vans. They formed a triangle to surround the ambassadorial tube."

There are good things happening at the headquarters, and Long Zhan has also made some gains.

After McKenna left, only one subordinate was left. His firepower alone was not enough to stop Long Zhan and his other two men, no matter how advantageous his position was.

"Move, move forward."

Under the cover of others, Long Zhan changed his position and killed McKenna's men. He immediately gave orders and all the members rushed forward like a van.

But it's still a little late.

McKenna had completed the connections and flipped the switch to electrically initiate the launch.

"Artillery fire, be careful."

Long Zhan was less than twenty minutes away from the van. He saw flames rising from the van, followed by mortars flying out from it.

These mortars were fired very accurately and were obviously precisely targeted.

In this round of mortar attack, not only the network lines of the headquarters were cut off, but also the power lines, leaving the entire headquarters in darkness.

And the impact of the explosion caused the entire building to shake.

"Evacuate, quickly."

Colonel Locke had no choice but to order an evacuation to avoid being buried alive.

However, Julia used the backup power supply equipment and radioed before leaving: "Team B, the trucks have been found, one on the east side of Leopold Park and the other on the left bank of the Stuhannayi Bridge."

"Chinese, leave immediately. This is an order." Seeing that Julia had not left yet, Colonel Locke gave him the order again in a serious tone.

Long Zhan has already taken it to the truck, but unfortunately McKenna has disappeared.

After firing the mortar, the truck was then blown into a ball of fire by the bomb. Fortunately, Long Zhan was on guard, otherwise he might have been hit and injured.

The first truck did not yield any results, and after receiving a notification from Julia, Long Zhan had to change his target.

"Scott, you go to that bridge and I'll go to the park." Long Zhan shouted to Scott.

"Got it," Scott replied.

"Go quickly, go quickly."

Time is very precious now, every second counts. Before Long Zhan finished speaking, he rushed out.

"Leo, find a safe place for yourself."

After Locke arranged things for Kamari, he came to Julia.

But Julia was still on the phone, roaring into the phone: "F*ck, stop talking nonsense to me, connect me to Covey right now."



As Scott was running over, he happened to see the van preparing to move, and the enemy in the passenger seat also saw him and leaned out of the window to shoot.

"Da da da da..."

The two sides opened fire on each other on the road.

Scott's shooting skills were better, and he killed the terrorist who leaned out.

But the van did not stop, and the driver even accelerated further, with Scott as his target, intending to hit him to death.

Scott fired continuously with his rifle, trying to kill the driver and stop the car.

As a result, he fired two shots and ran out of bullets.

He could only immediately switch his dual guns to pistols and fire wildly at the cab, firing more than a dozen bullets in just a few seconds.

Very lucky and very capable.

The driver of the van, which was traveling at high speed, was hit on the head by Scott and died on the spot. His body turned the steering wheel of the car and crashed into the first floor of a building on the right.


There was a loud bang.

The entire truck was smashed to pieces, with the first floor floor and walls crushed underneath by the explosion.

"Another one solved, damn cool."

Scott liked this feeling very much. He spat excitedly and immediately ran back to support others.


in the park.

Long Zhan was not as lucky as Scott. When he encountered the car, he did not move, but entered the hypothetical state, ready to fire mortars at the embassy.

So the several Irish Republican Army members in the car all got out and stood guard beside the car.

As soon as the "old acquaintance" Long Zhan showed up, he was immediately attacked by three Irish Republican Army soldiers, who pinned him to the other side of the street corner.

At this moment, the embassy has entered a state of emergency due to the previous explosion.

Everyone was running desperately to get out, while firefighters and police were walking inside, and various staff were rescuing information.

An embassy has a lot of information, covering a wide range of aspects.

Julia at the headquarters has not evacuated yet. She is still looking for more intelligence, trying her best to find out why McKenna went to the embassy.

When Covey at the embassy failed to get through, she called elsewhere.

"Air Force Colonel, I'm Sergeant Julia from the 20th Division. McKenna's accomplices are attacking the British Embassy. We don't have..."


Julia was interrupted before she finished her words. The person on the other side said sternly: "All NATO troops going to Afghanistan via Papo Air Force Base are under my supervision. They killed my assistant in order to get the pass..."

Thirty seconds later!

"Headquarters, hurry up, there are three shells flying towards your position."

Long Zhan's reminder over the radio interrupted Julia from listening to the Air Force colonel's call, and both Julia and Colonel Locke were nervous.

A few seconds passed.

A few seconds that seemed as long as a century.

"Boom, boom, boom." Three huge explosions sounded in succession. The lights above the headquarters hall were shattered, huge cracks appeared on the floor, and then it collapsed with a loud bang.

This explosion was more violent than the previous one. From the outside, it seemed that the roof of one of the houses was gone.

A large number of staff members who did not have time to evacuate were injured by the bomb, and a large number of rescue vehicles gathered outside the embassy.

And McKenna, who had just disappeared, reappeared and transformed into a medical emergency worker.

He and several of the bald man's men put on emergency medical uniforms and drove a hospital rescue vehicle in a swaggering manner, and stopped at the gate of the embassy.

Hide the loaded gun inside your clothes and put on a gas mask to cover your face.

Four people got out of the car and joined the rescue team. At first glance, it was impossible to tell that they were terrorists, not rescue workers.

This was clearly designed from the beginning.

First, use mortars to throw the embassy into chaos, then disguise yourself as rescue workers and blend into the team, and enter the embassy openly.

"Julia, Julia, are you okay?"

Colonel Locke was lucky enough not to be crushed to death by the floor, but all his backup power supplies were broken and the place was covered with thick dust. He couldn't see anything at all, which made him even more worried about Julia.

After shouting several times, there was no response, and Colonel Locke felt even gloomier.

Immediately call on the radio and ask Long Zhan to find a medical staff.


Long Zhan returned to the building and walked towards the headquarters, where he happened to meet McKenna and her group who had sneaked in under disguise, and mistook them for medical rescue workers.

Colonel Locke just happened to need them, so Long Zhan took two away.

In case there are too few people, the stretcher cannot be lifted.

McKenna and the bald man's men were all stunned. They didn't expect such a thing to happen, and they had no way to say anything, so they could only make the best of it.

Letting Long Zhan take his two men away, he and Baldy continued to complete the mission.

"Who can come over and help?"

As soon as Long Zhan came over, he heard Locke shouting. Through the light coming through the window, he saw Locke rummaging around, and immediately shouted to him, "I'm here, I've brought people with me."

"Come over here, quick."

Locke has found Julia, but there is a fallen cabinet on top of him. The cabinet is a bit heavy and Admiral Locke can't pull it up.

Long Zhan ran over in two steps, carefully lifted the cabinet and moved it to the side.

Julia was indeed down there.

However, he was already in a semi-comatose state at this time, with blood flowing from his forehead and nose. He had no response to the outside world, only groaning in pain and unconsciously trying to move his body.

"Hold on, you'll be fine, just stay still."

The injured person cannot move around, as moving around may cause secondary injuries. Long Zhan hurriedly comforted her and tried his best to calm her down.

With Long Zhan's constant comfort and care, Julia finally regained some consciousness.

Confused, he asked, "What happened?"

She even forgot what happened just now, as if she had lost her memory due to drinking too much. It was obvious that Julia's injuries were not just superficial.

"Don't worry, we'll take care of it."

Long Zhan gently stroked Julia's face, trying his best to comfort her while waiting for medical treatment.

Long Zhan’s comfort was very effective. Julia gradually regained some consciousness and remembered some things, including the reason for the attack.

So he immediately said to Long Zhan: "I know the reason for the attack here. There is an access point to the NATO network center in the military restricted area of ​​the embassy."

"That's impossible. If there was, they should have told us long ago." Long Zhan said in astonishment.

"Only a few people at the top of the embassy know about it. I have contacted Covey, whose authority is far above the standard, and he told me," Julia explained.

"Where exactly is it?"

Long Zhan realized the seriousness of the matter and his expression became serious.

"The basement," Julia said.

Just as Julia finished her answer, the two medical rescue workers brought by Long Zhan heard that their purpose had been exposed, looked at each other and prepared to kill them.


In front of the top agents and special forces, the two terrorists are far inferior.

As the two men lifted their clothes and prepared to take out their guns, Colonel Locke and Long Zhan noticed something was wrong. It was impossible for medical staff to remove clothes to save people.

However, in order to prevent any accidents, neither of them took action immediately.

Only after they clearly saw them pull out their guns did Colonel Locke and Long Zhan take action to kill them. Nothing unexpected happened in the process.

Long Zhan used a cannon punch and knocked the terrorist to the ground with one punch.

Colonel Locke did not have the exaggerated strength of Long Zhan, so he chose to use a pistol to eliminate the target, and shot Long Zhan again after knocking him unconscious.



McKenna and the bald man knew about time protection, so after separating from Long Zhan, they ran and soon arrived at the entrance to the basement.

The embassy guards who were guarding here did not draw their guns immediately when they saw two medical staff coming in.

Instead, he questioned, "There is no request for rescue here, what are you doing here?"

McKenna didn't answer, or maybe she did.

He answered with a gun!

He fired three shots at the guard, killing the defenseless guard instantly.

Then he took out Kovic's Natalie's card and placed it on the identifier on the left side of the basement door, and easily opened the first door.


Inside the dilapidated headquarters.

Long Zhan and Locke checked the two gunmen and found that they were both Republicans in disguise.

Thinking of the Republican Army members pretending to be rescuers, Long Zhan immediately remembered that when he was looking for these two, there were two other people in their group.

It suddenly dawned on me.

Scott just happened to come back at this time.

Long Zhan hurriedly said, "There is an access point in the basement. McKenna has come in pretending to be a rescue worker. We have to go down immediately."

"I'm the only one here, you guys go quickly. If he gets the access rights, we'll all be finished," Colonel Locke urged.

"Damn, what a difficult guy."

Scott didn't expect it to be so serious, and quickly ran to the basement with Long Zhan.

At this moment, McKenna and Baldy had already entered the restricted area of ​​the basement. After passing the first checkpoint, they soon arrived at the second checkpoint.

"How did you get down here?"

The guards at the second checkpoint were not notified and were still unaware of the danger.

Without saying a word, the bald man pulled out his pistol, pointed it at the guard and asked loudly: "What is the new visit agreement? If you don't tell me, I will kill you."


McKenna shot directly.

He shot the guard in the head and killed him on the ground, and impatiently scolded him: "Our time is very precious. We don't have time to waste it here."

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